Quickly skipping trader
Quickly skipping trader
Aggiornato 7 years ago di sp00keh

First step is to make sure you have the "Skip Trader Mut" installed. If you don't then check out this guide: http://www.speedrun.com/kf09/guide/2flzd

The easiest way to skip the trader in the fastest time possible is to bind the command to a button. For example I have my SkipTrader bound to Q. To do this you type into the console "set input q SkipTrader". Once this has been done, when the last zed dies at the end of a round keep pressing q to skip the trader as soon as possible.

If you have any other questions you can contact me through my links provided on my profile.

Statistiche del gioco
Giocate recenti
Livello: Toy Master, Normal, Short
Livello: Winter, 2013, Normal, Short
Livello: Twisted Christmas, Normal, Short
Livello: West London, Hell on Earth, Short
Livello: West London, Hard, Short
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