JSR's PS1 Any% Route (2022)
JSR's PS1 Any% Route (2022)
Aggiornato 2 years ago di JSR_

Please keep in mind: I wrote this so that I could glance at it in a speedrun and quickly realize what was next; in the event I ever got lost, I could easily recover. This outlines every step of the game.
A direction is meant for any T or possible directional change, but these directions will make more sense if you take the time to practice the levels and get used to their layouts.

This was written with some safeties in mind. Extra medikits and ammo are in this guide. These are not necessarily required to beat the game but make it much easier; feel free to skip things that you don't think you need. Also, there may be others I missed.

This walkthrough WILL work for the PC but some enemies, items, weapons etc are different. Your mileage may vary. This was designed for the PS1 game only.

-------MEDICAL CENTER 1-------

-Cell door, Soup, key -Run straight, then right. around corner -through the door ahead to more cells. Pass them to a door.

-Right, fight an ape. Get CLUB. Continue to a door on right. Stay right until you see op tables, hit the alarm -Return to the op room door and enter. Hit the button there then Get SURGICAL SAW. -Return to the hallway where you killed the ape but this time go left (right from where you fought the ape). You will see a rat cutscene. -Door, use SAW on GATE to open it.

-------MEDICAL CENTER 2-------

-Get MEDIKIT and equip CLUB, fight ape (or sneak by).
-Left around hallway, rusty colored DOOR on right. -Fight an APE in the back area. Then hit the Card Reader? -From reader, turn around. Go right, right, left & fight an APE. -Kill APE in this big room, then left around to the other side (catwalk follows). When you reach stairs, go right through door. -Go through the door ahead then left. There's an ape in the door, kill the APE. -After APE open the door on the left. Go thru the AUTO door, right, then passed the next door on left to a DOOR on the RIGHT; enter. -Kill the APE and get the DOOR PASS, return. -Go all the way back to the staircase, but go past it on the right. Use the DOOR PASS and enter the door. -with back to door after card key reader go ahead to door ahead of you. -Right, find hole in grate and go down. Crawl towards back-right corner into water. Climb the ladder on other side and go through door.

-------MEDICAL CENTER 3-------

-climb crates up. -take catwalk right under beams and walls until you reach a room with crates; drop and get the MAGNETIC CARD -climb crates and return via catwalk to the area with a glowing red steam machine thingy. -Drop down to it and turn the VALVE 3 times -run away quickly to the door on the right and wait for the BOOM. -after cutscene, crouch and sneak by APE (ready to fight!) and take right door.

-in next room, go left to a cell door and use MAGNETIC CARD. -enter, right, thru door (wait for ape to leave) then go right through door with light above it. Cross the grated floor room. -kill APE on left then take left door. run through to a door and a cutscene will play showing a man die. -Kill this APE as well and enter room, get PHARMACY KEY

-Return to the grated floor room, cross and go right up steps.
-sneak on left side across room, go left through door.
-Enter pharmacy using KEY and get the *DELIRIUM RED* on left side of room.  Take it, then press button.  
-pass out and "die", watch cutscene.

-------MONASTERY 1-------

-Wake up. From start: straight through brick door, run past *RAT*. 
-Left to lit intersection, right, then take left door before next lit.  Kill *RAT*, get *MEDIKIT*

-exit left, lit, right, skip door on left (knife) and go right. Push the armoir to find HOLOGRAM CARTRIDGES. -exit left, then lit, right into a big room. Go left to a piece of furniture with spinny things. Turn both 1x. -Use hologram cart in the computer to see a message. -From cpu return to lit hallway and see a human. run ahead to hallway. so all the way to the lit at end, right, lit, left, you'll see BIG STAIRS. -Go LEFT of stairs into a dark room. Kick the pillar.
-climb up hole and get COAT OF ARMS, then fall back down. Go down steps into a winery. put the coat of arms on 2nd barrel on right, and a door opens, go in and through.

