United StatesOptic_Darksyde8 years ago

I wanted to see what the wide spread opinion is on separating the leaderboards.

the primary supporting reason that this should happen (imo) is say someone does not have a PC capable of running the game properly, but they have a PS4, they should be able to run the game on PS4 and get proper recognition for a good run.

If someone grinds a route on PS4 for say...No OoB, even if they got a "perfect" run, they would only be 20th or so on the leaderboard do to other platforms having different strats and faster load times.

This is also the same with Xbox One, having faster load times then PS4, but slower then PC.

So in the name of people getting proper recognition for there work on any platform they play on, I think the leaderboards should be separated for each console.

this could be done by submitting separate versions of outlast (PS4, Xbone) and keep this one as the PC version. so basically there would be 3 outlast leaderboards, then we could just use the series feature and have them all be in the same place, and easy to access. Although this would require enough mods, or one super mod (im looking at you finath) to maintain all 3 leaderboards, and it would require deleting all console runs off this leaderboard and having people resubmit them on the leaderboard of there console, but hopefully that wont be too much of a inconvenients. ez pz. CoolCat

(depending on how load times are for Outlast 2, it should also have 3 leaderboards, for a grand total of 6 leaderboards in the outlast series on speedruns.com) lobosLewd

opinions? pvpPaarl

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9 years ago
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