discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Rice God: hi_im_airman, with a time of 4:33.67

Runners-up: Jaychalke and HowDenKing

Thanks for taking a part and helping us feed more people :D

discussione: Speedrunning
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Shoutout to Jaychalke and HowDenKing for each contributing 1,000 more grains to our total (26,900 grains)! All times have been verified in descending order, so both of you are featured on the record graph for English Grammar.

For next time, I'll definitely put current records out for people to see as the challenge progresses. Any other feedback?

discussione: Speedrunning
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Challenge is over! The Rice God for this challenge is ¤hi_im_airman¤!!! He earned 1000 grains of rice in English, Grammar in 4:33.67!

discussione: Speedrunning
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago


By the way, this challenge is still open for anyone else who wants to join! I'll let you know when it closes and who the winner is :D

discussione: Avalanche (Flash)
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

I'll do it for accuracy -- but I'll leave this up for some time in case you want to change anything.

discussione: Avalanche (Flash)
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

@MasterFocus would you like me to correct S4m's score to 15.650 before verifying your run?

discussione: Talk
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Hey Racingmonster, I've seen some of your stuff lately and I really hope things get better. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you've got the speedrunning community at your side :)

discussione: Speedrunning
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Challenge #1:

I'm SUPER PROUD to announce that our community of runners has already fed a person on!!!

In honor of this milestone, I challenge you to show us what you got in the name of good grammar! You have until Sunday 11:59pm to submit a 1,000 grain run in English, Grammar. Winner (the fastest) will be forever be remembered as a God in a new "CHALLENGE HALL OF FAME," to be maintained in the page forum and reposted for all to see in subsequent challenges. Where mortals will become Rice Gods:

Also best rice pun in the comments wins my love

Edit: Make sure you play on English Grammar (not Vocabulary)!

YellowGNK e Jaychalke ti piace questo
discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Hey, Jay! I saw you were fixing up the Golf It page and noticed that your badges aren't on a transparent background. In case you were looking for a way to do it: That site works wonders -- I did it for my rice piles just last week. Good luck!

Sidenote: Changing pictures on this site is a little weird. Once you do it, give the site some time to process the new pictures if they don't show up when you reload the page.

Also, your runs with the facecam and music make them really fun to watch. Awesome job!

Jaychalke piace questo
discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Hey guys,

I have reason to believe that a user submitted automated runs. I verified them before thinking about it. Please check out the new records and let me know what you think.

I'm going to change the rules to ensure that a cursor is visible on the screen. This means that nobody can submit a run recorded on mobile (despite how fast it could be). Does this make sense to do?

YellowGNK piace questo
discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Haha sure, that works for me! Do as many runs as you want :D

discussione: Introductions
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

If you want to run shorter games (20 minutes or less), I have a great list for you!

Currently, I'm trying to get more runners for Free Rice: The site donates rice to people in need for every correct question you answer. Join us!

discussione: The Site
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

For more clarity -- it takes kirkq about 3-4 hours to process 170 game requests. He does it almost every day and does the best he can. It usually takes him about 2 weeks to get to your request.

At this point, kirkq should write up a guideline for others to work on game requests in a small group (led by him). Still being patient on that :)

Delekates piace questo
discussione: The Site
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Update October 2018: Forgot to thank yall for adding this feature at -- much appreciated!

FAQ should definitely be on the nav bar. ROMaster2, can you add that to the Feedback thread? We have so many incoming users and this would help lower the learning curve.

We should also open up writing the FAQ with all of its different categories to the users that know this site really well (you know who you are) -- yall have specific knowledge of how this site is best utilized and can save us from a lot of newbie questions on the forum. I would just start writing one in a google doc together and send it to kirkq for review.

discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Hey Jay and Airman! So I've been playing around with the front page for a while now, and its a bit tricky.

To get a run on the front page, it has to be processed rather quickly. When you submit a run, it gets added to a queue of run submissions in the order that they are submitted -- so even though I'll verify it later in the day, a bunch of other runs may be submitted and verified as well, pushing your Free Rice run off the page. I've tried editing the date element on each run and I'm not sure if that works... while I don't see the runs on my home page when I log out, the # of run views has jumped up by 13 since this morning.

Also, just to see what would happen, I copied one of each of your runs, submitted, and verified it (with your name on it). That actually worked; they are the only run that showed up on the home page. Is it all right if I keep doing that, so I know runs are showing up?

YellowGNK piace questo
discussione: The Site
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

I'm also having that problem -- can you describe how you fixed it?

discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Good job, guys! As of 5/28/2020 we've donated 604,488 grains in total.

¤HYPE UP¤! We've already fed 31 people for an entire day. (takes 19,200 grains for each!)

Keep going! I'll be updating this post every 100K!

Update July 2022: I won't be doing total updates. Maybe someone can take over and sticky a new post. I wonder if we've hit one million... :))

grnts, Gaming_64 e 6 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

I just realized I can help yall out with this for the future. If you mess something up while submitting a run, need a time change, want to delete the run, etc:

Go to the hourglass symbol in the navigation bar. Click "view all." Under "runs awaiting verification," simply click on the run you want to edit/delete. It will take you to the video of the run. Click on the vertical ellipsis on the topright of the box (above the video). There you can easily change or delete your run.

If you need more help with things like this, please ask!

Pear e Jaychalke ti piace questo
discussione: Freerice
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Thanks for your interest, guys! I'm so glad you are speedrunning this game!

While the community grows, I would suggest getting mod practice by requesting a new game (Games (dropdown), All Games, Request a game). There are a bunch of new webgames and indie games out there that need leaderboards -- if you do a run of it and request the game, you should hear back in about 2 weeks if kirkq (admin) accepts it. You are automatically the mod of the game and can get practice setting up the leaderboard, making rules, and verifying runs. Jaychalke, I see you've done this already. Make sure you upload a run to Golf It or they'll take your LB (leaderboard) down :D

Second important thing to consider -- you need to be accurate with timing and know which runs to reject/edit. Jay, on most of your vids you do a good job with accuracy on timing. But endtime should always be taken at the exact moment when you see the final rice count appear. In one of your videos, the clip cut out before hitting 100, so I rejected it. In another, you added 1.5 seconds to your run because the video froze on your final 10 grains -- I will have to edit it and increase the time to where I first see you hit 100 grains (not an arbitrary time somewhere in the freeze).

If you guys keep it up and submit more valid runs, this will show me your dedication and ability to moderate. I'd love to have you helping me out!

YellowGNK piace questo
discussione: Speedrunning
Texas, USAOxknifer7 years ago

Disney Crossy Road, both :D

Pat_Speedruns piace questo
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