Current Any% Route
Current Any% Route
Aggiornato 2 years ago di SRGTsilent

General Notes

Only the Primary Objectives (and dependent Secondary Objectives) need completed, though in some cases the wording can be unclear on what is exactly needed for an objective to count as completed.

When being shot at, a single shot will do a small amount of damage, but charging at an enemy who is firing at you (or getting hit by melee) will do upwards of 60% of SANDMAN's HP and cause him to stagger and significantly slowdown. It's always better to take guards out from range then to try to melee them or charge them. Don't waste time if auto aim starts wrapping you backwards, bullet RNG is strong in this game. There is also a glitch(?) where sometimes, especially at the start of missions, where if SANDMAN charges into a room LONESTAR will just get instantly merced. Most likely this is some kind of grenade issue since explosives will always one shot and they have very odd damage areas. Be careful when using any form of explosive and watch for enemy grenades.

When finishing a mission, there is a fixed amount of time that must pass before the mission registers completion and continues the game, during this time it is still possible to fail objectives or die. The time for a mission to register as a failure is shorter than for completion, especially in the event of a death, however, failure does not prevent a mission's completion. Use this at your own risk, as it is faster in at least one case.

LONESTAR has a mind of his own, and will sometimes listen to you and let you run away and other times will be very belligerent if you move to far away from him. In general, this seems tied to when important locations spawn on the map, similar to chunk based logical overrides i.e when new location loads, LONESTAR loads new logic as well, but may also be tied to engaging enemies and setting LONESTAR to 'Fire at Will'. In addition, ordering LONESTAR to place a satchel and then doing it yourself will sometimes place LONESTAR's satchel, making you have to place both required satchels. Also, Other AI, e.g ODDBALL & ELDER, can very easily get stuck or exhibit very buggy behavior, especially when walls or SANDMAN act as blockers and mess up pathing, but sometimes just telling them to follow will fail so be vigilant. And, when telling LONESTAR to do something, you must be looking at the place the thing is, e.g bombs, generators, etc. Finally, some NPCs must be escorted closer than others, since enemy spawns are tied to the location of said NPC.

If the goal is stealth, this is lost once an enemy sees you, starts shooting, and then says something out loud for other guards to hear. If other guards come rushing or are not taking cover from/investigating shots/sounds/bodies anymore then stealth was most likely lost.

#Chile 1 - Village Recon

**C.1.A Infiltrate Village **

  • Just run into the village. Being stealthy are irrelevant.

C.1.C Search Buildings For Intel (4 Secondary Objectives)

  • Gas Report (South Hut), Cache Map & CLL Base Photo (Church) are in the starting village.
  • Training Video is in the hut by the generator, alternatively restraining a guard is viable while waiting.

C.1.B Disable Generator

  • Running here after the church can get LONESTAR stuck. After telling LONESTAR to begin the generator, entering the house the CLL members rush out of has a chance to interrupt his action, both before and during. In addition, it's usually safe to run to where C.1.D will be, but this sometimes makes LONESTAR stop working.

C.1.D Secure Extraction Zone

  • Must be on the star to activate. Spawns 4 CLL members on the right and 2 on the left, must defeat them all, but can leave the star.

#Chile 2 - Powderkeg

C.2.A Cross the River

  • Just run across the river, forget stealth, snipe the right guards while moving.

C.2.B Disrupt CLL Communications

  • Once in the camp take the right and swap to grenades, after dropping to the road, throw a grenade through the hut window.

C.2.C Destroy Supply Caches (All Secondary Objectives)

  • This objective is written from the Clockwise perspective, swap accordingly if going Counter-Clockwise
  • Take out the 3 CLL members, then pull out the camera and snap a shot, place LONESTARs satchel here.
  • Inside the caves, once at the first left there will be a barrel in the room, shoot it and move on.
  • Charging right at the Weapons Cache there is a single enemy threat, remove him and place SANDMANs satchel.

