Any% (360/PS3) Route v3.3 (w/ P-Rod)
Any% (360/PS3) Route v3.3 (w/ P-Rod)
Aggiornato 1 year ago di ThePackle
  • This is the final update for this route - this includes the P-Rod Pro Goal, which is slower.
  • Timing begins upon taking control of your skater after the intro cutscene; timing ends upon seeing “Goal Complete” after completing Tony Hawk’s mission to join the top 8.
  • The fastest way to play the game involves using a “Blades” Xbox 360; Metro and NXE dashboards are known to be slower, cause lag, and hitch more often in loading areas.
  • If you see a number in parentheses like this: (2), that means you should have that many gaps by this point; anything less might hurt your ranking by the end game and you might need to use a different strat.
  • If you see a number in brackets like this: [2], that means you should have that many Secret Spot Tokens by this point; anything less WILL hurt your ranking by the endgame.
  • If you see text in the angled brackets, then that means there is a menuing option you need to perform there (most often resetting the last goal).


Suburbia 1: {TOKEN} in tree (requires buttslap) [1] – {GAP} Planter pop (1) Picket fence photo Grind spot challenge – {GAP} Driveway hop (2) <<RESET GOAL>> Natas spot challenge <<RESET GOAL>> Shag dad’s balls – {GAP} Poolbbq (3) – {GAP} Yardhop (4) {TOKEN} above house [2] Open skatepark

Skatepark 1: First time on film Rodney pro challenge <<PHONE SKIP>> Grind spot challenge <<RESET GOAL>> {TOKEN} above gazebo [3] Nail the variety – {TOKEN} above pole [4] Manual spot challenge Wallplant spot challenge {TOKEN} in trees after warp [5] Manual spot challenge on top of hill Break out of suburbia

Main Street 1: Jason Lee goal – {TOKEN} over metal spiral from school -> hilltop [6] – {TOKEN} on construction site [7] – {TOKEN} above main street plaza [8] – {GAP} Flyin’ High (5) – {GAP} Path Hop (6) Nail a new trick Avenue bowling – {TOKEN} on pizza [9] – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Grind spot challenge Beaver high photo – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Nail over the stairs Manual spot challenge <<RETRY GOAL>> Main street movie Main street Classic Capitol kicker photo

Capitol 1: Monumental footage Stall spot challenge {TOKEN} on lower ledge [10] – <<BAIL OUT OF BOUNDS ON ROCKS>> Manual spot challenge Acid drop spot challenge Wreck yourself! – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Nail the triple set

Main Street 2: Grind spot challenge Owned challenge near skateshop – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> <<TALK TO SECURITY GUARD>> P-Rod pro challenge – {GAP} Ballet vs boarders part 1 (7)

City Park 1: Grind spot challenge (amphitheater) – {GAP} Crescent wall hop (8) Grind spot challenge (broken ankle) – <<ONLY START THEN RESTART>> {TOKEN} at the end of pipes [11] <<RETRY GOAL>> Grind spot challenge Distance spot challenge {TOKEN} over red structure [12] {GAP} Pyramid of Power (9) City park footage – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Trolley car nail the trick Operation McGuffin – {GAP} It’s not what you know (10) – {GAP} Department of the Interior (11)

School 1: Manual spot challenge – {GAP} Shack Arch 2 Wheel 2 (12) Flag photo goal – {GAP} Flaggin’ Out Part 2 (13) Courtyard footage School classic – {TOKEN} over powerline [13] {GAP} Beaver bowl exchange (14) Owned beaver turf war – {GAP} AG’s Roof Gap 2 (15) Portable leap photo – {GAP} The dirteh shnare (16) {GAP} Gym set 13 (17) Height spot challenge {GAP} Low dive (18)

Suburbia 2: Nail the rotation Height spot challenge Suburbia classic – {GAP} Rags to riches (19) Pool to pool photo – {TOKEN} over pools [14] – {GAP} Pools of fury! (20) Owned spot challenge – {GAP} Rail hop (21) – {GAP} Picket 2 Roof (22)

