United StatesCmdr6 years ago

Hello everyone! On behalf of the Wii Sports Resort Mods, I'd like to announce some rules changes, new categories, and some over all life improvements to the leaderboards. This was a democratic vote with the inclusion of Plyd823.

Of course with anything on these leaderboards, certain aspects are subject to change. And we will let you know if anything important comes up. Feel free to join the Wii Sports Discord for discussion and to chat!

Leaderboard Changes:

We will be moving the Golf GiveUp% and Golf- Blind categories under Golf as a sub category. This will clean up the boards for the new categories that we are adding.

We are also moving Frisbee Golf GiveUp% under the Frisbee Golf Category.


Beat the Champion- Speed Slice

Power Cruising- 6 Stages

Bowling Pro Class- Just getting Pro in either Bowling, 100 Pins, and Spin (these will be sub categories). (I am personally not going to add this category to the board till someone does one of the runs.)

Golf/Frisbee Golf- All Courses (This is the 21 Holes suggested. The stipulation here is that you must select EACH 3 hole course in your run. You cannot do a 18 hole run then run Special. This is because the wind on Special is usually consistent, such with the winds on the 3 hole courses.)

Power Cruising- 5 Balloon Challenge (Finding the 5 Balloons in Free Roam)

Canoeing- Quack% (Finding all 10 baby ducks in Free Roam Canoeing, the game actually keeps track of your IGT for you)

Rules Changes:

Cycling- Now for Cycling, if you have a 15:30 IGT or under, you must have video proof

Swordplay Showdown- If you have a 17 minutes or under, you must have video proof

Golf GiveUp%- Runs 16 minutes and under requires video proof

Golf Blind- All runs require video proof

So this is our changes. We want to thank all of the community members for your continued support and happy speedrunning!


polarsken, Triple-T e 2 Altri ti piace questo
United StatesCmdr6 years ago

As we don't have this as a category yet, feel free to put your runs here so if/when it does become a category, I'll personally add your runs to the boards.

United StatesCmdr6 years ago

Similarly to Wii Sports Resort, which seems to be booming with all the different categories one person can run. I present a lot of fun, hope you enjoy.

United StatesCmdr6 years ago

Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort Discord: https://discord.gg/XRtqXAM

Wii Sports Resort Leaderboards- https://www.speedrun.com/wsr

grnts piace questo
United StatesCmdr6 years ago

Just two things I want to discuss real fast.

When submitting a run, please only submit IN REAL TIME only. We aren't going to deny your run obviously, but just makes our jobs a bit easy and keeps the leaderboards cleaner. The only exception to this is Cycling, which as an in game timer that is more accurate than trying to do in real time. However for cycling, you will need to have a in real time to submit with it.

For all the great people who run 18 Hole Golf, you can now use your 18 Hole runs for individual 9 hole runs on the extended categories leaderboard. Resort is normal, time starts at the menu clicking "Eighteen Holes", for Classic time can start after you make it in the 9th hole. However, this is 4 seconds longer than just doing 9-Hole Classic, but you now have that option at least.

However, you will not be able to submit 3 Hole Runs with your 18 or 9 Hole runs as proof. The wind changes for these 3 hole runs.

This is all, happy speedrunning!

United StatesCmdr6 years ago

So some of us mods sat down in Discord chat and discussed rule changes and new categories. Here is the results.

New Rule Changes: You can now use any of the 3 Hole Golf or 3 Hole Frisbee Golf courses for All Sports/All Categories runs. We suggest Resort A, as it still will be consistent and give a fast time. However, if you find a hole set that works well for you, you can go with that.

Frisbee Golf 18 Hole has changed to now you need a video for anytime sub 14 minutes.

New Categories: 2500 runs- We will add 2500 runs as a category but only after someone submits a video run of the said category. We will add it by sport once the runs come in. The rules would start with a fresh Mii and time stops when you reach 2500 skill points.

All Stamps/Individual Sport Stamps runs- Similar to 2500 runs, we will add these categories once we have a video run of said category. Start with a Mii that has 0 stamps, time ends when you receive all the stamps in said sport, or all the stamps in all sports.

