United StatesBlueRunsFast3 years ago

Nothin to apologize for. IRL stuff is definitely more important. Im just impatient. All i wanted to know was if it usually takes this long. Its just a peace of mind thing. Tbh i was checking twice a day to see if my run was verified. Seems a little extra now haha. Ill just check less. Thanks for the responses. Im assuming Kromer is grinding away at verifying by the timing of his arrival as mod. Appreciate that, really. Verifying is not fun at all, so special thanks to Kromer

United StatesBlueRunsFast3 years ago

Considering i use to be a mod i know very well that the website says runs can take 1-3 weeks to be verified... its good tho. Its not a big deal so i wont make it out to be one. I will say that imo my question was very straight forward. Ill assume the answer is yes, over 2 weeks is the typical waiting time here. Thanks for your time

United StatesBlueRunsFast3 years ago

I use to be a mod for what im sure is a less active game for speeding than RE4. Considering personal goals and IRL problems ik verifying runs can sometimes be placed towards the bottom of the priority list. Its actually really understandable. A combination of curiosity and lack of patience is what led to me making the forum post. 2 weeks is a good chunk of time to wait on a verification. I just want to know if thats the typical waiting time or if the mods happened to be busier than usual at the time of my submission.

WagnerBrasil e Kromer ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast3 years ago

I havent submitted a RE4 run in like at least a year, and when i did run it was on console.. question is is it typical for a run to take 2-3 weeks to be verified here? If thats how it is thats how it is. I will run this game regardless, but for my own peace of mind in the future when i submit again, should i expect to wait this long? This isnt a complaint, this is a question. Thank you for your time

WagnerBrasil, Kromer, e doradori_dolph ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Watching uhTrance's stream last night i heard him say "Japanese is faster". Just putting that out there in case its helpful.

United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Was more than a little upset. Out of fear now i do that part slower, which loses me time. After the Carlos auto-scroll i typically finish my run everytime just to see my time at the end. A game freeze there or after would suck

Jakeeenator piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Lost a PB to this 4 days ago. Still dont know what happened. Think its just a glitch

Jakeeenator piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Besides the small amount of stairs there's nothing button intensive in the beginning intro. If your resetting the intro so much that the small amount of mashing is hurting your hands your resetting to much. How would one even lose that much time in the intro to cause a reset? Besides a zombie dodge or 2 the intro is free. Its all movement. I personally dont see a reason to completely skip the intro of the game.

United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Consoles should definitely be split on the boards, but its probably not a good time to do it. A few of these forum posts are ppl complaining about runs not getting verified quickly. The mods are probably backed up on submissions atm. They should be prioritizing that, which they probably are. I play on Xbox One X and a few parts of the game aren't loading properly. Any% NG+ Console record, which is from a normal ps4 seems to load these areas fine without pausing to allow the game to buffer, which is what i have to do. That same record has other areas of the game not load properly where my Xbox One X is loading them just fine. The game is running noticeably different on different consoles. I'd like to see a split in the boards but the mods probably dont have the time for it atm.

RapixOnGaming e tommy67pham ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Becoming a mod is kinda like becoming a politician. Popularity and commitment to the game/franchise are big factors. Most the mods for this game are at least somewhat popular and are long time resident evil runners.. and just like anything in life who you know helps. Like if me and zgl (i have no idea who zgl is) were best friends and i asked him for a mod spot i might get a mod spot. If your seriously trying to be a mod for this game grind it as speedrun first. Try to become relevant in the community (if you arent already) and after awhile ask maxy if they need help moderating. hes the supermod so when you think your ready go to him

United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Killing the executioner doesnt affect the time at all. gotta go through the gate.

Harpsichord piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Also, for the truck in 2-1 if sheva is host she cant get past it

Benzine, RE_Snow e 2 Altri ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

The only thing a little confusing when it comes to the rules of speedrunning this game is tactical and non-tactical resets. Check out the guides on the website to learn about them. And make sure you show difficulty at the start of you video. I think the screen where "chapter select" and "continue" are displayed works best as to where to start the video. beside that theres a tab after you click on the category you want to run thats just up to the right a little. it says "rules". read that and have a good understanding of what a tactical reset is and your set to start running. a timer helps the verifier a little but is not needed

United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Are you playing on PC? I use OBS when i run on PC. As long as OBS is recording you gameplay properly that should be all you need to submit a run.

United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Im eventually going to make a single video for each difficulty when it comes to segmented individual level speedruns. The only way to do this submission wise is to reject/delete my current runs that are accepted and re-submit them with the new video. Besides a lot of work for me the only issue with this is you guys following the game are going to get a bunch of notifications. I know its going to annoy some people so im just apologizing in advance. Sorry. Im gonna delete this post after i finish my last video for segmented individual levels.

RE_Snow piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

No worries. I know waiting for your run to get accepted can get frustrating. In the future though please try contacting me or Nova on discord instead of posting here on the site. You'll get answers more quickly that way and any drama that a forum post could start would be avoided.

Blucker12 e Asterxyx ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

No hard feeling what-so-ever to the other mods, like snow said "a life outside of a video game website", but me and Nova are the only two people verifying. Between life outside the game and our own goals we have concerning speedruns it can be very difficult to find the time to verify a run. ^ Thanks Nova. I woke up sick and work 7 hours later so today would of been tough for me. Remember guys, Nova is watching a 3 hour video for you. He gains nothing. Actually loses 3 hours of his time.

Blucker12 e Asterxyx ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

I think the leaderboards are set up pretty well for the category extensions. Separating PC and console would be kinda dumb. It would make the current leaderboard way more cluttered and making a whole new leaderboard to separate pc and console doesnt make sense because there's not enough runners. Remember, these are all considered Meme runs. No need to get overly competitive on all these weird spin-off categories, and with how many categories there are i dont see a way they could alter the boards to make them look much better. I honestly dont think any of theses categories were meant to be taken seriously. They're just meme runs lol

Carpenter, Windmill e 3 Altri ti piace questo
United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

Since we (moderators) discovered that a couple runners have been playing the game on the G4WL version the question of if it should be allowed has been asked multiple times. We have been back and forth on this as a whole but we recently decided that it would be better for all if the version is banned. First off its an outdated version of the game. Patches have been made that change certain aspects of the game, which is the version all steam players have to play on. Also getting RE5 to work on G4WL is rather difficult and buggy. Snow tried for over 30 minutes to log in and just keep getting an error code. The players that have been playing on this version of the game are not being accused of cheating, but all runs that are proven to be played on the G4WL version of RE5 will be rejected. No grandfathering in runs. Also certain runs are going to be rejected that did not show difficulty at the start of there runs for legitimacy reasons. Considering that G4WL is a outdated, pre-patched version of the game the gives the runner an unfair advantage when it comes to the legitimacy of speedrunning RE5 we should of banned it when we first found out.. ALL feedback is welcomed, including MissEllie and RuuDela's, the two G4WL runners. All PC runners for RE5 must run the game on Steam, which is what 95% + of speedrunners currently do (All but two people), and runners suspected of playing on G4WL must include the screen where "Leaderboards", "Play Game", and "Records" are displayed to prove they are on steam. Runs will not be accepted if this is not done.

United StatesBlueRunsFast4 years ago

anything to make queenny happy. ill stop verifying mine as well. ill just message you or nova for now on LOL

ReportWroteByLeon e MissEllie ti piace questo
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