"Shoot X Targets" Guide
"Shoot X Targets" Guide
Aggiornato 3 years ago di MagicMason1000

There are 3 subcategories to this category: 100, 250, and 450 targets.

Shoot 100 Targets

This route, if executed well, will take about 1m 45s to 1m 55s to complete. The route first starts in stage 3-1, Kakariko Target Practice. This stage is chosen because the stage has targets that appear one after another once you shoot them, and not scheduled to appear like the other stages. This allows you to shoot the targets very quickly instead of having to wait for the next targets to appear. Play through the first two areas like normal, but don't hit any of the scarecrows. The secret area is slower than the normal area because the secret area has scheduled targets that you need to wait for. Once you get to the final area, shoot the targets as fast as possible. Once you get the Triforce, pause and leave the stage ASAP. You now have 89 targets. This is known because you will only get the Triforce after shooting every target in the stage, and by counting the targets, there are 89 targets in 3-1. Therefore, getting the Triforce signals that you have shot 89 targets. The stage should be left instead of fully completing it because the game takes time to tally up your points and display them, taking about 15 wasted seconds. Leaving the stage removes this because it doesn't show you the ending screen. Now, go to stage 8-1, Horseback Target Practice. Out of all of the target practice stages, there was a tie between 8-1 and 6-1 for the fastest time to shoot 11 targets, with both at 14 seconds. 8-1 was found to be slightly faster in the final target, although, 6-1 could still be used to get a faster time if bomb arrows were used correctly. In 8-1, the first 9 targets appear immediately, but the 10th and 11th appear shortly after that. When you hit the 10th target, charge a bomb arrow and shoot it off-screen to the right. If you wait correctly, the blast from the bomb arrow should hit the final target before it appears on-screen. You'll know you hit it if you receive points. If you miss, wait and spam arrows in order to shoot it as soon as it appears on-screen.

Simplified Route

  • Start in 3-1, Kakariko Target Practice. Play level as normal to the end (DON'T take the scarecrow secret route)
  • At the final area, shoot the targets as fast as possible. They appear as you shoot them. When you get the Triforce, immediately pause and exit the stage. You now have 89 targets and need 11 more. If you didn't get the Triforce, you messed up.
  • Go straight to 8-1, Horseback Target Practice.
  • Shoot the first 9 targets that appear straight away, then wait a short second for the 10th target. The final target takes 2 seconds to come into view, so while you shoot the 10th target, charge a bomb arrow. Shoot the bomb arrow to the right off-screen to try and hit the target before it moves on camera. You will know you shot it if you receive more points. If you didn't, spam arrows until you hit it. Shooting this target is the final target you need, ending your run.

Shoot 250 Targets

Work in progress.

Shoot 450 Targets

Work in progress.