FranceScorpionote6 years ago

Hi i want to start running half life, i downloaded goldsrc package and all. i made the bat file like this : "E:\Jeux - Application\GoldSrc Package\Bunnymod XT\Injector.exe" E:\Jeux - Application\GoldSrc Package\Half-Life\hl.exe -game valve_WON -noforcemparms +map c1a0 "E:\Jeux - Application\GoldSrc Package\RInput\RInput.exe" hl.exe

I got the bat file content from nyu's video ( ) about setting up for speedrunning so i don't know what's wrong here, the ui in game is not aligning correctly so i basically can't setup the game correctly. I have half life installed on steam maybe its causing a problem? It's launching fine and i can see my fps and speed just fine but that ui problem is awful.

Can anybody help please?

Edit: added link

Info su Scorpionote
6 years ago
5 years ago