benang: Vanquish
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock3 years ago

As far as I know it's like Ziko86 said, the boost kick can hit them in the head dealing double damage. It's a big reason to use the kick over other options on them and useful to know.

Parts of normal enemies like Romanov heads can be destroyed if melee attacks connect right on them, so I think it's intended and not a glitch. Sam himself also takes more damage from just about anything hitting his head which can make enemy damage look inconsistent.

Ziko86 dan Xeo menyukai ini
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock4 years ago

Sorry for the very late response. But for the sake of simplicity the real time count in the rules here starts upon character select (on the frame the selection visual begins), not character control. So no countdown is required. It ends once "FINAL TARGET DESTROYED MISSION COMPLETE" is written on the screen.

Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock4 years ago

In-game timer (IGT) pauses when all enemies on a screen have been defeated. As such Real Time has more optimizations to make for movement and screen positioning. In-game time is only obtainable to a player on a deathless run. TNWOA has built-in leaderboards and time attack for in-game time. These boards are split between consoles, but not region. Some of them are highly competitive.

The game has short load times between levels but I'm considering this insignificant enough to not be taken into account at this point. IGT is easily obtainable from any video and avoids load time issues.

Because of these features runs with either timing method are accepted but Real Time has priority over IGT if both were recorded.

Feel free to discuss if you think timing should be handled differently.

Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock4 years ago

Hey. This board just got approved. I'll start building it and contact you if need help, thanks.

Wallyzorde menyukai ini
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock6 years ago

a Virtual-On series group was created here:https://www.speedrun.com/cyber_troopers_virtual-on

It has the others, can VOOT be added too? Apparently need global/super moderator, not sure.

benang: Downwell
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock6 years ago

The lack of audio makes them sorta questionable yeah. At those kind of times the run becomes gambling with when you can freefall or not, hoping for lucky stage patterns to fall through. No way you can react when speed reaches a certain point. You can see what the run becomes like from trying to get a good world 1 time freefalling as much as possible. You grind stage luck and need good reflexes to compensate for any obstacles.

I didn't question it either since there was a lack of competition. Her runs do still have a lot of human mistakes and slowing down (Limbo, constantly picking up air in Aquifer when not even close to running out)

benang: Vanquish
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock6 years ago

Boost machinegun dropping there looks like a port inconsistency, that sucks since having guaranteed EMP for 5-2 is a big deal.

On PS3 version there is a clip through the fence on 3-3 (specific timing when the ground splits apart?). Saves ~60s I was never able to reproduce this on 360 and vnichiro could also only do it 1/3 of the time. One of very few differences between 360/PS3 but I might have been doing it wrong.

I guess on 3-7 elevator you mean outside the kreon before you get that walking segment? I tried to skip the unknown room for a long time on the next elevator but there are very thoroughly placed invisible walls around the final elevator.

Sam's head and core on the back are a weakpoint and you can get damaged by multiple attacks on the same frame so it's sometimes possible to instantly die to gorgie fire on console as well.

Shotgun headshots might kill bogey faster than AA pistol but it's prob not worth picking up.

Rocket launcher should speed up fights regardless since you can use it for the last hit etc. You're usually going to have one fluid weapon slot switching based on situation anyway (eg. sniper for movement, rocket as heavy weapon). Keeping AA pistol + AR + Laser on you is pretty redundant, that's 3 long range pinpoint weapons.

loonamesq42 dan Nordanix menyukai ini
benang: Vanquish
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock6 years ago

Hey, nice to see some activity on this board. Good job on finding these various optimizations and good luck with the rest.

I'd use sniper rifle for movement more, it's significantly faster, 18%. Lock-on/AR melee cancel is about as fast as drift boost so it saves boost gauge more than anything. Old movement speed chart tested on X360 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ykJpR9_O6FCiJIblkBJHS8O9xgScenMWKvrZEN2HGps/edit#gid=0 Old hard no-dlc & various notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LxKmj6EpHFlpJVbTqlprPMsjlL1iSEznbmyxH6sEnYg/edit

You might want to watch dosu penguin's god hard run on nicovideo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/56005925 They had the most current routes and glitch implementation in general for the original version since casual routes were pretty old by that point. Latest run had some capture problem midway through but his older runs are also archived.

Some god-hard ILs (not all are optimized) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLixUgqix_ieR0c5Y5f3NfFSUj3zU9cXGl Various glitches and small things https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLixUgqix_ieSHu-tO25qPY9T0ooEonGs_

Unless PC is different you can do most timestop clips with any weapon barring disk/rocket launcher, the somersault melee more displaces sam's hitbox instead of moving his 'position' upwards. If you somersault on the 2-6 elevator you can trigger the cutscene earlier than intended even with a minimap timestop.

If someone found a way to clip through the 3-4 monorail that would be a massive timesave (the one inside kreon is already a 2min save). Wall of the monorail is huge but maybe there's some way through.

LFE gun causes damage per frame so you can deal big damage on targets that have no i-frames if you use time-stop or even slow-mo (main use right now is 2-3 argus first form on dosu penguin route). Very few enemies are susceptible to this. However the implementation of this weapon on PC port looks messed up, the visual sphere should be way larger. LFE is an excellent weapon on hard and still useful on GH even if it no longer one-shots gorgies. In general on higher difficulties every non-dlc weapon is worth using at parts of the run as all of them have particular strengths. Though lock-on/LFE/disc launcher are designed for console ver in that they dont need much aiming while being mobile. With mouse aim they should be less useful though still handy to use mid-boost. With DLC and having access to upgrades the AA pistol is extremely powerful and multi purpose so it takes up the roles of some others.

You can fire a rocket launcher and boost kick Bogeys into the explosion for high DPS (1-8,5-3). There's a lot of specific tricks like this. For combat in general keep in mind slow-mo drastically slows down your own fire rate, just to a lesser extent than the enemy. If possible keep slow-mo to a minimum to save real & game-time.

Before I stopped doing runs my sum of best on X360 hard no-dlc was 1:38. Not sure how much time the PC loading times save. Hard can probably be pushed below 1:35 and GH to sub 1:50.

loonamesq42 dan Nordanix menyukai ini
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock7 years ago

IGT seems to count time since difficulty selection till last save, you're right. If you mess around with settings before starting a new game it counts as IGT. You can bypass this by loading a previous save with settings after booting the game, it will remember them if you start a new game.

Got a 2:33 on hard, still really sloppy but the route is starting to take shape

Tidak diketahui
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock7 years ago

Varaisin patjan jos vielä mahdollista. Varmaan jätän teille seuraavaan tapahtumaan.

benang: Vanquish
Uusimaa, Finlandzaarock8 years ago

There's a glitch allowing infinite use of grenades or EMPs basically meaning enemies have no chance of doing anything in combat if you use it properly. Similar to the IFG glitch in Bayonetta: , , etc.

This is a pretty dead speedgame at the moment but I'd assume everyone agrees runs with that major glitch shouldn't be compared to normal ones in the future. The glitch isn't common knowledge because all players who know about it banned themselves from using it in any kind of runs (the method is still painfully obvious though..)

A japanese player on nicovideo completed a run of God Hard (no DLC, no IGG) in 2:29:03 a couple months ago: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/54992499 split parts because nico is like that. Run without commentary is on another playlist. Godhard can definitely be speedrunned if someone gets into it and that run is massively improvable.

That runner also found a major autoscroller skip saving about 2min & I found a couple smaller ones with the same glitch after.

loonamesq42 menyukai ini
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