EnglandDendris8 years ago

@Harmak Yeah, at the time I hadn't actually put any real thought into how much grinding 120,000G takes: e.g. I used a grind spot on 3-1/3-3 that gave ~1,000G, completing the level in ~5 minutes - which comes out at 10 hours of grinding for 120,000G (dull Grind%).

You make a fair point on the A+/S+ dilemma, I said "go with S+" because my mindset was the highest grade on the level times' grading system, thinking "collect" all of the highest grades. But the grades' thresholds ARE technically arbitrary, so saying "there's technically no need to aim for ranks above what's needed for the prizes" isn't unreasonable. How much extra work does it require to get the S+ ranks, though? You'd need to repeat levels anyway because medallions often get in the way of A+. An anecdote for some of the hardest levels (Forge of Hours 2 & 3): I managed to grab all but one medallion between the two levels and still get both S+ ranks during casual play, but I did have a lot of pauses to help me, so it might not be applicable in a run.

If the increase in grind is significant - and I know you'll know far more than I would, so if you say it's too much you're probably right - 100% being A+ instead of S+ would make sense. There could also be a separation for "100% w/S+" or something if anyone was interested down the line - which wouldn't be too different from Medievil's 100% (all Chalices) and Max% (all Chalices + grab all of the Chalices' rewards + the few extra life bottles they ignore in 100%) distinction. (IL runs could just cover S+ ranks anyway without a need for a "100% w/S+")

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discussione: Destroy All Humans!
EnglandDendris8 years ago

@Paulmall The game's not excessively difficult to run, but of course it's unforgiving if you die. Between the PS2 and Xbox 360, the 360 should be faster because it's a next gen console. Both Austin (Edit: if I remember his VoDs correctly) and I think the 360 has faster loads overall but no direct comparison has been done as far as I know.

@AustinTheGamer (Enjoy my Wall of Text) Mr. Crypto Goes to Capitol City (MCGtCC) Disintegrator Ray (DR) Ion Detonator (ID) Quantum Deconstructor (QD)

With DNA requirements, my overall route is to accumulate 2,400+ DNA before MCGtCC instead of 2,000+ so I can purchase the DR1 upgrade (400 DNA, before 'Aliens Stole My Brain Stem') ASAP to blitz through enemies faster sooner. At MCGtCC I buy the DR2 and ID1 upgrades (1,500 DNA total). This is for Armquist, but buying them early might make MCGtCC go faster if something goes awry. Another 500 DNA makes up the QD1 upgrade (1,000 DNA) for the final mission, as it's technically half price (in DNA and time). So 2,900 DNA total. I haven't actually properly timed getting DR1 early and QD1 against getting DR1 at MCGtCC with DR2 & ID1 and (probably) NOT getting QD1, but I think it works.

Condensed rundown of my notes (without DNA & upgrades): M2) Earth Women are Delicious: -Holobob isn’t necessary and only makes you run out of PK carrying Miss Rockwell. -Miss Rockwell doesn't need to be hypno'd, Pox just needs to tell you to grab her.

M3) Citizen Crypto: -I answer the questions in the order 1/2/2/2/1/1, where the last two are answer 3, and so slower than getting them immediately wrong.

M4) Alien Pool Party: -Holobobbing isn't necessary if you're fast through the houses and jetpacking onto the motel roof (civilian alert, maybe flashing police alert). -The Mayor can be extracted without scanning him – Minor Warning: I got ~20-25% chance of softlocking doing this during repeated testing on a test file, but NEVER on a fresh run. -Let the police exit their cars properly (become two new entities), before destroying their car to get 5.5% for the car instead of 2.5% – each officer gives 1.5%.

M5) Televisions of Doom: -I follow the Majestic car and DR it without the PK upgrade (they move closer to Sleep Ernst). If they exit the car, you can do obscene damage to them by knocking them over with PK (grab, move, release), jump on them while they're down, and grab them again. The game launches them away from you at high speed because you're too close, smashing them around for literally ~2/3 of their tank health. -Blow up Sleepy Ernst's car directly after scanning him, the game doesn't care. -Farm during Pox's rant (possibly ~75 DNA).

M7) This Island Suburbia: -DR the scientists' cars ASAP and collect their briefcases.

M8) Teenage Zombies from Outer Space: -This is a great 200+ DNA farming segment using the Anal Probe, watch for random police cars (seriously, they cause mayhem).

M9) South by Southwest: -After destroying ten vehicles, destroying the motel emplacements with the ID can be done quickly and often with authorities spawning near them to maintain notoriety (less saucer work). -I stay near the saucer while killing Majestic.

M10) Foreign Correspondent: -I get Bert from the front and carry him out the back without disguise or hypno, most enemies can’t aim and keeping Bert high is generally safe (you’ll have enough PK). -Also, I did manage to "drown" myself carrying Bert (~waist high lel).

