Full game guide
Full game guide
Aggiornato 1 year ago di Daxxen

As of now I have the world record and I will put helpful tips in here as I figure it out. This will be the level guide first to beat the game, and then tips to go fast. Sorry if some of these are wrong this is all from my memory.

  1. Press 2 go right then press 1 and 2 together go to the door.

  2. Press 1 then go right until before blue press 1 again continue to door.

  3. Press 1 go until before bridge press 1 again. Now get on the bridge and press 2. Continue to the door.

  4. Press 1 as you get in than continue and press 1 and 2 together then go to the next obstacle rinse and repeat until at the door.

  5. Press 1 get under the red press 1 again go to the right and press 2. Stand on the blue block and press 2. Go left and press 1 then press 1 again and stand on the blue. Press 2 and get past the obstacle, before pressing 1 and 2 at the same time allowing you to get on the red. Fall into the door.

My best time for theses 5 levels combined is 14.32 seconds

I will update this later today

Statistiche del gioco
Ultime notizie
Changed where to retime.

Time Start: The moment the stage begins to be visible

Time End: The moment when darkness falls after the last stage is cleared. ↓ Time Start: The moment when the first movement of some kind is made.

Time End: The moment when the screen moves significantly after the last stage is cleared.

1 year ago
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