discussione: Home Alone (NES)
United StatesMCAaronIce4 years ago

You could have a 'glitchless' category, although some runs exploit the AI by walking in and out of the door repeatedly, so is that a glitch? Given that it's all the same time and there's only about 3 runs on the board that are glitchless, I don't see much benefit to doing that personally.

discussione: Strider (NES)
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

I also noticed that a double KO could be a possible time save on the first boss (it probably isn't but it happened to me and I considered it). The game gives you the password, though at that point in the game. This isn't like using a known password to skip something, so that password gets autofilled. To me it's like using a death warp in Metroid. The game gives you a password on that screen and you are technically using it right? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the password is just like continuing and if it saves time...

discussione: Cuphead
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

Out of curiosity, did it fix the pause glitch? Anyone tried yet?

discussione: Battletoads (NES)
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

So what you're saying Koh is now we're all capable of beating Battletoads? Nice! Do you have your inputs or a description of how to do this written up anywhere or do you plan to do one? I'm pretty curious on the whole thing.

BTW garadas, you're right that the any% already uses a WW (a form of this same one even), so it might be strange to try to split those up somehow, although I guess just "no credits warp" would solve that if that's what they wanted to do. I'll let them make those decisions, it's just an interesting discussion. :)

discussione: Battletoads (NES)
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

This is similar to SMB3 if you wanted to go that route. The credits warp became the new any% and the old route become any% (no wrong warp). In any event, pretty neat!

discussione: Cuphead
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

For each argument that it's all about beating the game as quickly as possible, I agree, which is why it should be allowed in any%. All other categories are already some form of arbitrary rules that either makes the run more fun, more interesting, more challenging, etc, otherwise there would be no need for other categories for any games except any%. Personally, I wouldn't add any new categories, I would just specify that the existing categories (except any%) do not allow the glitch. No extra clutter. I think GUITARMACIST points out a lot of issues to consider as well, given how much the glitch is going to rely on odd controller setups or force keyboard use, which may push less people to want to run the game. I would hope part of the consideration is to allow for the game's community to grow and thrive.

As an aside, the devs have said they plan to patch the game, so there will be more categories to this game. This is always something that will have to be reevaluated. It's worth watching how the runs grow and change and adjusting as that happens. Nothing is set in stone forever, our opinions may change as glitches and strategies evolve.

discussione: Cuphead
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

You wouldn't have the menu up for a short time, it would be up for most of the fight. On top of that, it mutes the music! This game is known for its amazing art and music and it would be totally obscured. Can you imagine doing a run of that at a GDQ event (or any other)? They'd never approve a run like that. In any event, it should be allowed in any%. Any% is already a rather pointless category for this game, so making it exclusive to any% would actually make that category MORE interesting. Make lemonade out of lemons doing that.

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discussione: Cuphead
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

It's not that the glitch is "tough", it's that it ruins the speedrun of the game. Nobody will want to watch those runs and very few people will actually want to run the game that way. Allowing that glitch forces people to use that glitch (it saves an absurd amount of time) and really hurts the longevity of this game as a speedrun. Would be shooting yourself in the foot allowing that glitch, in my opinion (other than any% where anything should always be allowed). You like the glitch, run any%.

discussione: Cuphead
United StatesMCAaronIce6 years ago

This happened to me twice, I can try to find the other moment if needed (it was during the damage phase the other time). But basically I think you get the screen to scroll when he's on edge of the screen and he just leaves the screen for an insta-kill.

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