M11) Suburb of the Damned: -Tanks can't see you behind hedges and the chain-link fence, and tanks and robots can be blown up through the fence. -At phase 3, spawn camp the robots up tower 1's road with ID rounds to accelerate the mission (probably ~5secs).

M13) The Mutant Menace: -Destroy the Tesla Coils from back-left of the base clockwise to front-left to reach the saucer sooner. A cow can 1-shot the back-right Tesla Coil if clear and angled right (but awkward).

M14) Duck and Cover: -At the mines, lead the nuke carrier and destroy the mines on the right side of the road, the left don't get in the way. -Entering the airfield with the carrier can be done by IDing the tower and the switch, and then again to the barricades (mind the carrier) then holobob.

M16) Furon Down: -Destroy emplacements with Crypto as you're doing objectives (less saucer work).

M17) MCGtCC: -While holobobbed at the target scientist, scan him and then run to the octagon without him. (Edit: Mistake) -You can drop down the right side of the bridge and jetpack across quickly, safely, and without raising awareness, and is VERY safe on the way back. -Jetpacking across the pond currently works by jetpacking from a tree trunk. It is only JUST barely possible (read: easy death) and running out of jetpack fuel most of the way across probably stops it from saving time (slow jetpack spam). You're better off taking the bridge for now.

M18) Armquist vs The Furons: -I’ve only tried this once, but duking around the boat statue near the boss spawn seems to keep aggression and mitigate the missiles. Also, watch out for flanking troops.

M20) The Furon Filibuster: -Be hyper aggro, spawn kill the front senators down the road, and figure-eight the side entrance due to respawning soldiers (ignore the soldiers otherwise).

M21) Shocking Developments: -Hypno the console scientists, they destroy some Tesla Coils while you move on to others.

EnglandDendris8 years ago

I haven't played through the entirety of Blinx yet (I'm at the Forge of Hours round), but here's my 100% category suggestion:

If the Isa's GameFAQs guide to Blinx is at all accurate (see 'VIII - Prizes' section), then the 100% category should mostly be measured by the number of prizes in the player's collection. Requiring all 80 medals and A+/S+ rankings in all levels to get all 14 prizes. We also then have a 14/14 counter to review. Walkthrough link:

Then there's two other questions:

  1. Should the player have to get the S+ ranks in all stages and not just A+?
  2. Should buying upgrades to max out Blinx's retry holder to 9, his time holder to 10, and upgrading the sweeper to 10 capacity also be required? My answer to both is 'yes', so we can count 14 prizes, see if all levels satisfy an 'S+ rank' threshold, and Blinx's upgrades all have visible upper limits as well. This would also be significantly different from an 80 medallions run because of likely-many stage replays, so I think they can exist as properly separate categories.

So the 100% category rules I propose: -Unlock all 14 prizes: --'S+ Rank' all stages. --Collect all 80 medallions. -Level up Blinx's retry holder to 9 lives. -Level up Blinx's time holder to 10 effects. -Level up Blinx's sweeper to 10 storage capacity. -Defeat the final boss.

Another topic is purchasing the best sweeper (TS-X7 Supreme), and the last clothing set (Bright Set), for 90,000G and 30,000G respectively. Ignoring the grind to get the gold for these, would they need to bought? Sweepers and clothing sets aren't permanently bought, they replace each other, so that would be a strike against their inclusion in the run, and clothing is merely cosmetic, so I would put it as a definite 'no'. I'm somewhat unsure on the best sweeper because it's technically part of maxing out Blinx's in-game ability, but I still personally lean to 'no'.

ROMaster2 piace questo
discussione: Destroy All Humans!
EnglandDendris8 years ago

I've been testing this game for a little while now and - even though this is on the Xbox 360, so I can't say for any playstations - I can safely say this category can easily be dropped from a sub-2h to a sub-1h30m RTA by using different routes and more aggression. Seeing as there's a video of a run here I was hoping to get some headway into putting out a faster time on video (I don't have a capture card, so I'm not going to be posting anything any time soon).

There are various tricks (not really glitches, the game is still mostly being played vanilla) to speed up various missions: -Many instances where you're asked to scan/hypno/follow a character, you can actually ignore or skip it (such as Miss Rockwell, Bert Withers, the mayor in "Alien Pool Party"). -During some downtime/autoscroller sections of the game (Pox's speech in "Televisions of Doom" and the projector in "Teenage Zombies from Outer Space"), these are very convenient times to farm DNA, to the point that over 300 DNA can be gathered between them to forego later probes. -Destroying emplacements early on-foot like in "South by Southwest" and "Furon Down" should save considerable time for the saucer later on. -There are civilian-tier humans that drop 100 DNA (or if you're lucky: 200 DNA) brainstems when live-extracted, like mayors and military generals.

There are many other strats of note, but I'd rather not write an essay if I'm the only one posting. I've already posted something like this on the SDA forums, but the DAH! thread there seems a little too inactive over there to get any real discussion started.

ROMaster2 piace questo
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