-------MONASTERY 2-------

-From start: Ignore Carafe, take door. right. Pull lever and then enter secret door. cross left into a room with a cross and a green goo. Take a left turn, then a right into a chapel. Kill a RAT then take left door of the 2 doors, inside is a KEY -pass the table, left door for a MEDIKIT -Return and take left door into a room with cells. Use KEY in cell door. Go through and crawl into a hole in the wall. -stay left to a ladder going down. -Use knife to kill an APE there. -there's a rope on the left side by the grain mill. Pull it to released a GOLDEN STATUE to get. -Return to ladder, go up. -Return to crawl space and cell door, then all the way back to the chapel. -near the stained glass windows is a hole. Place the statue to open a door, crawl through the door.

-------MONASTERY 3-------

-From start: left on coffin, climb ledge. Climb to catwalk (JUMP GAP) window on other side. Drop to roof. -Run left round roof for MEDIKIT. Drop to grass. -2 RATS to kill. take door w/ thin pillars (piano), enter, ladder on the right; go up. -go around to a desk; inside is a hidden crank and a thingy. Crank the thing MUSICAL SCORE

-return to ladder OR jump (12% dmg) then return to PIANO (beware of a RAT) then out to grass. -stay on tile, go left, around to door on left. Go left then right to tiled room. -left, stay center. Kill RAT. go through big pillars and around to the right to a secret room and an APE to kill. -Go through to a room with a large circle stained glass window. on right side by door is a CHALICE & KEY

-return to big pillar room. go left. cross room to a door arch on right. After, right to return to grass. -Center of grass is a well; go down well. -at bottom take stairs and go to a ladder; go up. -Get off at 1st ledge and reach a gate. use KEY there. -left to double door. right to a yellow lit room with an organ. Use SCORE there. a hole appears.

-go around organ and enter door, right through door, down cave to ladder. Go back down. -return to stair room, go back across to well. return up. -take right door, then go to tile room. Through to the grave at end, enter hole behind grave.

-------MONASTERY 4-------

-From start: left past coffin to a gargoyle statue to open coffin hatch. Go into water and swim down. -swim past grates to bottom. Push switch & open grates. -return to 2nd grate going back up and enter shaft. Swim through to surface. -exit water, pass arch and go left. -climb ledge at end, then right and right into dirt floor room w stairs. go down and through door, right, then climb ledge and right.
-wait for floor, right, open gate on left. fight a RAT -MEDIKIT behind coffin, then get HUMAN BONE. IF RAT FOLLOWS YOU INTO THE CELL AND HITS YOU WHILE YOU USE BONE YOU CAN SOFTLOCK

-Return through gate, right and through another gate. 
	-Pass through.  Use Human bone to open it. 
	-right, open gate, pass floor.  right, hit secret brick switch. a door slides open.
-go through door. cutscene, receive *GOLD PART*

-------MINES 1-------

-From start: go left into tunnel and forward until you reach a white tile floor. sneak left around boxes behind an ape and kill APE. -Pick up CLUB -return back and right to fight a second APE -look for an elevator. below the shaft is an ELECTRO MAGNET CARD -Jump/climb out. -in the tile floor room between a dumpster and door is a MEDIKIT -take cave by medkit to room w/ cabinets in the back & a beam leaning down; at the base of it is a MEDIKIT -open the right cabinet and get the SIGNAL BOX CARD & BLOWTORCH

-Return to the room you fought the apes in and take the left tunnel this time. -Go through the double doors and kill the APE -on the left of this room is an electrical panel. Use the Signal Box card in the card reader on this panel, and then pull the SWITCH. -go to the right of the room and use the Electro Magnet card, then pull THIS switch.