Double Golf Category- We will add this category once someone submits a run. Start with either Frisbee Golf or Golf, do an 18 hole run in Golf and in Frisbee Golf. Time starts with pressing "Eighteen Holes" on the first choice, and ends by either the ball rolling into the last hole of Golf, or the Frisbee flying into last hole of Frisbee Golf.

There were some new categories we discussed, but decided not to add. Maybe in the future we might add these, but for now they'll stay off the leaderboards. Feel free to make your own video run of said category and explain why you think it would make a good category for the leaderboards.

Other mods are happy to chime in on things I missed or clear up some of the stuff I mentioned. Happy running!

Triple-T, Alaskaxp2 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
United StatesCmdr6 years ago

I figured for anyone who wanted to join in on some All Sports runs, here are the current list of strats that we've come up with the help the run. Many others will be able to chime in below, but I figured until someone makes a video like Alaska did, here will be a good start.

I suggest starting with Frisbee Golf, as making the first hole a hole in one is a pretty big save, and something that can easily be reset for.

Frisbee Golf: Classic B- This course is the fastest course by far. Hole 13 will be a Hole-in-One. Hole 14 will be an Albatross, and Hole 15 will be an Eagle. You will want to learn how to Wipeout-throw. For now you can watch any of the top runners (Alaska, Cmdr, Cedrik, Wipeoutjack).

Golf: Classic B- Classic B is quick and is the safer approach over the faster "Classic C". You want a quick birdie on hole 13, eagle on hole 14, and birdie on hole 15. Eagling Hole 15 will save 6 seconds. We call this "ECA, or "Eagle Cutscene Abuse" (Trademarked by Alaska) of skipping the replay for the last hole, but isn't realistic to waste time to go for.

Swordplay Duel- Either using Fumkio or Ryan to duel. Fumkio is all about up and down swings, Ryan is side to side. I would personally say Ryan is faster, as you can three swing him if you are perfect, but for now it will be player preference.

Power Cruising- The fastest strat currently is to play Cavern, which can get you a 52 second time if you are quick. Boost as much as possible, but make sure you are in the water and perferably, when you are about to hit a wave.

Archery- Archery is one of the more relaxing sports. All you have to do is shoot straight at the ground as fast as you can for each one of the twelve shots. One the last shot, you aim at the air to allow for a quicker pause. Currently Beginner is the quickest, but we are playing around with Intermediate potensially being fast as well.

Cycling- TO THE BEACH!!! You must choose the 2nd stage, otherwise you are in for a bad time (quite literally). Remember to do the boosting as much as you can while drafting as much as you can. It's a challenge to get sub 2 minutes on this, but it is what to aim for.

Table Tennis- It is our friend Cole! Alaska has a video showing how to backspin the serve to foil Cole every time. Along with getting to return aces on Cole, that makes this pretty easily. You can also do DTB (Double Table Bounces) to speed up your serves. Watch Cringe_Daisy's BtC: Table Tennis Match record to see how he does it.

Extra Notes by Alaskaxp2: In Table tennis, if you want to use backspin, hold your hand in the direction you want the ball to go, and swing it in a J-shape towards the TV. While you are doing this, your hand should start off facing towards you, but end up facing the TV. This is a strat used ONLY in points where you’re serving. When Cole is serving, try to hit an early shot, directing it as far away from Cole as possible. If you have any questions, ask in the Wii Sports Discord server (in the WSR forums). Thanks!

Canoeing- After almost getting 100m about three times to set this up, you'll just complete the course as fast as possible. After a few attempts, you'll find a rhythm to it. Slow deep paddles, back and forth. Keep both hands on the Wii Remote like an actual paddle. Stuff like having the sensor bar above you and the hands on the top of the wii remote have been known to be helpful.

Basketball- Now is basketball we do a strat called "Jumpless" GhostT does a great job explaining it here - https://www.speedrun.com/wsr/guide/9rxbw

Bowling- This one is easy to say, hard to pull off. Strike the first 9 frames, don't strike the first 10th frame attempt and then angle the bowling ball to land in the gutter as soon as it can. Exit as soon as it lands in the gutter.