C.2.D Move to Extract (Clear Extraction Zone)

  • The area that needs cleared is pretty massive. Ignore the guards on ZULU and run along side the building to where the village was entered. The first guard that shows up, all the way to the entrance, is the entire zone that needs cleared, so take everyone out. 3 CLL members on the road, then around the hill is 2 more and 1 running towards you. Across the bridge is a single member that LONESTAR will snipe sometimes, if not take him out yourself by running to him or using a grenade (his blip will disappear on the far end of the bridge). Two more members spawn up the road out of bounds, followed by a third and final member you can throw a grenade at or snipe.
  • Most likely SANDMAN will have been pulled away from the extraction zone, which is very small, and will need to run back. Trying to end on this is important, but don't block LONESTAR as the mission wont end until he runs to a psuedo-random(?) point and places extraction smoke.

#Chile 3 - Undertow

C.3.A Infiltrate Tenement

  • Swap LONESTAR to "Fire At Will" and gun it for the end. Don't engage unless you must, forget stealth, and remember to melee guys around corners if needed.

C.3.B Have LONESTAR Disable Bomb

  • As long as you tell LONESTAR to do this it should get done. In the event you are very fast, do not walk around the first corner of the 3rd floor until the bomb has been deactivated or it will explode.

C.3.C Rescue Vice President (Neutralize Elite Guards)

  • Technically, you don't have to eliminate the Elite guards but its better to do so since at least one will always be near him. Until the main objective updates after killing them though, the VP will not be able to be restrained. There are 2 spawns for him, the faster left side and the slower right side. After being restrained, he has very good pathing and can be ignored but make sure he leaves the right side room if he ends up spawning there.

C.3.D Defeat Counterattack

  • Just run and gun, learn enemy spawns, melee as needed, etc. Even at low HP you're unlikely to die, but ignoring an enemy is very risky for you and the VP.

C.3.E Extract With VP (Clear Extraction Point)

  • There are 3 guards in the fountain square. If you are quick enough they will be leaving the sewers as you get there, simply take them all out and wait for LONESTAR to place the signal smoke.

#Chile 4 - Clean Sweep

C.4.A Locate & Disarm Bombs (All Disable Bomb Objectives)

  • LONESTAR will either listen or he wont. Bombs take 20 Seconds, try to find out quickly if he will be a good NPC or a bad one. First bomb is right around the first train up the hill, take out the guards and order LONESTAR to defuse, then wait for another guy to come around the train. You can run ahead but don't get too close to the far back 2 guys or LONESTAR will stop defusing. The second bomb is in the train warehouse in the top left corner of the TACMAP. Remove the 3 guards and order LONESTAR to defuse. If he is behaving, he will let you run ahead into the next building with the connected walkway, but DO NOT climb into the train car or he will stop defusing.
  • Once in the warehouse turn left and go outside, look towards the bomb and the order should pop up. Tell LONESTAR to defuse it and head back inside the warehouse. This bomb behaves well with LONESTAR's logic.

C.4.B Secure Warehouse

  • Once back inside head left, from here you should be able to take out the guy on the left, the upper walkway guy, and 3-4 guys on the ground. Once at the top of the stairs, go back down and continue picking off anyone on the ground who took cover. In a room on the right is a CLL member and a hostage, ignore the hostage. Head downstairs. There should only be one (or two if one took cover) guys left. Head to the room in the back right of the warehouse for another hostage/CLL room and repeat, you cannot snipe this room with grenades from a distance as the hostage audio must be triggered to spawn them both in. If the objective doesn't pop, you missed someone, try the front left corner.

C.4.C Neutralize TOPDOG

  • Head to the roof and take him out by approaching from the right. TOPDOG can be ran up on and hit with a melee pretty easily. Don't get shot up by his goons

#Morocco 1 - Isolated Agent

M.1.A Monitor ODDBALL (Obtain Photo X)

  • ODDBALL behaves...ODD. He has a few fixed locations where he checks for the player visually, but also a fixed area where getting detected by NAPF members will alert him to your presence. In general, you can run along side of or even ahead of ODDBALL and not fail the objective. Only one photo needs to be obtained, however you must wait for ODDBALL to make his entire 3rd movement cycle no matter what, with the only speedup there being that you can force him to go straight ahead with a quick alert in the 3rd area.
  • Duck right into the bushes and wait for ODDBALL to approach the Civilian, who can be either in the fenced area or off to the right. If you activate the cutscene just skip it with 'X'. Take the picture of ODDBALL and the Civilian. If you mess this up and alert ODDBALL, you still have two more chances, but the second one is very annoying to go for.
  • The second Civilian has three locations, the tent area, the back right house, and the back left house. There are also two guards, one up the right road and one up the left, in the camp. Simply let either see you to make ODDBALL turn around. If you need the photo and want it here, be sure not to get seen by ODDBALL (or the Civilian) as he opens a door or he will run away.
  • The third area has two Civilian spawns, one is up top the structure in the bottom right tower, and the second is in the upper left corner on the ground. Try to get ahead of ODDBALL and let the guard inside the walled structure see you so that ODDBALL continues running straight ahead to the guard down the road.

