How to contact the global mods?
4 months ago

Ive heard there are global mods and i need to talk with them, can someone tell me ​if there is any way?

United States

Hello, you can open up a support ticket at /support/tickets. Tickets are answered in roughly the order they were received. Please do note that some members of our team are traveling (at AGDQ) and so responses may be slightly delayed this week.

Klagarn e grnts ti piace questo

thanks for answering, in my case, i want to remove a member from the super mod of a game because he is an asshole and he might even delete the speedrun page, is this possible, what ticket do i need to do this?

Somerset, England

is this possible, what ticket do i need to do this?

Yes, under "Become a moderator for an existing game"


Last time I checked, it's impossible for a super mod to delete a leaderboard.


can the owner of the page do so? im not much into the site, but i think the creator transfered the ownership to him (is this even possible?)


well guys he is just doing a lot of shit and deleting some runs in the leaderboard is this enough to get him out of the power?


its done he deleted the whole page

Somerset, England

@Ryyc4do what was the game?


its a game called swordigo, we are still trying to solve things and apparently he didnt deleted it all, but i have hundreds of prints of him talking shit and deleting stuff