-return to the tunnel; once in the central room go left into another tunnel.  once you reach a train car pass it; youll end up in a crane room.
	-use the crane to lift the pallet in the middle of the room, and push it to the back. This clears the tracks.
-Run into the new tunnel and use the right controller module to switch the tracks; switch the 1st and 3rd from left.
	-use the left to control the train.  Drive the train into the tunnel, past you, and into the left tunnel until it stops.
	-use the right module to switch the tracks again (3rd and 4th)
	-use the left to reverse the train onto the new tracks where it will collide into the gate, opening it.
		-TL;DR train sequence: 
			-Crane to back
			-tunnel, right side module 1 & 3
			-left side, drive train into tunnel
			-right side 3 & 4
			-left side, drive train into gate.

-pass through the newly-opened gate and go right. when you reach a lit room go right. activate the elevator using the controls on the right, then enter it and use the blowtorch on the door locks to open it. Use the controls to go down.

-------MINES 2-------

-From start: go left and behind you to get a MEDIKIT behind the elevator. -go back to the left into a tunnel, then right. follow to a green glowy gas. (LR gas) -in the gas maze pass your first right, then left, right. up a hill, grab the RIFLE (Pass R, LR, hill R) -keep going and below you should see a MEDIKIT -return to the lit area and go right slightly. You'll see a cave with more green gas. Equip your rifle. -shoot the barrel to explode it, then go left. -when reach rockslide, get MEDIKIT left; you'll see another barrel to shoot. -go into this tunnel and left, go right, past another ape, and head left. (LRL) -Run into the tile tunnel and left, passing another barrel. Once you reach the large room go to the back left behind a concrete barrier and wait. If the APE follows kill him; if not you can chase him back down. (L, L) -in this room is another elevator. Call it and ride down.

-------MINES 3-------

-From start: go right into a lit tunnel into a subway tunnel with 2 RATS, ignore.
-climb onto the ledge above the hole using a crate, and shimmy left across the gap. -grab the BATTERY from the other side and drop down into the hole. -climb onto the crates into another lit tunnel. you'll spawn an APE. Sneak behind him into the left tunnel until you reach tracks then go. -Take the tunnel in the room and head left along tracks to a train. Use the BATTERY in the train car. -Hit the controls for the train and drive the drain on the track until it's out of the tunnel.

-----------------------------------------CROWBAR SKIP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -After moving the train, return towards the area near the elevator, but take your FIRST LEFT. -Find the small hallway and see the cutscene for the 2 apes. Ensure you have health to survive 2-3 hits. -From left side of hole, run backwards (facing right) into the hole and QUICKLY run to the RF TRANSMITTER and get it. Kill the apes if necessary. -Quickly jump onto the crate closest to the Transmitter room, and climb up. Heal if necessary.

-Return to the train and pass it into another hallway.  Continue until you see the *BAT*.  use the RF Transmitter then set it on the ground to mess with him, then climb the wall.  go left on the wall until you can drop onto a ledge.  Jump across the gap to a ledge and shimmy left along it.
	-when you get to the other side enter and then sneak sneak *SNEAK SNEAK* into the tunnel.  

********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************DO NOT FORGET THAT THERE IS AN APE HERE WHO WILL SHOOT YOU AND KILL YOU **************************************************** -THERE IS AN APE HERE AND HE WILL KILL YOU. Shoot him around the corner, THEN take the elevator to end the stage. (no, I have not died to that damned dirty ape at least 2x in a run. no I have not...)

-------RUINED CITY 1-------

-From start: you emerge from the ground. After the cutscene, go forward, equip the RIFLE and shoot the APE. Grab his AUTOMATIC RIFLE then go up the stairs, and after 5 flights go right. sneak into the room, stay right. -sneak up to an APE and kill it while it sleeps on a sofa. -right side of sofa is a KEY -open the cell to free a girl. She kicks us and runs. -head left of the sofa to a rusty door, open and enter. it's an elevator shaft. slide down. and through a door. right up stairs, then left to another rusty door. -enter the code (4293?) to enter. cutscene. -Thanks Nova.

-------RUINED CITY 2-------

-From Start: run up to an APE and immediately kill it. -down stairs, past pillars, right into door. -left, get KEY -return, past pillars, up stairs, left, around stairs on right. Use club; in big room go slightly left of a door to kill another APE. -go right of the big door, left of nipple rock, into a grassy area with another APE. behind him is a MEDIKIT next to crates. Climb them and onto the roof. -go forward and right to a hole behind the object in the corner; fall down it.

