IcelandIcelander837 years ago

Having submitted a run for level 50 in the mines, I started thinking of doing 120. That's mostly because there is no run for that category so it could be fun to be the first one to do it.

However I'm now wondering if it's utterly pointless. The method I'd use is so boring it borders on idiotic.

  1. Sleep until halloween event.
  2. Spend day of event doing whatever around the farm, just get enough stuff to fill up inventory in whatever way.
  3. Do the amazingly fun golden pumpkin glitch/trick at the event.
  5. Day after, grab a couple of backpack upgrades at Pierre's, then run to Robin and buy approximately 12 stacks of stone
  6. Go to mines
  7. Just start crafting endless amounts of stairs
  8. Fly down to level 120 without actually doing anything in the mines
  9. Set world's most boring record

Anyone have ideas that would be quicker? Because I sure can't think of any

IcelandIcelander837 years ago

Sorry if this doesn't belong here, I can't find a forum specifically for Stardew Valley.

Long story not short: Been a fan of GDQ marathons for a couple of years but never really thought I could do speedrunning myself. However somehow I got the idiotic idea to try my hand at streaming and running Stardew Valley, that bastion of Speedrunning with rich history and contested records everywhere.

I decided to go for the ultra-prestigious mines level 50 category to start with. On my first stream I beat the world record by a minute and a half! But then disaster struck! Somehow I hadn't saved the setting for twitch to archive my streams. I thought I had, so I hadn't set OBS to locally record my streams as I thought it would be redundant. Well, lessons learned!

RNG is an incredibly annoying factor in this category so I barely managed to register a completion since then. Today I decided to change the strat up a bit. I didn't stream as I was just intending to mess around and take some benchmarks but I recorded the runs anyway, just in case. On run number two, the stars aligned. The strat worked and RNGesus was heavily on my side which lead to me smashing the world record by around three and a half minutes! Really wish I'd been recording my streaming set up as I just about broke stuff in my excitement!

I've submitted the run and now the wait for a mod to show up and review it begins. In the meantime, you can enjoy this incredibly exciting run of this extremely interesting category. (And if you haven't figured already, this category is probably not very fun for anyone to watch, but do it anyway)

I have no idea if there's any sort of embedding options here? Edit: never mind, auto-embedding ftw!

IcelandIcelander837 years ago

After watching a few GDQ events, I've decided to get in on the fun myself! Being unemployed for the time being I have the time on my hands to do something fun so why not this?

33 years old from a small rock in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, been gaming for most of my life.

To begin with I'm going to be focusing on the bastion of speedrunning, Stardew Valley! Already did a stream today where I beat the record for level 50 in the mines by a minute and a half, only to find that my settings on twitch hadn't saved so the VOD wasn't archived and I've got no footage! Brutal :(

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