About unequipping gun...
7 years ago

Hello guys. I have watched a lot of your runs and most of you are unequiping handgun, especially in Ada parts. (Leon A scenario). My question is why? Is the character walking faster without equipped weapon in RE2? I haven't noticed this. For me it's a myth. I can understand this if it comes for shotgun or rocket launcher, but handgun or magnum? For me the character's speed is the same with or without equipped handgun, isn't it?

United States

Having the handgun equipped or not affects the scene between Ada and Annette. After Ada pushes Annette off she goes to pick her pistol back up, but in the case of being unarmed this does not happen. It saves a few seconds in the end. :)

I'm not entirely sure about movement speed being influenced with two handed weapons for this game in particular (I remember hearing something ages by Carci about it), but I have noticed that while you're running with two handed guns that you turn slightly faster. There's also an odd instance that occurs with Claire when you're wielding the grenade launcher that causes the first licker to react differently.

Examples of the licker dodge.


Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
United Kingdom

Fairly certain having the Shotgun as Leon / Grenade Launcher as Claire somewhat changes their hitbox, meaning enemies react to you differently.

Lickers are one large example, as almost every dodge is different depending on whether or not you have the GL equipped. You can also do some dodges with the GL equipped that you cannot do without it equipped and so on.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago