Västra Götaland, Swedenspetsnaztnt7 years ago

Haha, look at that! Well I guess that answers that then :) Thanks!

Västra Götaland, Swedenspetsnaztnt7 years ago

As far as the route goes, I think it would be the same as GT code, then go and get every remaining E-tank and reserve tank. And then shinespark...somewhere :) I'm gonna try some lava sparks and see what happens (although in the lava before lower norfair you can shinespark at normal speed).

Västra Götaland, Swedenspetsnaztnt7 years ago

So I was browsing through the wiki page and came across "puzzles" and "the eternal shinespark" in particular. The objective was to do a shinespark that consumes 2500 energy, without going out of bounds or taking damage from anything but the shinespark itself. I just got so curious as to how one would go about doing that?

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7 years ago
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