M.1.B Rescue Elder

  • There are two options once you finish with ODDBALL. Either wait for ODDBALL to reach the gates to the building containing the ELDER so it will open, then simply run in or, alternatively, you can line up parallel with the wall and hold L1 to strafe, while ever so slightly holding the analog to the right, facing the street lamp. Note that if you hold too hard on the stick you won't actually go through the wall, so you have to do it nice and slow. This will clip you through the wall before ODDBALL arrives. Credits to Pianoman7117 for this implementation.
  • Once inside the compound, take out the 2 guards, head inside and upstairs, take out the guard, restrain the ELDER, have him follow, and run out. Make sure he doesn't get stuck on the fence while exiting.

M.1.C Extract With Elder

  • This guide is written going through the 2nd Zone. As you run ahead, stick somewhat close to the ELDER initially. The first guard will need taken out, but the guard that is running to the left inside the camp can be ignored. When the ELDER gets to the part where the road diverges, a guard will spawn next to him and unload into him, so if SANDMAN and LONESTAR are miles ahead he is dead. After this guard is dealt with, hug the right and simply run to the extraction point. In the 1st Zone, hug the left or the ELDER will get stuck on the stone wall gate that leads to the Civilian. There will also be some enemies that must be taken out to complete the mission, 2 will stay on the right and 1-2 will run across the road and head towards the 3rd Zone. Take them out then walk to the extract. The ELDER is the end mission trigger and must be with you.

#Morocco 2 - Short Fuse

M.2.D Obtain Intel (Obtain Frequency Book)

  • Skip the cutscene with start. Once you spawn in take out the first two guards and turn right, take out the guard ahead of you, turn left, and run past the entrance, take another left taking out the guard if needed and turn right to a small shack. Inside the Shack is the Frequency Book. Return to the entrance gate.

M.2.C Neutralize NAPF Officer

  • Once inside the mansion grounds, turn right and take out a guard. Follow the path around until you round a wall and see a guard, take him out then fully round the corner for the NAPF officer in the "garage". He should go down extremely quickly. Note the bomb on the left side.

M.2.B Neutralize Amad Mouline

  • Inside the mansion, take a 180 and go up the stairs on the left, take out the upstairs guards and head to the left. Inside is two guards and Mouline. Duck behind the wall to avoid being a bullet sponge and take out all three tangos.

M.2.D Obtain Intel (Obtain Laptop)

  • After Mouline is confirmed dead there is a brief period before the bombs become activated, Grab the laptop that sits in the corner.

M.2.A Disarm All Bombs & M.2.D Obtain Intel (All Other Secondary Objectives)

  • There are 5 bombs and 2 pieces of intelligence that need collected. At least 1 bomb always spawns upstairs, so immediately check both sides of Mouline's room for a bomb; one spawn is by the bookcase opposite the laptop and the other spawn is in the corner by the entrance way closest to the laptop.
  • If there is no bomb there, head to the back right of the upstairs where there is two doors. The right door has intel on the bedside furniture and the second door leads to a balcony that should have the bomb if there wasn't one in the prior rooms. Make sure LONESTAR actually disables any bombs.
  • Head downstairs and deal with any threats as needed. There are 4 bomb spawn locations downstairs. The enclosed area on the right has 2 spot where bombs can spawn, one immediately inside the doorway and one around the crates at the back, climb over the counter to exit/enter. The 3rd spawn in the back left corner of downstairs by a door and some crates. If the bomb is there you can have LONESTAR deal with it while you breach the nearby room. Inside this room is the final piece of intel on the table by the TV and the 4th bomb spawn location if you are still at '-2 Bombs'.
  • After all inside bombs and intelligence have been dealt with, head into the "garage" and have LONESTAR disable the final bomb. DO NOT run to the extraction point yet, as this will trigger LONESTAR to stop disarming the bomb.

