Route for Any% no speedup, easiest difficulty 01:29:20
Route for Any% no speedup, easiest difficulty 01:29:20
Aggiornato 5 years ago di

The run

#The Bricks

Leave Rowdys right awaySkip the first fight and Bricks Intro (Keep the save right after exiting Rowdy's, that will be an easy way later on to trigger battleskip.) — Leave Whackmaster after the first tutorial beginsSkip K'Conrad's cutscene — Talk to The Doorlord even though no quest update appears it is still required, you won't be able to talk to him after Mystech TunnelsSpeedstrafe over the fence to enter the tunnelsSkip Stone Sentinel using the cinematic — Skip "Meeting Detta" (restart the game) — Get twice a Stargent Laserblade from the wall — Visit Deanamo, skip the cinematic take Valesta's Bracelet and equip it (the cutscene unloads after using the elevator at Building 5) — Skip "Meeting Grumpos" (unload will happen after the elevator) — Activate battleskip before exiting Tenements — Get the helmet — Warp back to Tenements with "Stone in the Dirt" — Return the helmet — Sell Laserblades to Ghalla — Skip "K'Conrad Speaks Again" (unload will happen after the elevator) — Go to Tours and buy a battery from Bloomgold — Warp back to Rowdy's with "Anachronox Intro" and wake up PAL-18. — After the cutscene activate the battleskip — Leave the office with worldskill clip — Back to Tours, buy tickets for free and travel to Sender Station.

#Pre Detta

##Sender Station

— Save the game and clip inside the Rho's Shuttle corridor — Make a save in front of the Shuttle entrance and keep it. — Travel to Anachronox — Make sure you don't have battleskip, save near the nox guard. — Call shuttle warp UI on save at Anachronox, then talk to the guard by pressing space. Scroll through the dialogue until the battle begins. — Press "num6" two times and then "enter" to travel to Sender Station during the battle — Make 2 saves — Restart the game — Travel to Hephaestus


— Buy a Mysteria Gold Shieldcell, FreezeMeNot Loop and TurboAlert Writstpincher — Press "num4", then "enter" to travel to Limbus


— Activate battleskip — Reach Sesostris, skip Prisoners of Limbus — Volunteer at bridge and cliffs — Get Firestorm mystech from the shopkeeper — Equip Boots with Firestorm and Mysteria Gold Shieldcell — During the battle when Boots is ready press "4" and then "9" keys to select mystech, afterwards click on the enemies to attack, repeat for every enemy — After done with the event go to the throne room and make a save in front of Santa. Make a separate one just in case for duping items later on — Load the save made at Sender Station in front of the Shuttle. — Press "num4", then "enter" to travel to Limbus — Activate battleskip and get to Sesostris. Skip Prisoners of Limbus again, it will overwrite the old one. — Now save and load the save where Boots is solo and finished the event. Make sure you can talk to Santa with the "use" key. Load the save with party of 3, while loading mash the "use" key. That works in a very similar way as the shuttle warp the difference is that you talk to an NPC instead of interacting with a wall.

— Skip "The Dome" and warp out with "Anachronox Intro".


— Press "num4" 2 times and then "enter" to travel to Hephaestus during the "Rowdy's Secret" cutscene.


— Press "num6" 2 times and then "enter" to travel to Sender Station.

##Sender Station

— Make a save — Play "PAL-18 Wakes", mash F4 while it is loading — Load the save, while it is loading mash F4 — Unpause the game and wait for the sound of Boots activating PAL-18 — Save and load the game (the unload will happen after leaving the Station (to Commons) — Go to Lounge of Commerce, talk to PAL-18 and agree to meet at One Gate — Press "num6" and then "enter" to warp to Anachronox

##The Bricks

— Travel to One Gate Station

##One Gate Station

— Proceed to One Gate

##One Gate

— While assembling the party make sure Grumpos goes with Stiletto


##Fortress Grounds

Hold "back" right after assembling the parties and pressing accept.

##Fortress Basement

If the swap party key doesn't work rebind the keyWarp as Boots to skip the door The cinematic will either unload shortly after warp or after toggling the bridge by PAL — Unlock the left console with PAL, lower the bridge, enter A C K M: Astro Cordica Kepler Mojo — Leave the level


— Switch to Stiletto's party and select Grumpos — Warp to the pod room and activate the pods. 2 Saves, one got the pods in place that can be reached easily. In the second the pods are interactable but unreachable, combine 2 things and there we go. Backup strats for interacting with the pods

##Upper Fortress

— Boots: activate the airlock, unlock the chamber door, activate platform — Stiletto: unlock the workshop door — PAL: reach the workshop control panel, unlock security level 4 — Boots: activate the airlock — PAL: activate airlock 2 — All groups enter airlock 2 — Gather everyone near the big door — Restart the game to get rid of battleskip — Dupe Boots's gear from Sesostris save 6 times — Equip everyone with: Firestorm, Mysteria Gold Shieldcell, TurboAlert Wristpincher and FreezeMeNot Loop — Use mystech the same way as in battles at Limbus

#Echo Gate

— Use mystech the same way as in battles at Limbus, try not to end up with 2 characters not having each other in line of sight

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