How to complete Any% the fast way.
How to complete Any% the fast way.
Aggiornato 4 years ago di LunaSpeed

Welcome to my guide on how to complete the Any% catagory the fast way.

First: The Corner Clip Many people know how to do a corner clip. But if you dont, here is the basic version of how to do it. 1. Put your character against a corner of a block. 2. Look down upon your character. 3. Shift lock and hold S when you shift lock.

You have to do a corner clip at the very beggining of the run. Near the doors behind you. There is a little corner that you can corner clip through. And when you do it. You have just clipped out of the supermarket!

Last: The Ending The ending is pretty much self-explanatory. You just walk to the red bar, where you can finish the run. But by the time you get there... you have to be sideways when you meet the red bar. This is because your body will touch the red bar sooner if you go sideways rather than just going straight ahead.

And there you have it! If you did all of this very quick. You should get a final time of about 30 Seconds or
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