New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson2 years ago

McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure is a 1993 platform video game developed by Treasure and published by Sega for the Sega Genesis. Based on the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain, specifically its McDonaldland marketing campaign, players control Ronald McDonald in his efforts to retrieve the missing pieces of a map that lead to the location of a buried treasure from a group of villains. Ronald can defeat enemies by using a magic attack and can latch onto hooks with his scarf to reach higher platforms.

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New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

So, with load times being pretty prevalent in this game, it would make sense to have runs that remove them, I guess it's not really realistic to have a way to automatically do it on console runs, but does anyone know how to make an autosplitter for this for PC runs?

If an autosplitter was made that made all the splits for you consistently while doing the run, that would be an even better bonus, but really, the important thing would just be having an autosplitter that automatically stopped the timer for load times so you wouldn't have to manually do it.

If such a resource became available for this speedgame, I'd probably wind up buying the PC version for it :P

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure

pinggas_ piace questo
discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

I also agree with that. I was okay with the decision to ban him at the time, but in light of recent events and decisions made, keeping him banned under these circumstances makes no sense.

I have no idea if he'd ever even want to come back and submit runs, but it's the principle of the thing.

HDlax piace questo
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

So here's the link to the server:

People can join if they want, the invite is permanent. I wouldn't personally recommend it though.

discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

I'd personally say no to all of them, for pretty different reasons, but it's not a strong opposition or anything, I wouldn't really care if any of them got it too much, since pretty much all mods are needed for are to verify runs, and I'd say they're all at least capable of doing that, probably, so it'd work out anyway.

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

Yeah, that definitely makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking, and seems to be the case, I think it's just coincidence that getting there fast happens to put you in the situation where the sprite limit occurs. I did a casual run through of the area and caught that water trap thing at the start of the cycle instead of the end and it did the same thing with the dragon not spawning.

I guess they didn't find it in testing because they didn't expect people to barge through the traps like that.

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

I don't even understand the technical reason for it, something about doing the fast movement there just causes that enemy to not spawn, I believe the movement I try to do there is the fastest, so maybe the game just doesn't expect you to be there that quickly and for some reason can't spawn the enemy if you are.

Like, you can see on my previous PB video that's on the left of that screenshot, that I'm in about the same place at about the same time and the enemy is there, so the movement to avoid the spawn must be somewhat precise, at least.

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

In my limited time trying that, it seemed like everywhere had the same amount of text boxes as English, so I don't think there would be any notable difference in time, if there was though, technically, since this language option requires a "cheat code" instead of just having the language option plainly available, it probably wouldn't be allowed.

discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

As for Nintendont, it's allowed for use with discs, but only in PAL categories

discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

For new mods, I'd say no. Removing the inactive mods is a good idea, adding new ones though doesn't really serve to benefit the leaderboard or anything. The only benefit would be a status symbol to make the people who got it feel good about themselves. Runs already get verified much faster than 99% of other speedrunning leaderboards, and that's all mods do, does it need to be better than that?

As for a new supermod, I would also say no to that. If I had to pick one I would say Nimbus, because supermods should probably meet 3 qualities:

  1. Actually want to be a part of the community

  2. Don't frequently piss people off, intentionally or otherwise

  3. Make rational decisions, especially if supermods are looked to to make decisions, this would seem important

As far as I know, Nimbus fits the criteria, whereas the other options that I'm aware of all go against at least 2 of them.

HDlax e Skozzy ti piace questo
discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

I'm fine with adding milliseconds as long as it doesn't have to be on every category, and it's optional to include milliseconds to a time when submitting it. Since there's no real reason to not break ties where applicable, but also having milliseconds on absolutely everything would look pretty messy. Also on really close ties it would cause extra effort for those to be retimed to see who was actually ahead, but none of that effort would fall to me at all, so I don't really care about that since it's not my problem.

On the other side of things, I have no problem leaving things as they are either, since ties are pretty rare, and the three way tie for WR is in a category as arbitrary as the criteria for inviting people into the relay race qualifier. Really that category should never have existed, but it's been there way too long to do anything about it now.

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson7 years ago

Kind of late in response to it, but for the New Game+ rules in that case, shouldn't the rules specify that those cards are allowed in the Japanese version? As it is, the rules strictly forbid use of those cards, while all the decent runs use them.

And why is it that 100% requires the entire run to be livestreamed? That seems both absurd and arbitrary. The only possible reason I could think of would be that it would make it a bit harder to cheat, but even that's not valid, because if someone wanted to cheat a run together, that rule would be a minor inconvenience at best to get around. Also the rule does make it seem like if your stream drops at all at any point during the 100+ hour run it would be invalid because the whole thing wouldn't be live anymore.

discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

I agree with the idea of replacing categories, but not really the categories being added and removed. All Boos just came up in a discussion earlier today from what I've seen, nobody even considered doing it at all before, why not instead add something like All Portrait Ghosts, which has been around for a while, and actually has runners (in fact, when this discussion came up, I checked the Luigi's Mansion directory and the only streamer I saw there was doing an All Portrait Ghosts run).

