Bugged AI?
5 months ago
Etelä-Karjala, Finland

In my recent 100% category run AI behavior was off. In each of the 10 deathmatches AI skipped the building phase for the first three turns. This made the deathmatch so boring even my play was weakening because I was so bored.

Normally AI uses its turn using the following formula: build, collect, shoot. AI not using any buildings for the first three turns makes the deathmatches so much easier and faster. I managed to do a few world record times with this bugged AI but I think we should make a separate category for it. Reason being that we don't even know yet what causes the AI to behave like this. It also makes deathmatches so much more boring and makes strategy less relevant because you get so big head start.

Tldr; Make a separate category for bugged AI especially in deathmatches.

Statistiche del gioco
Giocate recenti
Livello: Deathmatch Challenge 8
Livello: Deathmatch Challenge 6
Livello: Deathmatch Challenge 3
Livello: Fall and Rise of the Defences
Livello: Fall of the Warlords
Discussioni recenti
Pubblicato 5 months ago
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Pubblicato 6 months ago
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