May 24 Master Patch (Update)
May 24 Master Patch (Update)
Pubblicato 2 years ago di

Update: The following Master Difficulty runs were rejected if from before May 24:

  • Dubai 24-27s (normal leaderboard not Default Loadout) runs from old patch
  • Chongqing Default Loadout
  • Season 3 and Trilogy (both normal and Default Loadout)

Old Patch Runs Archive:

I want to stress that this was a difficult decision to make. It is definitely not our intention to invalidate the hard earned records of our runners, nor to lose all of the accumulated strat knowledge due to an admittedly minor patch.

However: Given that even full game runs have come within a second of each other in the past, it is best to be prudent and remove any run that can not be performed 1:1 on current patch from the leaderboard, out of fairness.

I've included the Old Patch Runs Archive prominently in the rules for S3 and Trilogy, to empasize that new Master runners should still watch the old patch runs and learn from them, as most stuff is still the same from a strat learning perspective.

Know that this is a game where things are apt to be patched at any time, and at this time there is not a good way to downpatch this game (let's just say that the game being Always Online makes it very difficult to downpatch).

Also, the full game leaderboards may need to be shaken up again come July, when the new map comes out, so you've been warned (depending on how the community feels about it).

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