Nemesis Manipulation Using the Inventory - strat found by Julian and me!
Nemesis Manipulation Using the Inventory - strat found by Julian and me!
Aggiornato 6 years ago di RebeccaRE

Places where you can stuck Nemesis playlist by RebeccaRE

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I wanna share this strat with you guys! If he walks, count 3 steps and open inventory. He'll try to punch you everytime. If he runs, count 4 steps and he will stop running :D


The video showing the strat with pistol. Basically this glitch can be performed in any version of the game and any platform This could be mostly used on Nemesis% and Knife Nemesis% categories where you have to fight with him 10 times.

Another video showing the glitch - Check the description for this one

Contribution by RebeccaRE and Julian