Introductory tips and basics to running 10,000,000
Introductory tips and basics to running 10,000,000
Aggiornato 8 years ago di 7thAce

The goal of the any% run is to score 10,000,000 points and achieve freedom as fast as possible. This is achievable after a certain level of gear, which is dependent on player skill. At the root of this gearing is resource farming, which is gathering the Wood, Stone, Gold, and XP required to reach this gear level. Completing the quests that are listed on each run allows for quick progression up ranks and increases the resource multiplier as well as the reward for completing each quest. So, it follows that clearing quests as fast as possible allows for the quickest runs. This guide should get you well on your way of how to do that.

I recommend having the Quest List guide open for reference while reading through this (

There are several important things to keep in mind during each run (note that a "run" in this guide will be one trip through the dungeon, not a full speedrun). Some exceptions apply but these are a good starting point. -Always attempt to complete all 3 quests in each run. -Save items or set up for future quests. -Make sure to always be matching, even during down time between enemies. The goal is to be as time efficient with your resource gathering as possible. -As a result of matching, use the "checkered line" bonus as often as possible for extra gold and experience. A good run has approximately 15% of the gold coming from bonuses (according to my stats so far).

By completing all quests, you'll have a steady flow of income from quests as well as rapid increase in resources.

These are the base rules. From here on, I'll go over some of the exceptions that take times from good to better.

-You can farm the checkered line by falling behind it and then going ahead again. By doing this, you can get several bonuses in one run and earning significant amounts of gold and xp along the way. -In some cases, it is better to let enemies kill you to complete quests faster (and unlock certain others quicker). The most prominent example is in the first run after the tutorial. It is best to use one item and then immediately let the monsters kill you. By doing this, you will unlock the "rank up" quest to do at the same time as the others (if you did not do this, you would do two full runs at the lowest rank instead of one and earning very few resources. The next rank up gives twice as many resources).

Those are the main gameplay improvements you can make. The next part of the guide will cover upgrade pathing.

There are 5 things that can be upgraded: Passives, Sword, Staff, Shield, and Armor. Passives are the only one of these 5 that require XP to level up. With your gold, you must choose what to upgrade of the remaining 4. For XP, I find getting passives that improve your survivability to be very strong early on, as well as resource increases. Wood/Stone gives time and +10% gold and +10% XP are priorities early on. All passives will be gained eventually with some exceptions, as you should be able to complete the game before getting all passives (check some VoDs for this, I don't really care to list the ones remaining here). This is fairly straightforward since everything is gained with one resource.

As with most speed things, prioritizing damage is very important, leaving just enough survivability to complete quests and get bonuses. However, there's a bit more depth to even the damage upgrades that is important to note. There are three types of enemies: Armored, Neutral, and Ranged. These are listed on the right side of the screen before entering a dungeon run from top to bottom respectively. Armored enemies take reduced damage from swords, ranged enemies take reduced damage from staves, and neutral enemies hit very hard. It is good to prioritize upgrades to the weapon that deals with the strongest enemies. For example, water elementals are the first ranged or armored enemy that replace a weaker enemy of that type (they replace the skeleton archer). So, I find it best to concentrate on sword upgrades to start. These upgrades deal with water elementals quickly and remove the threat they are. After water elementals, fallen soldiers are switched out and replaced with iron golems. These physically resistant enemies need staff upgrades to be dispatched with. This time also coincides with a quest to "Kill an enemy with only orbs", which is not easy to get unless you have upgraded your staves (orb/axe damage scales based on weapon damage). This is just one example of how to optimize your damage against enemies to complete quests faster.

I think that about covers everything that I use in a run. I'll probably record a video on this tomorrow (and edit this line) that goes over this. If you have any questions, PM me on twitch, talk in my chat, comment on the youtube video, etc.

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