world Record run maybe Spliced or Pingspoofed -Mano patota
2 years ago
Århus, Denmark

i was looking at the current WR run I looked at his run I think I saw something At times, his game was lagging, but the timer wasn't. In one of my test runs and the 7:19 I didn't submit, my game and timer lagged and then were the same during each video I'm suggesting either splicing or pingspoofing It's mainly in the 1st and second day I didn't catch anything in the riots That just made me a bit sceptical I'm not saying they cheated but I'm suspicious of em i mean it would make sense that the timer and game lagged because of recording but at the same time the game could be lagging also this is the world record run right why does live spilt say he is behind iam asuming that he records all his runs so why wouldnt he submit the seemingly faster run i assume he did the thing where he just spammed the start/split button to see if it worked bcuz thats what i did when i first got livesplit then i found out how to reset the thingie but he is not like 20/30 secs behind its just 2 sec why wouldnt he upload that run?

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