Going for Gold rule clarification
3 years ago
United States

The rules in Going for Gold state to get a gold medal in all events. Does this include men and women, or just one gender? Because if it's just one gender, then there's no difference between this and Champion.



I just made up the idea and didn't give it much thought. @MorAgy added it but didn't elaborate on the rules. What do you think? It seems to make sense that every event, male and female is included in a single run for the "Going for Gold" category. Certainly makes it a challenge!

It's gonna be tiring for sure lmao

United States

Might as well make it the whole game. xD Every single event, both genders. xD


I've put it as every event listred in the individual competitions so the category just excludes the combined competitions. It's still a lot but it's basically Championship with both genders. Is that what you had in mind?

United States

I'm fine with either. I like it as every event.

The only event I'm not a fan of is Show Jumping. -_-

But yeah, dab88, that's fine with me.

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