Elite Categories
7 months ago
Kentucky, USA

There are a multitude of categories that could exist for this game, but very few have played it all the way through to know what they could be. Because of its historically low activity, I'm open to categories being created that are shorter in nature compared to the full game, which can be several hours. If you have an idea for a category and are willing to run it, let me know and I can create a category for it if it is appropriate.

Suggested categories could be:

  • Any% - Complete both main missions. This was suggested by the developer for TMR during his NESMania project. This run could be over 10 hours long, though it could also be much shorter for someone who routes the game out. I am 100% fine with this category allowing for breaks in the stream and/or pausing the timer due to the incredible length of the game.
  • Complete a Mission - Complete either of the main missions
  • Achieve specific rating. There are different ratings you can get by playing the game and destroying ships (e.g., "Dangerous"). These are concrete goals that are a bit more targeted.
  • Achieve a certain amount of currency (e.g., Millionaire, Billionaire, etc.). This is a trading game so it can be a category on its own.
  • Complete a Bounty. There's bounty hunting in this game! Completing one of these tasks would involve improving your ship, finding and completing the bounty.

I'm also open to other ideas people may have, such as gathering the best equipment for your ship, becoming a pirate, etc., there are many partial goals available. As I have time I will explore some of these myself and maybe make the category and run myself.

The "primary" category for now is Training as it is the only created category. It is short and introduces the game and controls. This is a PAL game that doesn't play well with Everdrives, so it is likely emulator only for most. As more categories are created, they would become the primary category. The primary category would be whichever run is most competitive and the most complete game -- ideally Any%, completing a mission, or achieving a specific rating.

If TMR and Dugongue, who have both completed a casual playthrough of Elite, wanted to submit their runs as Any% runs I would be accepting of this and use their runs as a baseline for the ruleset in terms of breaks.

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