Demo Update!
Demo Update!
Pubblicato 6 months ago di

Should have posted this yesterday but I forgot, heh.

The aloft demo has gotten it's latest update and obviously this affects speedrunning in a big way, most notably I think to the fly% and cleanse% categories as the nearest corrupted island is now significantly futher away, this means that old fly% and cleanse% runs will be obsoleted in some way once I receive a new run for that category. Just a reminder that this is likely to happen often since Aloft is still updating regularly and making big changes all the time! That's all from me have yourselves a great day.

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New categories!

Hello fellow Aloftians,

2 new categories have just been added to the leaderboards! These categories are the pet% and cure% courtesy of Meepx13 and KuroPurple, be sure to check them out!

6 months ago