Wakeboarding- The only real "autoscroller". You just have to do a Beginner run. Just sit there and relax. Use this as a break inbetween some of the bigger runs. Exit once "Finished" appears.

Skydiving- Once you jump out, immediately dive backward, grab someone, flip around to go head first, and start dropping. This is called "Gwen Skip", and it saves 5-6 seconds if pulled off well. Angle the Wii Remote down to where you are falling the fastest (hint, it isn't straight down, kind of at a 45 I find.) Time stops when you get your picture taken.

Babalee, Th3on3C e 5 Altri ti piace questo
United StatesCmdr6 years ago

Here is the thread to suggest all of the new categories for the category extensions. The leaderboards should be all set by some time on February 15th, once us mods get to sit down and talk things out.

United StatesCmdr6 years ago

So I did some checking in, and here is some of the things we've gather. This applies to Frisbee Golf, Power Cruising, and Skydiving.

Frisbee Golf- Classic B course may end up being faster. Alaska might be better to show this, personally when I did my run I sucked up hole 2, but it seems to be faster all around.

Power Cruising- I have video proof (uploading right now, so I will link it in the morning) of getting sub 50s on Marina and Cavern. This something you could not do (that we know of) in Beach, thus saving 5-7 seconds.



Skydiving- During one of Alaska's streams, Randommo suggested something about skipping Glen (That's her name right?) for Skydiving. When I attempt this, it saved me a few seconds on Skydiving.

I personally did a lot of calculations, taking in consideration the perfect run, and I got about a 16:30. This didn't include our new knowledge of Classic B on Frisbee Golf, Randonmo's skydiving suggestion, and included my old times on 50.17 on Marina for Power Cruising.

I'll continue to check these out and more during my runs. For those who are new, I hope you aiming for sub 20. Alaska did a great job showing some key strats to help you with that.

United StatesCmdr6 years ago

All Sports states that "finish a course of Power Cruising".

I was on the individual cycling level idea when this came to me, so I tested it out and now I know we can save some time if we do other courses other than Beach.

In about an hour of just going through the courses, these were the times I got. I started timing when I pressed A before the course began to when I crossed the finish line.

Beach- 54.78 (WR has 56.08) Cove- 59.96 Light House- 57.91 Marina- 50.17 Cavern- 50.87 Shoals- 50.15

The only thing that has to be noted is in Shoals and Lighthouse, I was so far ahead of the score points that I didn't trigger the finish line. But that was one out of probably 6-10 attempts each, just depending on where I cut through and passed score points.

I also would note that this would probably put Power Cruising sooner in the run in my opinion, because if you don't cut through fast enough, it respawns you and basically kills the run.

My suggestion is to switch to Marina, it is a little bit safer than Shoals, but Shoals or Cavern may end up being faster.

If we want to explore this more, a category for it may prove to be useful.

Chrisoofy e Alaskaxp2 ti piace questo
United StatesCmdr6 years ago

This is something I said in my most recent All Sports run. The Cycling All Stages category is pretty dead. And I think Bandow would agree that were it is now, it's going to be really hard to attempt to beat the WR right now. What if we had individual runs based on the in-game timer? If we are focusing on each individual stage for a bit, maybe we will be able to bring down the All Stage category.

Kind of a comparison to show you how close it is right now.

Stage 1 Bandow- 2:24.95 Cmdr- 2:24.81

Stage 2: Alaskaxp2 (Taken from his 17:52 WR run)- 2:03.43 Bandow- 2:02.00 Cmdr- 2:02.90

Stage 3- Bandow- 2:11.55 Cmdr- 2:12.28

Stage 4- Bandow- 2:37.86 Cmdr- 2:38.11

Stage 5- Bandow- 2:53.58 Cmdr- 2:54.53

Stage 6- Bandow- 3:06.86 Cmdr- 3:06.61

Alaskaxp2 piace questo
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Speedrunner 2016-2021. Major part of ResortFest International / Midwest Speedfest. Full-Time Teacher
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