Any interest in strat videos?
6 years ago
Örebro, Sweden

Hi everyone I know Im not the strongest runner on this board but Im wondering if there is any value in me doing informative videos for the maps I have run where I explain my strats. Or is that just a waste of time?

Ontario, Canada

I would say go for it as some other may not be aware of things and would be good too share stuff that may not be so obvious in run videos alone. No harm in doing it provided that you wish to create some informative content in which could be informative and or useful as we dont really have much that explains strats during runs atm.

Örebro, Sweden

I have giving it some thought and maybe its better to do an introduction video instead. So I have made a draft for the video and would like to hear what you guys think about it. Also if anyone want to record part of it so we can get a different voice for each section that would be really cool.

"Speedrunning Killing Floor 2 can seem like an impossible task at first glance, how can you speedrun a wave based game? After some understanding about the basics of the game I hope to show you how this is a possibility that not only focus on skill but also strategy.

Before we begin I just want to let you know that this video focus on solo runs.

In speedrunning Killing Floor 2 there is one basic task you need to for fill to get a good time. Get the enemy’s to spawn close to you and never reach the spawn cap. Each map has spawn points for enemy’s that follow 2 rules. Rule one is the player close enough the spawn point. If the player is to far from the spawn point enemy’s wont spawn at that point. Rule two does the player have line of sight of the spawn point. If the player has line of sight of the spawn point, it wont spawn enemy’s. By knowing this rules you now know that to get a good time you need to be close to spawn points without having line of sight. This is something that is easiest determent by trial and error or by using already existing strategy’s and improving them. Here is what the spawn cap looks like for each difficulty and amount of players.

Classes: When choosing what class you should play my recommendation is to go with something you feel comfortable with. The most common class used is the berserker. The berserker can take a lot of damage and deal a lot as well, this make the berserker a good choice for close spawning enemy’s and for boss waves. It is often common for players to switch to this class at the boss wave. The firebug is very good for trash cleaning large groups of lower tier enemy’s with the use of area of effect from its fire based weapons but suffer effectivity on higher tier. Sharpshooter and gunslinger can be very effective on all enemy’s but are very hard to master for speedrunning. Commando is just as the firebug good for low tier trash cleaning and bad at higher tier. It has good reach but no area of effect weapons. The commandos grenades is very good for fleshpounds. Survivalist the jack of a trades is speculated to be a good choice for speedrunning but is rare to see in runs. SWAT is good for low tier but suffers in precision and has no area of effect weapons. Demolition is not used that much in runs except in rare cases of boss waves. Support has a high reload time which makes it less favored among speedrunners. Field medic is good at survival but lacks a good damage output.

Bosses: The boss wave spawn one of three random bosses. Patriarch is the fastest to kill of the bosses but it isn’t without skill that a player successfully quick kills the patriarch. When the patriarch has 35% left of his total health he will turn transparent and flee from the fight to heal up. This gives the player a short time to kill him before he gains a large amount of new health. You need to time when he is almost at 35% reload and land the finishing damage before he escapes and heals. Its not uncommon that players throws a C4 at him in the beginning of the fight to ensure a quick kill. His weak spots is his chest tentacle which take 1.5 time damage and his right arm with 1.3 times the damage. Following chart is the amount of health the patriarch has on each difficulty.

Dr. Hans Volter is the easiest of the bosses to kill but has some tricks you should be ready for. Hans will activate his shield 3 times at 60%, 41% and 25% of health and then go into his hunting phase. During him hunting phase Hans will try to drain your hp to regain his, to prevent this you need to break his shield before he grabs you. How much hp the shield has left can be seen at the top of hes health bar in blue. Hans weak spot is his head which take 1.2 time the damage. Following chart is the amount of health the Hans has on each difficulty.

King fleshpound is the boss that is the biggest time sink. The combination of his base hp and shield and low weakness modifier makes the fight drag out for some time. On the flipside hes a not hard to figure out. Think fleshpound with chestlaser and that’s abut it. His shield activates when hes hp is below 20%. Weak spots are head and chest plate with a 1.1 damage modifier.

For more information and questions visit the Killing Floor 2 page over at"

MASH piace questo
Ontario, Canada

still needs some refinement and spellchecking but good start imo, i'm rather terrible to explain things kinda a curse for me.

Örebro, Sweden

Yeah Im going to use the draft as a starting point and expand more on it during recording and cutting.

Do you think that I missed something important (I expect the viewer to have basic experience of the game)?

CabbageDevourer420 e MASH ti piace questo
Ontario, Canada

Never expect or assume the viewer will or would know something, very important to know this as plenty of people pick up games wanting to learn them and run them with next to no experience or knowledge. Saying this from experience and past observations.

MrefF piace questo
Örebro, Sweden

The video is at this moment unlisted.

What do you think?

MASH e CabbageDevourer420 ti piace questo

Very nice! Nice video

MrefF piace questo
Örebro, Sweden

The video is now listed on youtube and I have submited it to r/killingfloor and r/speedrun.

MASH e CabbageDevourer420 ti piace questo
Ontario, Canada

Very well done video for basic explanations and general over views should help allot of new runners and even general players tbh.

MrefF piace questo
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