All Collectibles in 2m 16s 860ms by

Early 100% routing. The last level done, and it's a killer for sure. Fairly difficult movement, but the biggest issue is just how easy it is to miss something and kill your run. Important "checkpoints" with trash count in notes below:

  • Lots of tricky movement. Not much room to change pathing but there's almost certainly better movement at sections with little/no items
  • Not sure if the mushroom or boost rail is faster, both feel about the same since the shroom sends you straight forward and doesn't require swapping
  • The rail section with wings is VERY tight at certain sections. Likely worth slowing down in full runs.
  • Double jumping the wing rails vs swapping feels faster but is very precise. Need to boost instantly on the edge and jump as late as possible, or you'll cancel the boost into jump and burn a wing early.
  • Keeping the earlier wing through to the rail section is absolutely an option for a safer strat and wouldn't lose much time, it's also possible there's a better place to use it than I did but nothing comes to mind immediately due to trash
  • The 2 flying bots at the last checkpoint with trash have a tendency to drop it far enough away it won't snap to you when you kill them. Need to slow down as you dash to make sure you grab them, otherwise your run's dead
  • Wing isn't required for the final section if you get a good cycle but as shown, it can keep you from needing to wait for the platform
  • Trash counts: 40 before first checkpoint, 71 before rail mushroom (76 before checkpoint), 111 during wing jumps, 173 before the O/final checkpoint, 180 before jumping to final rotating platforms

I honestly think Mire is more stressful to 100% than this just due to wing count being so critical, but this one for sure will kill more runs due to missing a single trash on a rail section.

The Factory
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2m 16s 860ms
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full-game release date!

hello gators and skators

the game just got a release date! we'll be live on august 31st.

leaderboards have been changed to reflect release, with the exceptions of level boards (since we don't know the final level names)

excited to gator with y'all! join the [discord](

1 year ago