discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11234 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I have planned to open a similar category, eventually, after I've updated the ruleset to reflect the current version of the game. Though ideally, it would go from lv. 1 to lv. 65.

AntBlueR piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11231 year ago

Not as long as Knigcom/Activison continues to regularly add new episodes (batch of 15 levels). The run requirement would change every month or so, too sort to substain any kind of leaderboard/history.

DeeMonkey99, C1nderace, e AntBlueR ti piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11231 year ago

You have different levels than the one featured in Episode 1 (on main, not the misc. one) board? Could you share a link of you playing thru those, please.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

Approaching the one year anniversary of the discontinuation of the classic instance of Episode 1, we had downgraded it to the miscellaneous pool. I am confident the new Episode 1's leaderboard has enough run now to convey activity.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

I disapprove this proposed category.

The gold level icon is rewarded when you beat a level on your first try and only your try. So basically, you have only one shot at it if you don't want to go with the hassle deleting the game and re-downloading it just to try again (that's also why we authorize replay of levels on the boards). Furthermore, past World 1, passing levels on first try is more reliant on good luck and churning out cash than actual skills.

Also, I would ratter avoid to add another pure "Score Attack" with no speed component to the boards; I consider the Highest Level consider as grandfathered in that regard. It is mainly a leftover from the time where Dong left the moderation but before me and Oz really took over. We kept it in because it seemed to make the rest of the community happy.

Brycedaroni piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

Hi, I have added new categories for the following:

  • Episode runs using boosters
  • Episode 2
  • IL for all level in Episode 2
  • Episode 3
  • Episode 4
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

The new timing method and subsequent ruleset has been applied and enforce inside the IL leaderboard. I've taken care of recategorizing and retiming nearly every IL run in adherence of the new rules. Feel free to post on the forum or on Discord if I messed up while doing so.

I also had to remove/reject some runs done on the latest version, because they cut before the Wonderful banner shows up or where the video proof is no longer on YouTube. I let it slide for the classic version because must of those run are years old and the levels themselves are no longer available in those form.

I apologize if this sudden (but way overdue) maintenance of the IL leaderboard cause you any trouble. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the shiny new ILL we made :D Feel free to request more levels (preferably between 11 and 65; CSS is a long game and we can't possibly maintain a 9K+ entry board) I'll try to add them.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

Alright, it has been done 👍

LPhantom piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

I've ask Oz about it on Discord. I should be able to give you a definitive answer soon :)

Edit: I have the ok. It should be done later today. I'll post on this thread again when it'll be implemented.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago


Some may have noticed that end of episode cutscenes were dropped since the July 2021 update. So, because our timing method was reliant on that event, I've changed the moment when the runs end on PC and Android/IOS/Emu when the Wonderful banner appears on level 10. Include below is the complete rule update.

The timer starts when you click "Play" on level 1 and ands when the "Wonderful! Level Completed!" banner appears on screen on lv. 10. Runs that does not adhere to this may be retimed. No boosters are allowed except when the game forces you to use them, like when they give you promotional Color Bomb or '+X Moves' bonus when you log in for the first time in weeks. With that said, if it happens during your run, please contact one of the mod on Discord or post on the forum instead of submitting it right away. Their uses may give you an unfair advantage or disadvantage depending on the situation, even the über slow Lollipop Hammer. We are currently trying to remodel the leaderboard to deal with special situations like these.

As such, for the run to be verified, it must meet those requirements:

The run MUST include the moment you press the button play on level 1.
The run MUST include the moment lv. 10 is marked as completed, in other words when the "Wonderful! Level Completed!" banner appears on screen on lv. 10
You MUST NOT select any boosters at any point during the run.

Have a nice evening/day everyone.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11232 years ago

Hi everyone, I checked Candy Crush real quick. Almost all of the early levels had a major redesign on the web and, according to AmyAyayyy, the Android/IOS version. In episode 1 alone, all score levels and a hefty number of jelly levels have been replaced by order levels. Windows 10 doesn't seem to be affected. I think we have to recategorize the leaderboard yet again.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11233 years ago

The current "final" level of the game is 8045 and King Digital/Activision tends to add 15 more every week. Though I appreciate the enthusiast, I don't think any normal "finish the game" category is even close to feasible right now.

Miaunica piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11233 years ago

Every episode except the first two has 15 levels (Episode 1 and 2 has 10). An 'Original 65' category would be more intuitive than 'No Restrict' espicially if the category would include Lv. 1 to 10 (which at the moment doesn't for some reason).

I agree that an arcade-like category 'Do X Levels' would be really interesting and unique, but I'm not sure how it could be pull of on

AntBlueR piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11233 years ago

I would like to suggest the following:

  • Renaming the category 'Candy Crush Saga' to 'Episode 1' or 'Episode 1 only'. Leaving it as the game name when there's literally 7000+ levels is just silly.
  • Adding seperates categories per episode from 2 to 5 (covers all original 65 levels). That would leave a shorter and more approchable alternative than 'No Restrict'.
AntBlueR e Pear ti piace questo
discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11235 years ago

Thanks, I've resub it. I agree on Daily Wheel & Paid Boosters, they are definetly an unfair advantage even with Lollipop Hammer's and the Gummy Hand's stupidly slow animations. Wish there were a mod to control this kind of thing, because if there was a way to allow them faily, using which booster when would open up interesting strategies, espicially on the later levels.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11235 years ago

Speeking of rules, are unavoidable weekly booster bonus allowed or not? I reckon Maga refused my latest run because of them, yet they are clearly use by the Top 2. So, I believe an official statement on the matter could help avoid confusion.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11235 years ago

It appears I was wrong, my newest run got rejected because I've use the Bonus Boosters and openely said so. Although the current World Record did use them too and was accepted. Might want to recheck that one.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11235 years ago

Well, I feel the new world record revealed Mega's stance on this. Feel free to sent your Booster runs guys.

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11236 years ago

It may be the case. Recently King have the habit of throwing free boosters in the levels, which is why I believe we should had an Booster and Boosterless subcategory :p

discussione: Candy Crush Saga
QuébecEDav11236 years ago

I think lv. 50 had been chosen as the Misc. cap because lv. 50 was originaly the last level of the game. It's not that complicated to achieve within 5 lives ether (espically if boosters are allowed), only lv. 33 really pose a real threat in that sense. As a matter of fact I planned to give it a go one day when I'll wont be too busy with school.

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