Arizona, USAHoboWithAShotgun9 years ago

As the title says, I'm going to be working on a guide for anyone who's new and wants to run this game. If anyone wants a guide for other COD games, just post here or make a new thread for it. I can do all 3 MW games, both BO games and Ghosts. Will be updating this periodically just to keep you guys informed

discussione: Saints Row IV
Arizona, USAHoboWithAShotgun9 years ago

So, I keep on encountering a weird glitch with the loading screens. If I mash away at the A button (Xbox 360 controller), sometimes, I'll skip a cutscene. For example. In the second mission, once I meet up with Shaundi, and get to the press conference, I'll spawn not in the usual quick time event, but being able to only walk. I had to walk backwards just to initiate the quick time event. I also managed to skip a cutscene completely (the cutscene didn't even start playing). Has anyone else encountered this? I'm not sure if it's useful or not

discussione: Saints Row IV
Arizona, USAHoboWithAShotgun9 years ago

Yeah, I realize that 3:45 is going to be incredibly difficult. To be honest, if I can get sub 3:50, I'll be happy. I just want to run this game, and I don't have enough time to do 4+ hour runs all the time

discussione: Saints Row IV
Arizona, USAHoboWithAShotgun9 years ago

So sorry it's been so long, saw my name in the active runners list for SR4, so I decided to actually be active in this game for once. I'll work on a segmented test run soon, and just base the route off the current WR. I'll try to do 1 segment per mission, and see if I can come up with any route changes. Hoping to get sub 3:45 for in game time if possible. Will report back on m progress later

Edit: As a tip for Baqonator, don't constantly roll unless your trying to do an animation skip. Rolling is slightly slower than running, not by much, but it adds up in the end :)

discussione: Saints Row IV
Arizona, USAHoboWithAShotgun10 years ago

Sorry for not posting here in a while, had to take care of some other things

In the girl who hates the 50's, I managed to kill Cyrus incredibly quickly. When Cyrus jumped onto the roof of the building, he accidentally slid off somehow and fell to the ground, instantly killing him. I doubt this can be recreated,but it's just something to note. Also, maybe buying that perk that prevents cars from knocking you down when they hit you would be useful for that mission, as hiding behind the telephone poles might be a bit slow

discussione: Saints Row IV
Arizona, USAHoboWithAShotgun10 years ago

Hey sellz, good to see someone else is still working on this. Anyway, been interested in running this game for a while, and decided to try out a segmented run. Here's just a few things I've discovered, not sure if they're used in the run or not

Mission 1 When you have to take out the first terrorist, get right in front of him so that he notices you, then you can shoot him and the other terrorist without having to go through the stabbing animation No terrorist kills are required afterwards until the breach, which is self-explanatory

Mission 2 Right, Right, and Left are the fastest dialogue choices at the beginning It's possible to skip certain abduction sequences after picking up your gun. I managed to skip Keith David's abduction by using the diving trick, but that glitched out the game, and I couldn't sprint. I also managed to skip Asha and Matt's abduction sequences fairly consistently using the same trick

Also, sorry for posting the same info on this website as well as the SDA forums. Got a little carried away there

Info su HoboWithAShotgun
10 years ago
9 years ago