Drawn to life 2: the sequel.
Drawn to life 2: the sequel.
Aggiornato 5 years ago di Boosius

Hello! I'm tired of being 1st place so I'm going to help you get there.

Main Tips: Skipping Cutscenes: If you didn't know, you are able to skip cutscenes by pausing during them, moving right or left, and hitting the skip button. This is EXTREMELY useful if you want to size down your run from something that would be about 7 hours to around 3 hours. To all of you Drawn to life 1 Veterans, you can actually skip cut-scenes now.
Button Mashing: If you encounter an unskippable cutscene, you can button mash to get through text REALLY EASILY.
If on emulator: set controls for what suits you best. I used a SNES USB controller for the controls and my mouse for the touch screen. CHAPTER 0: PROLOGUE. The game starts out with a blackish screen with a person talking, you need to skip past this until a box pops up asking you a question. answer however you would like, but when you answer, start your timer. mash the buttons until the fist cutscene starts. This is the only major unskippable cutscene that takes about 3 minutes to get through. Afterwards, you are able to skip cutscenes. after you skip all of these, you have to create a character, BUT GASP, the character creation breaks down. Skip cutscenes and then you reach the ACTUAL character creation screen. quickest way to deal with this is to hit (R) and (X) then hit (OK) on your touch screen. you can to this for almost every main drawable object in the game. Now, enter level 1 and find the pendant. Afterwards, skip a few cutscenes and enter the map room with the red exclamation mark on it. After selecting watersong, skip the scene and leave the room to start ANOTHER CUTSCENE. go to get a weapon, be sure to pick a weapon that best suits you. the only Run-Useful weapon is the shooter, because it is useful for the second boss in the game. Regardless, after you get your weapon, enter level 2. The only notable thing in level 2 is SKIP THE EASEL FOR THE DOLL. Beat the level and skip a few scenes and begin Watersong. CHAPTER 1: WATERSONG. TIP: when moving through water, switch your weapon to unarmed and punch through the water to push yourself quickly through the water. After you talk to the girl with the color drops, use them on the red exclamation house. do this to reveal level 1 of watersong. starting off, select the easel and (R) (X) the surfboard. now prepare to get bored of the surfboard level. after wards, make your way to the color jar. when you beat the level, BE VERY CAREFUL, you MUST use the color drops on only what is highlighted. make your way to the red mark and color the water. after, board the boat to get to Watersong 2. now color the highlighted building. skip some scenes, and color one of two levels. beat the one and move on to the other with the color from the first one. afterwards, you begin the scene with the miles kid. chase him down and color in the other level to reach him. afterwards, go through the highlighted levels. after you beat THE ABYSS in Watersong 1. you can now go back to Watersong 2 and color in the boss level. BOSS: BAKIBEARD: all you need to do is jump on the ghost's head, and avoid him when he attacks. After beating the Ghost, you make it back to the hub world and skip a few scenes. go to the map room and select the next book, Lavasteam. CHAPTER 2: LAVASTEAM. Nothing much different except for lava instead of water, A new BLOB FORM, and MORE CUT SCENES. BOSS: KING ROBOSA: this is the boss where its best to have a shooter. kill the first form of robosa and get to the second part. you will reach an eyeball that you need to shoot while avoiding the missile shooter. afterwards, fight the robosa again and fight the SECOND eyeball. afterwards, fight robosa for the FINAL time and reach the final phase. the final phase is a heart with two missile launchers. avoid the moving platform and shoot the missiles that come at you. keep hitting the heart and beat the boss. after a few more scenes, you hit the NEW BOOK. skip a few more scenes and reach the Galactic Jungle. CHAPTER 3: GALACTIC JUNGLE. skip a few scenes and make your way through the first three stages. in order to move forward, you will need to draw a spaceship with can be (R) (X)'d. after drawing the ship, you can move into a gradius type shooter section where you need to kill a fleet of baki turrets. beat that and move on to the next area, Galactic Jungle 2. In this area, you get a new form, SPIDER FORM. now beat the next few highlighted levels and move on to the boss stage. BOSS: King and Queen: its a SHOOTER! after beating your way through all the tiny enemies, avoid the red balls and destroy the tiny red ship. afterwards, avoid the lasers and charge your shots, it only takes 2 charged shots to destroy each engine. after destroying them, the fight ends. SOME MORE CUT SCENES then you reach the final area, WILFRE'S WASTELAND. CHAPTER 4: WILFRE'S WASTELAND. If you don't know who Wilfre is, you should play the first game and learn a bit about him, basically hes the main bad boy in this game.TIP: go buy a slasher from the shop in the hubworld. TIP: forget what i said about conserving your color, none of that matters now. You must beat every level in wilfre's wasteland. after beating every stages first level, you get an altar template in which you need to draw an altar for. this cannot be (R) (X)'d, but it can be skipped altogether. after you beat all the second levels. you get an orb for each and you can just skip past the scenes in this part. after you get all three altars, you can now play the levels 1 and 2 of wilfres area. The only difficult part of these two levels is MYSTERIOUS MANOR where you need to enter the doors in a certain pattern. Enter the only door then you are in the room with 3 doors. enter the leftmost door and complete the room then, when you make it back to the 3 doors room, go in the rightmost door. after this, you should be at the end. Now that you've beaten the 2 wilfre stages, move onto the BOSS LEVEL. BOSS: WILFRE: Die intentionally. this starts a really heartwarming cutscene where everyone prays for you. after you come back to life, you can actually fight him BOSS: WILFRE FOR REAL THIS TIME: Wilfre will use 3 different attacks; Lightning, Tornado, and swooping down at you. For lightning, just jump over the bolts as they go towards you. For Tornado, just move in the opposite direction and HOPE you're far enough away. For The swooping attack, just jump over him. the only way to hit wilfre is with your slasher or you fists. either way, when you beat the boss you must pay close attention. EPILOGUE: skip a few scenes until you hit a scene where a blonde haired person named Mike appears. skip scenes until a black screen is showed. Right at this point, Stop Time.

If you did well, congrats, I'm probably not first anymore. If you didn't do so well, don't worry, there's always time to try and try again. Well, good luck!


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