As for which categories to replace, it really depends on the reason to remove them. If we're removing categories because they're arbitrary, the keys should definitely go, if we're removing categories because they're inactive, then max% is far and away the best candidate for the chopping block.

Also, just as an aside based on an earlier comment, don't make an A Rank with a 40 boo requirement, because that would obviously be a bad idea. It would make about as much sense as requiring the use of Out of Bounds in Any%.

Skozzy piace questo
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

Well, in my first attempt to play this game since that crashed, I decided I'd play some nice simple 100 Egg, then this happened...

Is this a known crash too? And if so, is there a list of known crashes so I can try to avoid them? >.>

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

Are the rules for NG+ out of date or something? I mean, it states "Any unobtainable cards (Gate Guardian, Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, etc.) are forbidden.", but WR has a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon in the first hand.

skubri piace questo
discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

With the idea being to avoid any drama or anything in the future, we would have to remove all of the non-European times on the leaderboards unless the runners can prove use of disc channel, which I really doubt. Since removing the times would be the only fair thing, leaving times up just because they're bad even though they're against the current rules doesn't work unless we want to get some SMS style rules of "you're allowed to load through X if your time is worse than Y", which makes no sense.

So that would leave 2 times up for Any% and 3 for 100%, as main categories... At least one of the PAL categories was already on its way to being demoted to a Misc category before I started running them, me taking the categories seriously enough to get decent times in them was the main thing that saved them from that fate, but with those amounts of runners, there would be absolutely no argument for leaving them as main categories, both of them combined would have less runners than memes like low%.

Of course, demoting them to Misc categories, well, that would give the categories even less of a chance to survive in any form, since the leaderboard rules obviously still apply to Misc categories, but even less people would care about them. At that point, it feels like having them on these leaderboards wouldn't even be worth it. They would just be there as a sort of reminder that PAL categories used to be a thing, while they would remain there, completely and utterly dead.

I was initially opposed to the idea of PAL being its own leaderboards, since, you know, it's still Luigi's Mansion, it didn't seem to make much sense. Really though, that's probably the best option of all of them. Having PAL in its own place so it can have its own rules and allow whoever wants to to run it however they so choose, this would also allow there to be a greater variety of PAL categories since that wouldn't really fit on the main leaderboards either. Sure, PAL being on a separate leaderboard would make it a lot less likely that people unaware of what PAL is would ever discover it, but it would greatly increase the odds of people that have an interest in running it actually being able to, so PAL would actually have a chance to survive in some form, unlike just sweeping it off to the Misc categories to rot, which is the only place it would fit on these leaderboards.

discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

Pretty late, but I support the idea. People say I'm good at meme categories, as such, I would volunteer as mod.

(Thinking about it, I've probably run more than 10 categories that would never make the main leaderboards, I could come up with 6 off the top of my head, but there are probably more)

discussione: Luigi's Mansion
New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

I'm extremely biased of course, being pretty much the only person to run PAL (and get times that are even within a few minutes of decent), but my opinion on what should be allowed is basically the opposite, as admitted little sense as it would make to be on the same leaderboards as the other categories and their strict rules. If it was up to me on PAL rules, I would just basically let it be anything goes, emulators, USB loaders, disc loaders that eliminate lag, just anything. Allowing everything makes as fair of a playing ground as banning almost everything, the big issue is just that it completely clashes completely with the rules already set for the NTSC runs (which is really the only reason I could understand the argument for PAL being its own leaderboard on the site, I would accept that happening, if it came to it at this point). It would welcome anyone that wanted to run it though, at no additional cost to them.

When it comes to using a signal converter, I actually have one, and it doesn't really work the way it should, in that the best it can possibly do is allow the audio to function properly, with no video at all. So when it comes to picking a signal converter for anyone who would want to in the future, it's basically a guessing game to try to find one that would work for this purpose, since the information available on them is really scarce. Anyone wanting to use a signal converter to run PAL would have to just order one and hope for the best, and they're really not cheap to be gambling money on.

Buying an extra capture card for the sole purpose of running a specific category of one game seems like a bit of an unreasonable added expense as well, considering you would already need to buy the PAL version of the game, you're looking at probably over $100 for someone who runs Luigi's Mansion that wants to make the jump to PAL, and most people that are interested in PAL just seem to have interest in trying it, not really running it long term, so such an investment is out of the question for them.

I'd like to see a run that has the timesave from the difference in FPS that's so significant, my PBs are on a loader that converts the signal to NTSC so I would think it should be faster like mentioned, but the game definitely never felt faster because of it, and I compared my PB videos to those of two European runners, and just compared cutscenes since if it time that quickly, it should be noticeable easily (since the cutscenes I've been comparing are over 12 seconds at least, it should save 2+ seconds if that's the case), but my runs don't save any time in the cutscenes. So I'm kind of wondering if that's actually a thing that happens. I can see why it makes sense in theory, but I'd really want to see an example of it happening, because I simply cannot find one.

New Brunswick, CanadaDeathJohnson8 years ago

All right, thanks, now that I know I don't need a new disk, I can try actually planning to do another run, whenever I have all day again :P

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