All Glitches and their definition! (Official)
2 years ago

In this forum I'll explain to you any glitches of Roblox or Welcome.

Definition of glitch: a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment. To say it more simpler, a way to do something that a developer doesn't want you to do. For example: get an item through a wall, or go through a wall.

Roblox glitches (A.K.A. rg): Clips, Look through a wall and Get Item/do Action button (E) through a wall.

Welcome Glitches (A.K.A. wg): Get Item/do Action button (E) through a wall (Because developer could of removed that), Look through a wall (Also, because dev could've removed that), Open inventory to go back to character while in cutscenes and sprinting to move while in cutscenes.

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