Western Australia, AustraliaJdeem6 years ago

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YOU SUCK

TheRevanchist e Reptoah ti piace questo
Western Australia, AustraliaJdeem7 years ago

Didn't see these in the current WR run so I assume these are new. A couple I don't think can be done in any% runs with no quickturn.

1 - Skip area before pipe swinging prior to 'Can you make it across those pipes?' cutscene http://i.imgur.com/WS8svng.gifv This is right before the small wallrunning tutorials. You turn the corner, and on the left is this black fence and a wooden board. Jump on the board, climb on the fence. This is actually easier to do by wallclimbing the opposite vertical steel beam and turning right to grab the railing. After this you need to go back, climb the wall, swing across the pipes, and run past the end of the scaffolding to trigger one of Noah's lines, and then you can turn back around and fight the dude / open the door. Otherwise the guy won't spawn and the door can't be opened.

2 - Skip small section before rope slide [broken :(] http://imgur.com/ibcQjRW.gifv Springboard off the fence, wall run, wallclimb the vent, quickturn, wallclimb the wall and pull yourself up. Run to end of building and jump to rope slide. Unfortunately this will cause the Icarus cutscene before the fighting tutorial to never load, which means you won't get the heavy kicking ability, which means you can't complete the fighting tutorials. Really sucks, because it looks awesome. But it only saves a second or two so it's no big loss. Maybe if a way is found to skip the first echo tutorials it will be viable.

  1. Skip tiny tiny section before ladder grab http://imgur.com/DsMgVs4.gifv Don't look at the wall or push towards the wall, only look at the wall when already in the air. You should land on the little pile. Also I have no idea how I skipped the close call animation. I was spamming jump though, might have done it?

4 - Skip some climbing after defeating Enforcer. http://i.imgur.com/5tWiheV.gifv The wallrun needs to be done on the third-last 'section' of wall (each section being the areas between vertical poles), because the last two sections don't seem to be wallrun-able. When you jump from the quick turn you'll land in-between the horizontal poles in a crouch, and you just need to turn around, look up and walk backwards to automatically grab the pole above you. Jump to scaffold. I think this saves about 4 or 5 seconds.

[Edit, I forgot one]

First off I'm not sure if this trick is known, it lets you wallclimb slightly higher walls than you are normally able to. You wallclimb, look right while wallclimbing, quickturn, keep looking right, and jump. You should grab the top of the wall behind you. It's also needed for the next skip, unless I'm dumb and you can springboard directly to the beam: http://i.imgur.com/AXhd2dX.gifv After that, you drop to the edge (or stay on the edge), shimmy beneath the metal, look left and jump on top of the beam. Slide under the next ceiling beam and drop off to the other side of the chasm. And then you're free to do the springboard-wallrun echo tutorial. You may also be able to wallrun a ceiling beam directly to the final door, but I couldn't make it. I'm also not sure if you need to do the first springboard heavy attack so that the game doesn't fail you for skipping it.

That's all I have for now. I'm having a ton of fun looking for these, I never got into ME1 speedrunning (lack of skill) so I hope these help develop speedruns for this game in the future.

Info su Jdeem
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