Pubblicato 9 months ago di

Hey everyone,

So, I've been running this game's for a bit over two years now. Back then, I had all the time in the world, but lately, life's been keeping me away from Real-world stuff, you know?

That brings me to the point—I need some new people to help out.

What I'm on the lookout for:

  1. Know your way around and the whole speedrunning scene.
  2. You're, or at least were, pretty active.
  3. Can spare more time than I can these days.

Now, these are more like guidelines than strict rules. You don't have to tick all three boxes to throw your hat in the ring.

If you're interested, shoot me a message here or hit me up on Discord (check my profile for it).

(Keep an eye on the replies if you wish to see any updates)

Cheers, Jamie

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Hey everyone,

So, I've been running this game's for a bit over two years now. Back then, I had all the time in the world, but lately, life's been keeping me away from Real-world stuff, you know?

That brings me to the point—I need some new people to help out.

**What I'

9 months ago
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