M.2.E Move to Extract

  • After the final bomb is dealt with, run to the gate for extraction.

#Morocco 3 - Lethal Crossing

M.3.A Destroy East Bridge

  • Do the thing. The placement is by the enemies so take them all out then place it yourself, LONESTAR will be too far behind anyway.

M.3.B Eliminate Supply Trucks (All Secondary Objectives)

  • Head straight up the road and into the camp, taking out enemies as needed. Watch your health as there is a lot of enemies in this mission and little cover. The first truck is in the back middle of the far camp. Either go behind all the tents and place C4 or, if you are feeling up to it, hug the southern wall and chuck a grenade at the truck. Exit the camp.
  • Once you see a split path on the left side of the road, head down it, there will be an enemy with his back to you and the truck ahead. Grenade or C4, whichever you prefer. The guy in the tent will almost never hit you.

M.3.C Destroy West Bridge

  • At this point your health may be very low, so move slow and steady along the road taking out the 2 large groups of enemies as needed. Once you get to the bridge have LONESTAR place the charge. If you get the memo that SANDMAN or LONESTAR is out of satchels you must wait for that memo to disappear before attempting the order again.

M.3.D Move To Extract

  • Just run away, you can out of bounds, but it's unlikely.

#Morocco 4 - Desert Siege

M.4.B Place Charge at Supplies

  • When you spawn turn sharp left and enter the building then right and take the first, slightly hidden, left. There will be some stairs going down. Taking out enemies as needed, get to the end of the tunnel and place a charge. Backtrack upstairs.

**M.4.D Capture NAPF Lieutenant **

  • Run across the big room and take a right once you get under the balcony to go upstairs. Take a left, then another right at the top of the ramp to head outside. Take care of the enemy and restrain the NAPF Lieutenant. Have him follow you the rest of the level. Take out the guard in front of you as you return inside.

M.4.A Place Charge at Armory

  • Head across the big room and into the attached far room. Turn left into a separate room and go through it to end up outside, next to a guard and the Armory. Have LONESTAR place a satchel, then turn around and run back and up the slope.

M.4.C Destroy Radio Equipment

  • Once on the roof there will be a small window and doorway on the right, chuck a grenade in here to take out a NAPF soldier and the Radio Equipment. Alternatively, you can throw the grenade after you pass through.

M.4.E Extract With NAPF Lieutenant

  • Simply take out any guards in your way and continue along the roof. Get on the helipad and wait. The NAPF Lieutenant is the end level trigger.

#South Asia 1 - Song Bird

S.1.A Infiltrate Raider Camp

  • Skip the cutscene, turn slightly right and run forward, hugging the wall. Have LONESTAR 'Fire at Will'.

S.1.B Locate and Secure MAGPIE

  • Inside the camp turn left and head into the mines as you take out enemies. The first room has three enemies and the tunnel has two more. When these enemies show up and if they take cover depends on how fast you kill them. Take a left at the end of the second tunnel and run directly to MAGPIE.

S.1.C Guard MAGPIE and Obtain Intel (All Secondary Objectives)

