IranSpikyShield10 months ago

my Celestial champion run was rejected because I changed the Meteor settings to high and my all bosses run was rejected because I changed the starting season to summer. I think doing unseeded CC speedrun with no Orb guaranty is so unfun and the category is going to stay empty, I mean nobody likes to do a 4 hour speedrun and realize there is no orb spawned , also doing all bosses before one year and sitting at base for 10 days for Bearger doesn't seems to be fun either and how can we tell who is faster when everybody kills bearger the same day? So I think for some categories there should be specific rules to keep the category alive, specially for dead categories these two, I really like long speedruns and there is no way to submit a CC or All boss run at the moment.

Info su SpikyShield
11 months ago
3 months ago