Maryland, USALinkums4 months ago

I can't identify any evidence of cheating in this case. I think it's more likely that the boss got stuck in the wall just by the luck of movements, timing of hits, and frame rate. Frame rate does tend to affect boss movements slightly in other cases. Even still, getting stuck in the wall doesn't make it an instant best time - just significantly easier. There's nothing I can do to know what programs may or may not have been running in the background. At the end of the day, this is a just a < 30 second level in an obscure indie game that people are speedrunning for fun, this is a fan-made leaderboard to help facilitate that fun, and I'm just some guy on the internet. If you're sure he cheated, then you can consider yourself the winner in your own mind, but there's not much more I can do about it.

This doesn't really mean much, but I recorded a comparison, so I'll share it:

Zeronium piace questo
Maryland, USALinkums1 year ago

I adjusted the time to when you hit the final teleporter. Thanks for playing. :D

Maryland, USALinkums1 year ago

Thanks for your note. :) Well done on the runs!

Maryland, USALinkums2 years ago

Yeah, there's no difference between regions. I was just noting where it's available mostly.

By the way - there's a button you're missing that'll let you boost from collecting the pills. :)

ZipSpeedruns piace questo
Maryland, USALinkums3 years ago

Hey! Glad you enjoyed the run and are trying it out for yourself!

My advice is to settle for not doing every optimization right off the bat. If it's something that ends up killing you more often than not, don't do that yet and just focus on surviving and getting familiar with the levels. You can add in improvements as you go. It's easy to get discouraged if you try to be perfect from the beginning and never get a run clocked in at all. You could try looking at obsolete runs for our older, potentially easier, routes (but also we may have done dumb things in those which would be bad to learn. idk).

For 5-2, you can always not do the skip for now and then you'll have a checkpoint at least. Though that level is hard to do without dying either way.

I personally got into doing individual level runs for practice on levels that I kept messing up, and then you end up getting some muscle memory. Doing ILs is pretty addicting in this game, imo, because you can quickly shave fractions of seconds from your best and see quick improvement. It might help you to understand and figure out the the little things that help save time in general too.

If you have specific questions, feel free to message KowalLazy or myself, preferably on Twitter or Twitch or Discord. I don't have notifications on for forum posts here, so I might not notice replies here. I forget if I have notifications on for private messages on this site...

TrickRoomShuckle piace questo
Maryland, USALinkums4 years ago

I use a PS4 controller with the Steam version. Almost anything is okay, I think.

I don't know if turbo button controllers should be allowed. I won't make a decision about that. :P

uroco2000 piace questo
Maryland, USALinkums4 years ago

I agree, poshi.

Also, just now, I changed Level Leaderboard to be the default view, and to prefer using in-game-time. Do you think this is a good idea? This game seems more suited for speedrunning individual levels rather than the whole game. But the whole game should still be an option too. This way we can just use the game's timer and not worry about loading times.

I contacted uroco2000 to see if they wanted to be a moderator. Would you also want to moderate the leaderboard? I actually don't want to be in control. ^.^;

poshi piace questo
Maryland, USALinkums4 years ago

Hi. I am not a particularly skilled Mr. Driller player; I was just the first to submit a run to

With the Switch version of Drill Land releasing soon, maybe now is a good time for new moderators who are more experienced with the game.

Also, if people with more experience think that a different timing method makes more sense, feel free to suggest it.

-- こんにちは。 (変な日本語ですみません!) 私は別にMr.Drillerはとくいわけじゃなくて、ただは最初のspeedrun.comランナーです。




uroco2000 piace questo
discussione: Epic Dumpster Bear
Maryland, USALinkums6 years ago

Level - Gold/Silver/Bronze Time (in seconds) 1-1 59 63 67 1-2 90 95 100 1-3 75 80 85 1-4 73 78 83 1-5 90 95 100 1-6 35 40 45 1-A 39 42 45 1-B 34 38 42 1-X 61 66 71 1-Y 65 70 75 2-1 90 95 100 2-2 77 82 87 2-3 110 115 120 2-4 100 105 110 2-5 95 100 105 2-6 30 35 40 2-A 32 37 42 2-B 31 36 41 2-C 38 43 48 2-X 75 80 85 2-Y 106 112 118 3-1 110 117 124 3-2 93 98 103 3-3 132 140 150 3-4 93 98 103 3-5 105 112 118 3-6 125 130 135 3-7 50 60 70 3-A 34 39 44 3-B 40 45 50 3-C 55 100 105 3-X 92 97 102 3-Y 92 97 102 4-1 80 85 90 4-2 95 100 105 4-3 90 95 10 4-4 130 137 144 4-5 90 95 100 4-6 99 105 111 4-7 22 28 33 4-X 75 80 85 4-Y 140 145 150 5-1 84 89 94 5-2 100 105 110 5-3 115 125 135 5-4 77 82 87 5-5 93 98 103 5-6 43 48 52 5-A 39 43 47 5-B 43 47 51 5-X 125 130 135 6-1 105 112 120 6-2 108 115 122 6-3 136 145 155 6-4 138 145 155 6-5 87 92 97 6-6 105 110 115 6-7 51 56 61 6-A 33 37 41 6-B 43 47 51 6-X 80 85 90 7-1 85 90 95 7-2 76 81 86 7-3 83 88 93 7-4 83 88 93 7-5 66 71 76 7-6 85 90 95 Via