-behind the crates to the right is a door. -Kill the APE in here. check his microscope for MEDIKIT and on the right is a POISONOUS GAS VIAL.
-from the vial cross the room to a sliding door, go right, and through 2 doors into a dark room. Stay right and sneak behind an ape. Throw the gas vial into the room, and then go to the back to get a NANO PACK, RIFLE, and AMMO. -enter the door for a cutscene. -When the scene ends: go forwards slightly then right into a door where another cutscene plays.
-go through the double doors, right, pass the door then left and into the hole on the right. -go left to a gray door and use the KEY on it.

-------RUINED CITY 3-------

-From start: right down escalator, then left, right, left BEFORE yellow hall into a cutscene. -after cutscene, turn left and RUN to the yellow building on the right. Use code (6572) to enter and get the FUSE -Return to big room and run across the tracks to a cubby in the wall. In this cubby you will find shocking water. Cross the water & enter the tunnel. Stay right. -Eventually you'll find a room with a green screen.
-use the panel on the left to turn the ventilation system offline. -return. go right. then forward, 2nd left (past water), past red door on right and through the fan. you'll see a box on the wall. take the blown fuse out & use fuse. then take elevator near the box.

-------HUMAN VILLAGE 1-------

-From Start: straight down lit tunnel. kill an APE and get CLUB -go right at T, then talk to human. get MEDIKIT and return -go straight at T. kill APE that kills a human. Get their RIFLE. then take left hallway in back. -stay right and then skip the left door (inside is an APE fighting the follow man). Jump onto the ledge and grab a POKER, and then return to the ledge and shoot an APE 3x. Drop and run that way.

	-right to another *APE* to kill.  turn around and run past the campfire (left from the T, if viewing from where you shot the ape). go left; Skip this for now, but note it.
-From the fire go forward to an ape that drops a man down a hole.  Kill the *APE* and get his *GUN*.
-from that ape, go left of some steps on left and into another large room with a *MEDIKIT* on the left.  Go right and back to the hole room.

	-stay left.  you'll wind up in a room with another *MEDIKIT* in a dark nook on the right.  Return left. past the "campfire" to the hole room and back up the stairs you came from.  Return to the earlier campfire and heat the poker up, then run like the dickens.
	-skip the hallway campfire and light the campfire at the hole room, and go to the right stair cave with torches, at the end of it is some brush you can burn. (beware of *APES* that might appear!) CHECK THIS FIRST for apes! Then return and light the poker.
-once the barrier burns away you're done!

-------HUMAN VILLAGE 2------- AKA the run from all apes except OTW to the kid stage

(if you do this right the only apes you'll have to kill are behind the kid and behind the zipline. RUN and JUMP the entire stage. The apes stop chasing: -When you enter Bosko's chamber (the pillar room) -Son's chamber (one or two MIIIIGHT follow you in so just get in there and shoot any that follow) -zipline (same as son's. they might leave. when they do the cutscene automatically plays)

-FROM START: turn around for a MEDIKIT. -exit tunnel and head left. enter another tunnel, stay left and hide in a room near a yellow torch to avoid an APE. There are 2 APEs here. You'll likely need to fight them both. -heal if nec. take the hallway with yellow torches into a large hilly room with an ape. Stay left and enter another tunnel with an obvious pillar in the middle. -left at the pillar and straight ahead. Find BOSKO in a room laying down and dying. watch a cutscene.

-get the *KNIFE* then exit.  left, right at the pillar to the large room.  Avoid the *APE* and stay left, sneak left. Find a *MEDIKIT* behind a rock.  when you see stairs into a room with a campfire take it, pass a camprife, and run straight ahead until you reach a room with a large (Pizza oven?)
-pass the oven, go left, and find a room with tied-up people. Fight any *APES* that follow you.  use the KNIFE to cut the ropes from BOSKO'S SON and free him.  Return to Bosco.

-You'll see his son watch Bosco die.  After he dies, and the cutscene ends, leave and left, right, big room stay left, run to the stairs, campfire, pass it, yellow hallway, pizza oven room, pass, right side stairs to a bridge thing.
-Jump straight up to activate a cutscene. "Abbra!"
-Cadabbra!  the bridge comes over.  Ride the zipline across the gap.

-------HUMAN VILLAGE 3------- (IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST 1 MEDIPAK + 50% health just F'ING RUN to the dark room, maybe fight 1 super-hyena)

-From Start: equip poker. forward, right, left, fight HYENA. right, left, left leads to a ladder with a HYENA you prob. need to kill -Continue until you see an unlit fire; go right & pass the next hall (stay left) into a dark room. cutscene. -Fight 2 HYENAS. enter building. -From fireplace run to left corner by gate then back until you stop. There's a white box on wall and use it to open the barred door -left, on wall to left is another switch. Then face the direction you were when you entered. -2 tables have URNS. grab Urn D from the center of the left table (Blue, symbol is () on the urn) and place it on left -Grab Urn C from the right of the opposite table (Red, has a Pi symbol on the urn) and place it on the right. -the wall opens. Enter. -at end of hall is a coffin. behind is a grave. Left at grave, jump up to roll a thing. run to end level.

-------THE CANYON-------

From Start: lol watch cutscene.

-------UNIVERSITY 1------- AKA Sneak until you stink, then run until you're done

-From start: sneak on left side of thing, go forward to 2 staircases, and go up the left one -APE near start you might have to kill (BEWARE a 2nd APE might come out door at top of stairs) -at top go right, to door with keypad (use 2536) -left for a MEDIKIT, continue to a shelf on right with SULFUR and other items (ignore?) -return to hall. right to fruit stripe but stop at notes door. Use sulfur in the box. alarms go off. -exit. straight ahead to steps, down steps, then 180 left. There's a single door on the left (basically under the steps you just went down).

-------UNIVERSITY 2-------

-From start: in the room, use the device panel and move the thingy left until it is aimed at a window and use the blue laser to break the window. Aim it down the hallway and kill any apes. -Leave through window, look by lockers for MACHINE GUN.
-Window at back: straight down hall, left, doors at right w yellow stripe on floor. take left door in this hall and get MEDIKIT. -back of room is a white control panel. Hit it for a cutscene. -after cutscene: take right door. right. right down hall to a door with a white-suited APE, shoot him before he trips the alarm! -right into room, use white switch on wall by glass table of morgue. Lie on this table and say bye, Felicia. Why is there a morgue in a university anyways oh whatever. -after cutscene: right wall door, cutscene. -after cutscene: door ahead, right, right, sneak down hallway to left door, enter and left by door is a SWIPE CARD. Sneak past ape in room, exit, left, use card to open DOOR

-------MATHIAS 1-------

-From Start: watch cutscene LOL

-------PRISON 1-------

-From Start: another cutscene LOL

-------PRISON 4?-------

-From start: immed. left through door, left, door, right, left, door, cutscene. -take right door to red room. hit mixer board to light the things. cutscene. -after scene, hit button to kill ape? exit through door with red carpet. -right right steps door straight, get REWRITABLE MAGNETIC CARD.

	-return down steps, red carpet, mixer room, left, immed left, to a white tile room, right, door, straight, 1st door right, use card on computer, cutscene.
	-next to cpu get another card.  right door, right, left at blue carpet T, follow BLUE CARPET. 3rd door on left, get *MEDIKIT*. left, use card on last door on right to free JONAH.

-after the scene, go forward. up stairs, right, to double doors on left. Put Jonah down in here and leave his booty behind. -Leave the room and wait. BOOM! MOFO -re-enter room and crawl into hatch on left.


-From start: fall down and turn around, get SCREWDRIVER -take stone hallway right, jump up to ledge and kick grate. Enter shaft. -right, left up steps, use screwdriver on card reader. -enter red door. forward until cutscene. -enter door ahead. on desk is a PASS

	-return. ****QUICKLY**** go through the door, left, to the right door at end, QUICKLY climb rubble.  take left hole to drop by a cabinet.  push it to reveal a hidden door.  
	-sneak ahead to empty room w/ red button door.  push it with PASS and enter.  
	-right is a broken wire?  plug it in then hit the panel right of it.

-After cutscene, fall in and in back hit switch.  Get on lift. Ride back up.
	-climb boxes.  use them to reach a rafter and a ladder.  climb it to top.
	-on red light shelf is a switch, hit it.  return to center and you'll fly up!
-after cutscene NEUTRAL ALL BUTTS use grating to hold on.  Go forward to wall and drop.
	-take gray door.  right. left to 1st door, use button on door and enter.

-------MATHIAS 2-------

-From cutscene: lol watch and save.


-From start: forward, left, fight an APE and pick up his CLUB. -take 1st door past ape, straight to door, straight and take right door (inside are bars and a crusher?) climb ladder in back. -turn around and sneak up to an APE and kill them. -Take their LASER RIFLE turn around and run back, then shoot another APE

		-there's a small "boat-like thingy" with a *MEDIKIT* to the left of it in a cubby.
	-left, run to a small hole, fall in and climb up other side.
	-right, take hallway, right, right for a *CROWBAR*
	-from crowbar, left, straight to blinky room. Kill an *APE* with rifle, then use the CROWBAR on the crate in middle of room to get *EXPLOSIVE CHARGES*; *MEDIKIT* behind crates on right.

	-return, blinky hall, right, crusher room, past crusher right to yellow hallway.
	-in yellow hall, left, then straight, another door, left to a ladder climb it.	
	-at top, run to 4-5 o clock until you fall (looks like another ladder?).  take a left to a door.
	-right to a ladder in the sparky room.  climb.
-at top: run along to steam pipes.  Put a charge in it.  Cutscene.

	-after cutscene:  climb ladder back down.
-bottom of ladder behind you: 1st door left, right to that ladder we skipped (5 of clock ladder) then climb the 1st one back down by the crusher.
	-right door, straight door, yellow hallway, right, right at the bars to a grate. kick it and enter.
-After cutscene: sneak forward.  

-------ARCHIVES 1-------

-From Start: turn left and sneak to corner. carefully shoot APE and kill w laser rifle. -after ape, stay left, get ape's PLASMA RIFLE. -run ahead, left, look down the hallway with the "train tracks" going ahead, you'll see a "box" to climb (where the "tracks" turn), and again to a ledge. -From ledge: right, door left, left, into the vacuum hallway. Run left and onward until a cutscene plays.

	-After cutscene: straight ahead, when you see a lit door and an unlit door crouch by unlit one and hide by the door (don't enter) until *APE* appears.  Then after APE exits unlit door, shoot *APE* then run to green sign with a *MAGNETIC CARD* below it. 
	-Use CARD on computer next to it.  Select "CHANGE PASS ACCESS" then enter 25789 in.
	-Format the card. 
	-Select Level 1 to 3. 

-AFTER PROGRAMMING IS DONE: wait in corner for door to open and shoot the *Baboon* with the Plasma Rifle. Then get the *CARD* once it's finished.
	-after card: return left to hallway and run to the pink screen door, ladder by grate. climb it. 
-From ladder: kick grate and enter. 
	-right, left in gray door for *MEDIKIT*
	-exit, left, use MAGNETIC CARD on door.


-From start: GET DOWN STAIRS and around corner so camera doesn't see you. Fight APE -enter last door on left. Turn left, enter gray door on left. Dirt room. -turn right and run. double doors -turn right to avoid a cutscene and run to home plate door -right, left, door, right (steps), equip plasma rifle. kill ape save human. Cutscene.

	-after cutscene: right, desk (MEDIKIT) then door behind then left. past red button, left, and the girl you saved appears. ignore *PAPER*
	-after cutscene: straight ahead through the door you entered from.
	-door, past tables, left at desk (red button on right wall when you turn left) past hall into door, right, past stairs to small door. through.  Get *ELEVATOR PASS* by pressing ACTION on the *PLANT* and turn to the other door on left when you enter.

-------ARCHIVES 3------- (IF YOU HAVE SHOTS, stop in 1st doorway and shoot those damned dirty apes!)

-From start: right to door but sneak through. you'll hear 2 apes laughing. Get near the one w/ the Rifle and use the stick to kill (or Plasma if you have ammo). Get AMMO then finish 2nd ape. -After Apes die, from where they were laughing turn left and go down the hallway to a right side door with blue computer screens inside it; go in and run to the one on the platform with a railing behind it. -back blue screens for turret gun, aim it left, & shoot at the hand plates for both doors, then right & same thing. Wait for apes to open door. Then exit -right of turret control is a switch; hit it. -after deactivation is confirmed via text, with turret screen at back: run out where you came, left, right, stairs up, left, all the way straight then right into door, left, blue carpet o bb with slots and a glass door way.
-path is: from right X X X X O O X X X X X X X O O X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X O X -enter door, take ladder down. -turn around, right side. machine. change temperature to 00 degrees C.
-from temp controls: go left to a door (use switch right of door), left immed. steps -up steps, left, all the way straight gold hallway, right, right, gold hallway. Enter the code 1124 -enter, left, get SILVER PART. turn around, single door (use ?) and enter. -left, left door.

-------MATHIAS 3-------

-From start: cutscene lol

-------THE STATUE------- AKA: The glitch level: After CPU, jump onto the countertop

-From start: straight into hole. right, right, red door, left, hole, right, water. *LET THE STAR WARS BALL SEE YOU and he might be gone later -dive down, ARK, past that into rectangular door, swim up and left, through lit hallway and up, surface. -red door, left, #1 , #2, #3, #4 in order? -return to hall, dive back into water, swim back to ARK. -at ARK, surface on other side (5 O'Clock when looking at the word ARK), then swim to red flashing lights (ladder) climb it and take catwalk past A to a LASER DROID (run past it) and all the way around to a red door (2nd door)? until it leaves you alone, then return to the 1st red door. -straight, A, left, left stay high on left side and run past another droid. -blue computer, use it. -left of blue computer, walk off and fall. -red door, right, around counter to a MEDIKIT -right, get SECURITY CARD from briefcase. -get SNIPER RIFLE from glass room. -From rifle: return to counter, exit, left, red door, left, catwalk, left past star wars door and droid, past red door, snipe the droids if necc. -back to blue cpu, right side is another small cpu. use it. -behind you is a 3rd, use it twice. -return to red door, pass it, star wars door, go through, right, red door, through, left, A & droid, red door go through, right at end, through another red door. -equip SECURITY CARD for red door.

-------PENTAGON 2-------

-From start: forward to skull, ignore that skull door and go past it left, right door after go through -steps down, 1st door, left, left door, switch (cutscene with President's message). -after message: take left door, left, snipe a machine. On other side is an ACCREDITATION CARD.

	-from card: turn around, right door, left, blue hall, go across the hall to the middle room, up more steps to a desk which has a *MICRO RECORDER* in the right drawer.
	-From desk: drop, return to blue hall, straight ahead, left (ARK), right, right, single door back to the President recording where you can USE THE RECORDER to record the message.
-FROM MESSAGE AT BACK: left door ahead, right door, steps up, door, left, stay left past skull, skip door and steps and droid and door, 2nd door, take 2nd stairs UP into future room.
	-in future room use left CPU, then go back into door with steps and KILL droid with sniper.
	-return to future room and use RECORDER on center of CPU.
	-from CPU at back: turn around to right, take left door and down steps.skip 1st door, steps, skull, left past skull dooor, take right door (the same one from before) and go down steps.
	-skip 1st door going down, 2nd door, take 3rd door (use ID card)


-From start: right, left, past shit, all the way to end, right, red door. -right, red door, down steps, right, down steps, red door. -left, red door -left, when you see a counter, turn left. There is a red door, go through. -past door all the way to white cabinet which has a HYPODERMIC SYRINGE in it -from syringe, right is a MEDIKIT

-from medikit take red door on right, right, red door, straight to a pedestal (use the SYRINGE here)

-From Cutscene: right wall has a white switch, inside is a keypad (code is 2278) -from keypad at back: right red carpet to desk, near corpse is a HOLOGRAM CARTRIDGE on right side of desk (from chair)

-From desk at back: take open door on left. take ramp UP on left. go into glass room and press red button.
-from cutscene: take red carpet down to elevator
-from elevator: straight to red door. steps, steps, door.
-from DOOR: pass the counter, get *MAGNETIC CONNECTOR* from the nipple on the floor ahead. turn right, to rocky hall, and use magnets there to lower barrier.  straight ahead to golden door, use CUBE there. 

-------MOSTASTERY 5-------

-From start: cutscene lol

-------APE PALACE------- If low health for final ape and no gun/ammo, you can run back and try to beat him to the switch to GG

-From start: run left to door, sneak to ape's rear left shoulder and WALLOP him. Get his LASER SNIPER RIFLE -up steps, run right to door, left to pillar. -Watch for ape w/ laser gun. Sneak by to MEDIKIT and CRANK or shoot him. -turn right, stay against wall to moss & through a fake wall. Use CRANK here to open door.

-from crank wall: door, right,  kill 2 APES.  
-get *ACCESS CARD TO SECURITY ROOM* from white-coated ape, then hide left of double door. 
	-when coast is clear go in and snip any survivors.  turn right and take sun door on left.
	-sneak in.  Kill an ape.  straight ahead, past ape, left, 1st door on right.
	-right, go to books, pull hidden SWITCH to open book door. inside is a *LASER SCANNING UNLOCK KEY* (there's a *MEDIKIT* here as well)

-from book door at back: right single door, left, end of hallway sun door, right, left sun door, single door at end USE CARD
	-go through, left, CPU (use laser key)
-return, equip rifle. straight, sun door, right, left sun door, straight, pass some doors, enter poop chute, right, up steps is an ape to shoot.
	-go up steps, double door/sun door.


A COUPLE QUICK THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: -Jumping while running is faster. This is the only way to outrun the apes if they pursue. -Combat can be faster if you play angles with the apes. Try not to face them head-on. They try to re-position and that might leave them open for attacks. -analog stick movement is still digital; keep that in mind. -There are MANY events, places, people, and other things in the run I skipped in this route. You might be able to find others to skip, and you might need some of the things that I did. If you're having trouble with a specific part, you might need to look at an FAQ or a walkthrough. -Most cutscenes can be skipped. The only ones I found can't be are all of the cutscene in Ruined City 1 (you damned dirty ape BWAHAHA!) and the 2 computers in Pentagon 2.

-THERE ARE 2 DETRIMENTAL GLITCHES I FOUND: In the Statue of Liberty level, sometimes the game will glitch out, freeze, or even crash when you walk into the red door after the 1st interaction with the blue-screened CPU. It IS possible to recover if you get the glitch, but it will freak the game out at best, and hardlock at worst. Try not to turn right in that room, instead run-jumping over the countertop, and walking backwards after the sniper rifle so the camera doesn't show the item (whatever it is) that causes the game to freak out. -The other glitch is in Pentagon 3. Sometimes during cutscenes, if you buffer movement during the scene, you'll return to action with a direction being held even when you are neutral. It doesn't happen all the time, and I never had this happen on any other stage (neither of those necessarily mean anything but are noteworthy). This is dangerous because in this stage, there's an elevator cutscene where, if you have a directional glitch happening, you'll die before the screen even finishes loading. To be safe, don't touch the D-Pad or stick during cutscenes in this stage.

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