discussione: Sea of Thieves
CanadaCESTQUOICA6 months ago

So I did play and stream my attempt at an "all Order of Souls - Raids". I changed the formula and tried going for a bigger challenge, where we start timer while emerging and ending on kill / door opening. First run I realised that including Mermaid Shrine is very RNG on which one you get so not very good for competition... Also, the Burning Blade's Armada raid is not available on safer seas... This said, my 2nd attempt (at 2h 24min on twitch) is focusing combat raids on Safer Seas to showcase safer seas challenge (but died in the end).

What are your thoughts people?

Things to discuss / decide for speedrun category:

  • deathless? (if so, can players revive each other?)
  • without sinking? (prevents free fire bomb supplies for next event)
  • when to start / end timer (I did when emerging / boss kill or door opening)
  • players have to show they start the run from game's menu (to avoid stacked resources?)
  • glitchless
  • timer in one go? (diving in safer seas has inconsistent duration so just paused in between events)

Uploaded to YT but quality is disgusting... will try to figure out how to export properly next time but here's the link for when Twitch video stops working

discussione: Sea of Thieves
CanadaCESTQUOICA7 months ago

Sorry about the video, it got too old on twitch and got deleted! Should have made YT format. If you need one, I could do one tomorrow.

To make speedruns more challenging & interesting for those who prefer longer runs, it could be discussed to have some sort of marathon of events like doing all raids of one faction in one go... but the problem is that I think there is a 15min cooldown on diving, so if you clear your event in less, you wouldn't be able to move foward =s But to be tested...

[For example, raid (with OOS) a sea fort, a sunken shrine, an ashen lord, a skelly fort, a skelly fleet and a phantom fleet. I guess people could always pause timer on event clear until start of next one]

Safer seas and diving are opening new doors to speedrunning, just wanted to make sure the talk was started on what kind of stuff to run with that, 'cause it definitely has potential for great challenges ^^

Edit: note that Safer Seas don't let players do Athena voyages or "Battle with the Burning Blade's Armada" raid for other companies.

Can't wait for anti-cheat to come out, most likely going to help with the legit side of the runs.

discussione: Sea of Thieves
CanadaCESTQUOICA7 months ago

Well, I just tested aaaaand.... WE CAN dive in safer seas!!!! Meaning 100% sure no other players / people already started event possibility! Won't have access to athena quests but still very cool for speedrun reasons ^^ *edited typo

discussione: Sea of Thieves
CanadaCESTQUOICA7 months ago

Technically, it happens sometimes that someone is at the edge of the zone when you emerge, so the game thinks there was no one around. Even so, you get a random crew that will most likely want to sink you! I guess including horizon checks should be part of rules, just in case. We could add to watch journal on ship to show crew names, to make sure no one is having hidden teammate (by using hidden hud for example, and calling the run solo). Another point to discuss is that this method doesn't guarantee you a good fort for speedrun; certain forts have really far spawn points while others have really close ones. Also, we could include to raise emissary and have to sell loot, but then, other players could definately be an issue. Unless it's possible to fort raids in safer seas? (with Order of Souls, merchant or gold horders?) Haven't tested that one.

I really like that you can't stack helpful items beforehand in this concept (like getting athena kegs) while still being able to pull keg trick if you play it smart and right, tough risky.

I think keeping boat afloat could be legit to respawn and maybe use cannons, many iterations of optimal path to be made ^^

discussione: Sea of Thieves
CanadaCESTQUOICA7 months ago

Here is some footage of me trying to do my homebrewed challenge! Note that I'm not a dedicated streamer and it's been the first time I was using LiveSplit! I like watching speedruns but not a pro speedrunner at all =P I hope to put some love in the community by suggestion a quick category so it's more accessible. I like to put my buried map on the quest board to give back to community as well =)

My best time tonight was 10m 8s, skip at 36:00 in video to look at it! (Will do runs with commentary tomorrow, unfortunately went no mic tonight)

Edit: Twitch video was too old and was lost, should have done YT format...

discussione: Sea of Thieves
CanadaCESTQUOICA7 months ago

The new diving option gives the possibility of having a world event on demand on equal grounds, so was wondering if I was alone to want to compare clear times =)

Many raids are possible, so here is an example with the Athena fort raid:

Example of challenge name: "Storm the fort, bury the loot!"

Challenge detailed obligatory steps (rest is up to you on how you want to optimize your run) :

  1. No cheating or false results pretty please! Load game menu and wait before setting sail.

  2. Start timer after loading screen disappears (waking up at tavern) [full crew must start together]

  3. Vote for athena quest - fort raid - dive

3- Bury the chest (with the 3 trinkets) and the crate of legend, then end timer.

What I like about this idea is that you can fully embrace the speedrun attitude, like not having to raise emissary and ditching your boat at fort, 'cause all you need is the clear & bury (also, to stay alive). Could be fun with skelly fleets and other ones too! Wondering if it's something the community would like, as it's more about fast and short runs, easy to have multiple ways to optimize.

Not sure if fort location should be included, but some can give a better advantage than others (like giving line of sight on all skelly spawns)

Also, new category would need clarifications on crew type (solo, duo, brig, gally) for submitting players.

7 months ago
6 months ago