Problems with Livesplit and a couple of questions.
7 years ago
Iowa, USA

Howdy everyone, most of you don't know my but I'm Asylix, i'm a Bethesda game speedrunner, and i'm having some problems recently with Livesplit. Specifically, today, when I opened it up to do a Fallout 4 Any% run, i noticed my splits had magically deleted themselves, despite the fact that I know I saved it the night before.

Now that's not a big deal, it's 16 splits, I just made new ones, but now whenever I start a run, it's just deleting the times in my splits, and not including any new time, it's literally just blanking out every single split when I hit next.

I don't know what's causing this, and it's super annoying to me because it just simply really matter to me what my over under is for some reason, thus making it almost impossible for me to speedrun with my mindset in the right place, because i'm constantly tabbing over to try and fix it, which just breaks it more, and then i have to restart the run.

If anyone knows a fix I would greatly appreciate it, but i'm sure that I might just have to redownload livesplit and start over again most likely.

On another note, I have a question about layouts. I've been trying to make it so that livesplit has no background, it's literally just text and timer, but I have tried everything to no avail, is there something i'm suppose to do in order to do that? Some option i'm missing?

Thanks for the help ahead of times!


This may be a silly question, but are you remembering to save your splits after you finish a run? When you finish a run prior to closing Livesplit, you should right click on it and hit "save splits". Then it will prompt you to enter a name for the splits (if its the first time you used those splits) and pick where to save them. Once that's done, the splits will be saved like any old document on your computer.

Every time you do a run of a different game/category, you'll create new splits for that and then save them. Then you can just right click and "open" and set of splits you want to. After finishing a run, always remember to save your new splits.

As for the no background, you should just be able to go and edit the layout. Click on the button that says "Layout Settings". Once there, click on the "splits" tab and you can edit the splits to have just a solid background color of all black. To remove the color on the separators between the splits, you can change those to all black in the "layout" tab. You can continue to mess around in there to configure your Livesplit layout however you want to (it's highly customizable, take some time to poke around and see what you like).

As always, remember to save your settings so it persists across restarting Livesplit.

Hope that helps.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Iowa, USA

I have been saving splits but for some reason this morning livesplit just broke I don't know why, maybe my cat jumped on my keyboard and did some stuff because my computer was off when I woke up.

As for the background I guess I should of said that better, I meant I want a clear background, sort of like how Bubblesdelfuego has it in most of his vids. I stream when I run and I want to have it on the same monitor as my game so that I can easily check it without having to shift my sight to much (Because Marrowind and Oblivion make you go SUPER FAST the whole time) and i've looked around and tried playing around with stuff but I can never get it to go clear, it's always got a black background.


Hmm, if you're saving them Im not sure why they're not there/you're not able to re-open them. That is definitely a strange situation.

As for the background, my mistake for not understanding at first. To get it "see through", that's in your broadcasting software, not the Livesplit. If your Livesplit background is solid black, you can go into your broadcasting software and set the color key for Livesplit to black. Right click on Livesplit, go to the settings/properties, activate color key and then set it to black. This should make it transparent.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Iowa, USA

Oh so I can't view it as transparent myself.. that's too bad.. was hoping to have it somewhere on my screen but not block half my freaking vision >.<

As for the problems with my splits, this is a fallout 4 only problme with them, Skyrim, oblivion, morrowind, all working fine.. it's just Fallout 4 that's broken..