Challenge in 1h 05m 38s by

Emulator: BGB 1.5.7SR

NOTE: This was part of a larger marathon of Puzzle League games. The final time for this run can be found as the last "Dragonite" split, right before the "Start Tetris Attack" split.


Easy: 4m 11s Normal: 8m 09s Hard: 11m 22s Super Hard: 14m 08s (PB) Intense: 27m 13s (PB) Overall: 1h 05m 38s


Easy: Average Easy segment. Not much to say about it other than I need to improve my board vision to be able to get my time down more in this segment. Normal: Average Normal segment. I need to improve board vision to get my time down in this segment as well. More than a minute of time save I could have in this segment if executed properly. Hard: Abysmal Hard segment. I don't know what the hell it is with Hard, but this segment and category seem to cause me a ton of problems. I need to find out what is causing it and then try to remedy it as quickly as possible for the next time I do this run because there is over 2 minutes of time save that I can do in this difficulty alone, which would drop me closer to a sub 1 hour time overall in this category. Super Hard: 40s PB improvement over my previous PB. I will be trying to shoot for a sub 14 the next time I run this category. Intense: 40s PB improvement over my previous PB. First 1CC clear of Intense. Not much else to say other than if I can improve my time in this difficulty by even 2-3 minutes,. I could get a sub 1 hour time in this category.

Overall: This run of this category started out pretty slow, but got better and better over time. I need to work more on the consistency over the course of the entire run and improve the earlier segments of this run as well as make them more consistent to try to get my time in this category under an hour. More to come!

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Challenge Game Level
Easy - Intense
1h 05m 38s
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago