General NG route
2 years ago

The Suffering: The only thing we need to prep is to sacrifice one shield to another and pick two more shields with us (make sure not to pick any skills for them). The biffy shiled we need to survive the hatching and others to delay enemies turn so nothing can interfere. After start of the fight we just wait for egg to spawn and with use of previously discussed bug, just forcing the egg to cast hatchling (I think it's on number 6 hotkey, just check ). After it does, we use same technique to force suffering to spam 'Torment' which decrese his health. And after aprox 28 times or until you can no longer use the 'Torment' just skip the turn. The game has hardcoded trigger which forces the boss to cast 'Torment' after he loosing a lot of health, that way the boss receive negative health and suicides after the animation. GGs

PS: if anyone will decide to run or optimize this run will gladly answer some questions here or in discord. God speed <3

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