new guy here with some questions
5 years ago

hey dudes I am very new to speedrunning and I have a few questions

Which program should I be using to record the speedrun

do I need those things where it shows the time on the down left side (like this one )

if so where can I download it

do I have to post the video on both youtube and splits io

what is exactly splits io xD

I know these are some pretty dumb questions but thank you anyways xD

  1. Most people use OBS to record/broadcast their gameplay. It’s not that simple though, if you’ll be streaming from console you’ll need a capture card and maybe some other hardware for splitting the signal between a TV and the capture card.

  2. It’s not required to have splits shown, but it’s helpful to viewers and mods to see the time. Most people use Livesplit as their timer.

  3. is for sharing splits - you upload the splits files there, it has nothing to do with videos. Most videos are on YouTube or Twitch.

All relevant links for the most part can be found here

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
starsmiley, blueYOSHI, e ShikenNuggets ti piace questo