Any%, Hero Mode, Survivor Mode category questions
5 years ago
Arizona, USA

Hi, after reviewing the videos for the two hero mode runs that exist I am curious about why Any% has restrictions on it. After looking at the rules it seems as if there is a Hero Mode category, and a Survivor Mode category titled Any%. There does not appear to be an actual Any% category where anything goes to complete the game. Is this in error or an oversight of some form?

I wanted to learn any% but the only options I see on the board are Survivor Mode (titled as Any%) and Hero Mode (Deathless?). If anyone could provide clarification that would be great.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

We assign any% (to terminate without restrictions), to survival mode, because everything in the category is allowed except for "pause" (there is no such option in survival mode), accelerate time, people dying and good / bad endings are allowed . And hero mode is a mode where you choose the campaign and the difficulty but there are rules to follow, one is not letting anyone die, and not abusing the laws (bad ending.), Pauses are allowed. This makes the run much more dramatic and long.

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
Arizona, USA

Ok, I was looking for an any% run where I could just beat the game as fast as possible.

If you ever create a category for that let me know.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

There is any % already with the rules. Cant change it.

Arizona, USA

If you can't change things on here then who made the rules and categories? The forum shows you as being the moderator so I thought you were the person in charge here.

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
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