Skatepark 2: Transfer photo – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Skatepark classic – {GAP} Gettin’ up there (23)

School 2: Manual spot challenge Wallride spot challenge Grind spot challenge – {TOKEN} Watertower [15] – <<RETRY GOAL>> {GAP} The Winter Gap (24) {TOKEN} over antenna [16] – {GAP} Book light (25) Owned spot challenge Unlock slums – {GAP} Shack pop (26) – {GAP} Go beavers (27) Grind spot challenge (side of school) Cheese wedge photo {TOKEN} in school ditch [17]

Slums: {GAP} It’s real dirteh (27) Manual spot challenge Slums classic – {GAP} Gentillician rail gap (28) NTT spine transfer Slums owned {GAP} Boom (29) Paint and points Grind spot challenge {GAP} Andy's closet (30) {TOKEN} in andy’s closet [18] Wallride spot challenge Shanty town footage {GAP} The dirteh lickah store (31) Roof to wall photo Natas spin spot challenge {TOKEN} over parking lot [19] Bam margarine pro challenge – {TOKEN} over bam start [20] – {GAP} Down the tube (32) Unlock factory

Factory: Grind spot challenge Factory window photo Industrial flick {TOKEN} over ramp near manual spot challenge [21] Manual spot challenge Owned spot challenge Grind spot challenge (near start of factory) – {GAP} Chain drive climb 1 (34) – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Factory classic – {GAP} Lord of the cage (35) – {TOKEN} on car climb [22] – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Stevie/Dustin pro challenge

City Park & Capitol 2: {TOKEN} over trees [23] Owned spot challenge – {GAP} Wire Transfer (36) – ((GO TOWARDS CAPITOL STEPS)) {GAP} Gub’mint spine south (37) Capitol classic – {GAP} Riley won’t play with me (38)

Hilltop 1: Construction crash bail challenge Acid drop spot challenge Slam the gates Grind spot challenge – {TOKEN} over parking awning [24] {GAP} Storming the castle (39) Owned spot challenge (in castle) <<ONLY START>> {TOKEN} in left tower [25] {GAP} Crenel leap east (40) {GAP} Kind of like hot oil (41) <<RETRY GOAL>> Nail the combo Cliffside wedge photo Unlock fun park – {GAP} 2 Tail (42)

Fun Park: Grind spot challenge – {GAP} Long shop grind (43) – {GAP} Exit Hop (44) Wallride spot challenge <<RETRY GOAL>> Stall spot challenge Vacation footage – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Bowl-to-bowl photo – {GAP} PBowl High 2 Low (45) – {GAP} Over His Rod (46) – {TOKEN} over poseidon’s arm [26] – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Owned spot challenge – {GAP} Log transfer east (47) Break ye bones {TOKEN} in sewer tube [27] Distance spot challenge Red rail photo – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Gate slide – {GAP} Slide! (48) – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> {TOKEN} in purple arch behind slide [28] Manual spot challenge Pools footage Torch lighter Fun park classic – {GAP} Crows nest [29] – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>> Owned spot challenge at entrance – <<RETRY GOAL AND QUIT>>

Hilltop 2: Hilltop footage – {GAP ONLY IF BEHIND ON GAPS} A Hop... – {GAP ONLY IF BEHIND ON GAPS} A Skip... Manual spot challenge NTT towards Tony Theatre photo Project 8


  • You missed a gap (or two) and/or a token somewhere.
  • Do the owned spot challenge near the main street watch tower.
  • Pray.


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THP8 PSP Runs Moved!

To continue the (slow) transition of having console and handheld speedruns in one board, the PSP version of THP8 will now have its own! Rules and speedruns have been moved over and (for now) emulator is allowed but must be properly marked.

2 years ago
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