Maryland, USALinkums6 years ago

Currently it looks like the Level Leaderboard only lets times go down to the second, but I assume you'll be wanting in-game times, which go down to

Maryland, USALinkums6 years ago

I know nothing about runs of the game and just accidentally zipped from a box falling on my head while playing casually. Judging by how fast I saw you break through boxes, this might not even be useful if it's new.

But just in case, here ya go:

discussione: Lifeline
Maryland, USALinkums6 years ago

Here you go:

Good luck getting past the randomized numpad entry near the end, ya filthy gaijin.

I didn't realize Motoko had already made notes for the Japanese version, but now there's two I guess.

T3tsuya, HaunterStomper, e speedwerd ti piace questo
Maryland, USALinkums7 years ago

This is useless, but I haven't seen this mentioned before:

Initiate drown-on-horse (start sinking in quicksand and climb onto horse while sinking. You'll "drown" anyway and respawn standing on the horse with various effects).

Get horse to die next to deep water so that the horse drifts away / Link's body falls in.

Respawn(?) in deep water without the stamina meter appearing. Actually swimming will once again bring up the stamina meter, but otherwise you can tread water indefinitely. yay I guess.

Maryland, USALinkums7 years ago

I'd definitely have to know more about how the tools were working. If it's reading RAM values to give you information, I'd say no. If it's essentially a customized calculator and notepad that you input data into yourself, I'd lean more toward allowing it.

Not that other games' communities should necessarily influence each other, but a similar example that comes to mind is Metroid Prime (or was it Prime 2?) for which runners used a homemade maze solving program for a randomly generated maze. They'd have to put in the first couple segments of it, and the program would figure out the pattern from that and show the solution by the time the cutscene was over.

Maryland, USALinkums8 years ago

MikansBox found a glitch in Flight to Egypt. On levels that you can get down to the death plane at the bottom, you can mash B and repeatedly kick to stop from dying and continue along the bottom. It doesn't seem possible to finish the level like this, unfortunately. I didn't try to hard though, so it could be a case of the end level trigger not working if you're in an attack animation like in The Wise Men, or it could just be that the end level trigger is actually on the ground like you'd expect.

Maryland, USALinkums8 years ago

A couple more...

In The Wise Men, you can prolong the start boost on the first level by spitting repeatedly before it runs out. The start boost only occurs on a cold boot of the game.

In Jesus and the Temple, if you take damage as you're crossing the kill plane of a pit, the camera will scroll to the top and you can move left or right at the speed you were moving at when you entered the glitch. This only seems to be possible on the last level.

Maryland, USALinkums8 years ago

Found a weird new invincibility thing where jumping off of the edge of a certain platform without moving on the platform otherwise makes it so you don't get hit by the next enemy.

Maryland, USALinkums9 years ago

I just figured out that you can shoot fruit at the troll pushing pillars to make them go in the other direction. If you stand on one and do it just right, you can ride it back in the other direction. I've done it once in realtime, but it's extremely difficult.

You can do it in the next level too, and this more efficient way is probably possible instead of what I did in the previous video:

Maryland, USALinkums9 years ago

The Wise Men: -Being in the fruit shooting animation delays falling into a pit, but it doesn't seem that you can jump out of it after the animation finishes. You are, however, able to walk on the bottom of the screen for the short time that the animation plays.

-Certain stairs (like the green ones in level 4 of normal mode) can allow you to clip downward into the ground if you walk into the stairs and jump. When clipped into the ground, the collision seems generally the same as the ground would normally be, so I haven't found a use for this.

-Being in contact with sloped ceilings counts as being on the ground, so it's possible to jump again while in contact with them.

-There's an area on the far right of level 11 on normal where the wall isn't solid and you can jump through it. If you land on the seam of the wall, you can climb up higher, but I haven't found a way to get back out of the wall.

-Same deal on level 12 of normal.

Flight to Egypt: -You can clip through steep slopes (or maybe any slope? I don't quite know) if you jump just right or damage boost with an enemy.

-You can jump to the next level upward in certain areas. Not really a glitch though, I don't think.

-If you keep your damage boost speed long enough, you can outrun the camera and cause a screen/level wrap. Slopes still seem to exist where they would normally (you can tell by the donkey's animation), but since enemy spawns are based on camera location, they often spawn out of harm's way.

Jesus and the Temple: -Collecting the first scroll sometimes glitches out the level graphics and objects. See:

-Jumping on the last level on Normal is stupid.

Info su Linkums
I like laying the speedrunning groundwork for games that haven't been run before - especially awful games and hidden gems.
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