Fastest Possible Time
1 year ago
United States

Just throwing this out there because I know some people are bound to be curious.

So, I decided that I'd try to determine the fastest possible time (without loads) in an all missions run. This is only with the current skips/strategies we currently know of, or that currently work. I have found some skips that don't work the same way on PC, and I believe that PC is the slowest version by maybe 8 or so seconds, so keep that in mind.

So I realized that time without loads can be calculated pretty easily. In pretty much every run, the time without loads is just the sum of the time in every level, plus 53 seconds.

Load times can vary for each person, but usually the parts of a level that aren't considered loads are the same for everyone, and take up about 53 seconds. It usually ranges from 52-55, but I believe the only reason it varies is because the timers at the end of each level don't go to the millisecond-you could get a 50.00 or a 50.99 on a level and it would still show up as 50, so it can cause this to change a little.

Anyway, looking at the wr for each individual level, then adding the 53 seconds, we get a time of 7:25.

Though some of these runs weren't done on the PC version, which somewhat recently had an update that removed the ability to do some skips.

The skip in First Class to grab the device early is now 2 seconds slower, and grabbing items within the safe is about 2 seconds slower as well.

I also noticed that in the 1:15 run of Squeaky Clean, the runner is able to grab the lid off of the virus the exact moment he uses the copper dissolver. I have tried this multiple times, and I'm assuming it's a glitch that was patched-though I have yet to do nearly enough runs to confirm this yet. Having said that though, if it was patched, that means it would save about 4 seconds over the PC version.

So, tldr, the (maybe) fastest possible run is a 7:25, or a 7:32 on the PC version. Not sure what it'd be for the PSVR version as I have never played or tested that one. I have been looking around a lot for new skips so if I find something this might change.

So there's that in case anyone was wondering.

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