How to perform Early Kevin
How to perform Early Kevin
Aggiornato 3 years ago di wowarlok

Note: this guide is a little outdated, since the method illustrated is working but not exactly optimal. I'm going to update it as soon as I get the time to test Kevin's AI behavior better.

This guide should teach you how to performe "Early Kevin".

What is Early Kevin? Early Kevin is a trick used to reduce the rng required to free Harriet in "the Phantom of the Operating Room".

Why should I learn and use Early Kevin? There are several good reason: 1) Freeing Harriet is either very difficult or very slow without Early Kevin 2) Harriet is very usefull for the run, giving you access to a very versatile gift as well as being almost the only way to get access to sparkle later on 3) Early Kevin gives you a great deal of plasma early on (no pun intended) in a fairly long level, taking advantage of a crouded starting room.

What do I need to perform Early Kevin? you need access to 4specific ghosts with 4 specific powers, the list is: 1) Hogwash or Cogjammer with surge 2) Clatterclaws with legion 3) Firetail with great balls of fire 4) Boo with kinesis

How do I perform Early Kevin? As son as you get into "the Phantom of the Operating Room" you want to click on Kevin (the lower of the two kids in the frames on the right) and press on go to, this will bring you to the big room in the top right of the ospital. At this point, in rapid succession, you want to: -bind Hogwash to the TV and use surge -wait for surge to start -bind Clatterclaws near Kevin and use leigon -bench Hogwash mid surge (I generally wait for when the lights go off as a visual queue) -bind Firetail and use great balls of fire

This series of powers will ensure that Kevin will drop the bear in the same room Harriet is, will give you enough plasma to use great balls of fire and will scare Kevin off for good right away. Kinesis is necessary to prevent Kevin from running back and picking the bear up again before running away. You will know if the trick failed if Kevin manages to pic the teddy bear up before running away.

To free Harriet you might need to use a second kinesis and/or wait for a mortal to hand the teddy bear to Jimmy; you might want to avoid scaring mortal in that room for the first few minutes.

Ending notes: the trick isn't very hard, but I suggest you practice it a few times before running the game, just ot get use to the timing. That being said this is probably the hardest trick, timing wise, of the whole run, so don't feel bad if you need to reset the level a few times to get it right.

I hope this guide might help new runners picking up this game.

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