  • MAGPIE has his own AI and does not react to SANDMAN at all unless abandoned. Do not abandon him or he can start to do some very odd things, such as dying off screen or crawling upon returning to him. Don't body block him either or his AI will get creatively stuck.
  • The first room just take out any guards that charge you while MAGPIE finds himself a P90. He will then leave and turn right, where a group of 2-3 guards will often rush your group. Take guards out asap. There is no indication of MAGPIE being shot but if he gets hit he will slow down and if he gets too close he will shoot back at enemies.
  • Continue taking out enemies and pay attention to MAGPIE, as they spawn based on his location. There is typically 2 guys on the village road and one down on the grass, then as you round the corner, 2 in the far back, one on the left and one on the right, with another 2 spawning in on the right as MAGPIE gets closer. Once all these guys have been dealt with, MAGPIE will be safe for the rest of this area. MAGPIE will grab 2 pieces of intel and then run ahead up the path behind the second building he entered. Sometimes a lone straggler will spawn. Take him out if it's needed.
  • In the second zone, there will be two enemies immediately approaching your group, then upon entering the room a bunch scattered about. Start picking them off one by one, starting on the left for the closest and then aiming at the back. If you can snipe the guy in the upper building on the right go for the kill. Once MAGPIE enters the village a guy will usually spawn between the hill and the lower left hut and attack your group and two guys will come running out of the mine in the back left. MAGPIE will climb the hill and enter the building, sometimes getting stuck on the doorway entrance, and search for the final piece of intelligence.
  • At this point you have a choice. If you are sure all the enemies are defeated and want to save ~17 seconds (not thoroughly tested) abandon MAGPIE. He will complain after the intel is collected but MAGPIE is NOT required to be with you in order to finish the level, it is only required that he be alive. If he gets attacked for some reason though, he must fend for himself off screen, which is RNG, and his death means game over unless it happens slightly after "Mission Accomplished" shows up. Otherwise, simply continue following MAGPIE.

S.1.D Secure Extraction Zone

  • This will tick as you cross the bridge and trigger an invisible timer. MAGPIE, if with you, will run ahead and a cutscene of a helicopter being shot down will begin. At this point let MAGPIE do his thing and take out the guards coming from where your group did if needed.

S.1.E Destroy ZSU

  • The game will place you at a fixed spot with your gun out and 2 enemies in front of you, swap to the rocket and blow up the ZSU directly in front of you. Don't approach it as the explosion is massive. Take out any enemies remaining if needed.

#South Asia 2 - Biohazard

S.2.A Infiltrate Al Shakoosh Camp (Secure Guard Post)

  • Taking out the Guard Post isn't required, but there is a strong chance SANDMAN will be hurt pretty badly if the enemies are ignored, and LONESTAR can also easily get hit by a grenade if you stop moving.
  • Hug the right wall after the bridge and then the left after the cave to slide through a hole in the fence and enter the camp. Keep hugging the wall while moving forward.

S.2.B Locate Chemical Lab

  • While hugging the wall there will be a walled path on the left, take it to head to the Chemical Lab.

S.2.C Setup Satchels at Chemical Lab (All Secondary Objectives)

  • You are looking for some plain rectangular prism boxes. Place either satchel here and then turn right and head along the walled path.
  • As you enter the second section of the Chemical Lab head right towards the walled path and the boxes to place the satchel on should show up into view. Take out the enemies and place the second satchel.

S.2.D Extract Before Satchels Go Off

  • Follow that path you ran towards before placing the second satchel and keep running straight. Kill guards as you need to and don't worry about triggering the RATBITE cutscene as it's unavoidable. Head to the southern docks and finish the mission.

#South Asia 3 - Under Fire

S.3.A Eliminate Guards

  • Swap LONESTAR to 'Fire at Will' and move forward while aiming left, take out the first two guards then begin running forward, to the right of the giant bunker, and take out the second two guards.

S.3.B Destroy Communications

  • You should get to a closed gate before the airstrike cutscene happens. After the cutscene, the gate will be open. Swap to grenades and run up the hill, then chuck one inside the building to take out the communications and two guards.

S.3.C Capture RATBITE

  • Head inside, taking out another two guards, and drop down via the shortcut, go right then into the first tunnel dip that leads to a bunch of beds, take the left hallway and inside the door will be RATBITE, just chilling, waiting for you to restrain him.

S.3.D Extract With RATBAT

  • Have RATBITE follow you and turn around. Head back into the big room while taking out enemies and head to the opposite wall from you, where there is a giant hole in the wall. Exit the bunker, while making sure that RATBITE doesn't get stuck on any walls. Outside turn left and simply run to the end of the level up the hills while taking out enemies. After the first clearing, there is a chance that a guard will spawn behind you by RATBITE so make sure to pay attention. RATBITE is the end level trigger once you reach the extraction point.

#Poland 1 - Supply And Demand

P.1.B Search Warehouses for Intel (All 'Search Warehouse' Secondary Objectives)

  • Swap LONESTAR to 'Fire at Will' and head forward. There are a few different guard patterns here, but none will rough SANDMAN up too much. The sniper can be ignored entirely.
  • The first warehouse is in front and to the left. Breach it and there will be a guard directly in front of you if he didn't exit the building. Inside will be a guard on the left and a guard inside the small office. All guards must be defeated for the objective to register. Collect the intelligence on the table by leaning through the window. Ignore any hostages.
  • Once the objective has shown that Warehouse 1 is searched, Warehouse 2 unlocks. You should be able to walk all the way around the building and enter through the back door in this time. Walk inside and grab the intelligence on the table in front of you, take out any guards inside, and exit.
  • Ignore the truck for now as LONESTAR will just get buggy. While he is clearing the guards, open the door on the left and nab the 3rd piece of intel. Then return outside.

P.1.A Have LONESTAR Disable Truck

  • After exiting, take out any visible guards and order LONESTAR to disable the truck. Entering the 3rd Warehouse will make him drop the objective and things get really buggy.

P.1.C Locate and Secure Chemicals

  • Enter Warehouse 3 and finish clearing it, then exit through the door across from where you entered. Take out a guard outside the Tanker and one inside to secure the Chemicals.

P.1.D Protect Tanker From Recapture

  • Head to the raised area against the wall outside the hanger and lie prone. LONESTAR will dick around for a little bit, then lie prone himself. Adjust so he isn't blocking your shots. Enemies will charge from three separate locations, the far right of the shipping containers, the middle, and the left, where they will come at you from the Tanker shed. Simply take all enemies out as they spawn.
  • Once the final enemy goes down rotate towards the gate on the right and swap to M141 stun grenades. A cutscene of this gate opening will play. Begin throwing the grenades. With any luck almost every single soldier should give up or get shot by LONESTAR. Finish off any stragglers while leaving through the gate.

P.1.E Move to Extract

  • Run forward through the now open gate, then right at the warehouses, then diagonal left to the front of the boat for extract.

#Poland 2 - Undermining Authority

P.2.A Place Entrance Satchel Charge

  • Immediately order LONESTAR to place this charge.

P.2.B Locate Demo Crew

  • Run forward and turn right, shooting the guard in the room to manipulate the AI in the room you need to enter. Head to the left (behind you) and take the stairs down, shooting the two guards at the bottom of the stairs. While shooting them, move slightly right and begin backing up once you reach the bottom to get within proximity of the Demo Crew.

P.2.C Locate Intel

  • Run into the tunnel on the right and take out the guard. In the connected room take out a guard on the right, then run forward around the pillar and take out another guard or two. In the next room cut left, take out two more guards, and run forward into the tunnels. Take out any guards that pop out of tunnels or are in front of you until you get to the big room filled with computers. Using grenades, LONESTAR, and your rifle, clear this room, but save some grenades. The Intel is on the left side laying on a table.

P.2.D Place Exit Satchel Charge

  • Run ahead into the next room and use the rest of your resources to clear this room. Its possible to place the Satchel while there are still guards in the room but do so at your own risk. Once the satchel is placed the mission begins ending, just don't die.

#Poland 3 - Chemical Reaction

P.3.A Infiltrate Milk Plant

  • Begin running forward, following the road. Take out the three guards at the gate and the sniper if needed and breach using the door in front of you.

P.3.B Disable Equipment

  • Once inside, take out the guard, turn left and open the door, continue this till you get to an office looking room with multiple guards. Turn right and open a door to a locker room. Follow this room and open the door at the end to the machine room. Take out all three guards inside and have LONESTAR disable the Equipment. Make sure he does it, because moving ahead too fast will stop him from completing the objective.

P.3.C Capture TINMAN

  • Head forward opening the door to be back in the office room. Ignore the guard on the left unless you are worried about HP. Open the door and head upstairs, then open the right door. A lot of guys are in the room and they are not susceptible to M141s, so take out the guy looking right out you and pick the rest off one by one. Then exit the room using the doorway and make your way to the roof.
  • On the roof there will be 5-6 guys. Take them all out one at a time and manage your health accordingly. If you body block the doorway, LONESTAR is stuck and cannot help you. The guard in front of you is the biggest issue, then the guards on the right, and finally the one in the far back. After all guards are down, TINMAN should surrender. If not let LONESTAR shoot him and he should. TINMAN must be restrained and taken alive or the mission will fail.
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