benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple5 years ago

Zimmy has done a couple "100%" runs where he gets all the 1/128 items. I'm fairly certain Falex has also done an all 1/128 items run before.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple6 years ago

The GBA version is actually Mother 2 since it's not in English and they coded it very differently from the original, so if we did accept it it would have to go under Any% Glitchless (JP) and even then we might have to separate it from the normal category since it's so different from the original Mother 2.

So long story short, no it's not allowed.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple6 years ago

I've always compared EarthBounds barrier of entry to Link to the Pasts in that its a relatively easy game to pick up in terms of routing and tech but very difficult to master. EarthBound has been many peoples first speedrun, myself included, so I think its a good starting point.

Kristmas, FONR, dan ukoid menyukai ini
benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple6 years ago


benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple7 years ago

I would certainly hope not as it never has in the past but If it does RIP Super Series.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple7 years ago

All that really tells me is that we need to do more Super Series, which I don't necessarily disagree with.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple7 years ago

SoK going up was kind of the early wilder days of when speedrun.com started. I'm 100% fine with taking it off. But yeah I think the biggest thing Boogey% has going against it is that it doesn't finish the game.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple7 years ago

Personally my vote is no. I totally understand the point that it can draw new people in. That was the entire point of Boogey% and the EBSS to begin with. And that's where it needs to stay. If people want to see what good Boogey% times are, there are already places to see those times (SRL).

As far as it being a non-manip category, technically every category on here is a non-manip category, so I think that point is moot.

The whole idea behind starting Boogey% was to get people into running the full game, not just grinding Boogey%. I strongly urge anyone who is enjoying Boogey% to pick up Glitchless, or if you don't have the time, various other shorter categories. If manips bother you, don't do them. You can still post your time.

With all this said, if people are going to riot if we don't put Boogey% up then fine we'll do it. But at the end of the day I really don't think it accomplishes what people are expecting it to.

EDIT: If we do decide to put Boogey% up here, SoK% isn't going anywhere. There's no good reason to have Boogey% replace SoK%.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple7 years ago

Yeah that's what was originally brought up that prompted me to bring up the idea. After digging into the JP runs, turns out they have some pretty sweet categories, including a Rocketless category which I didn't know about. But yeah maybe we just have an Any% Glitchless JP tab on the main EarthBound page.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple7 years ago

Was wondering what people thought about either adding Mother 2 sub-categories to EarthBound, or adding Mother 2 as a separate game altogether. As someone who recently started running Mother 2 as a North American, it would be cool to have a place to post runs that isnt http://niconamarta.sakura.ne.jp/

Let me know what you all think.

skateman222 menyukai ini
benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

Yes. Essentially there are two types of resets, hard and soft. Hard resets where you physically reset the console are not allowed (or in VC's case where you restart the software). Soft resets where you reload the file without hard resetting is allowed. What this does is prevents people from RNG manipulating the entire game. Glitchless is a single segment run so hard resetting breaks the single segment.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

What this all means is the VC version is emulating the console correctly as the spawn lag happens on a SNES as well. So if you're looking to learn the run, VC is a great place to do so.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

Not a ton of testing has been done for the VC version but what youre most likely feeling is lag from spawns being generated on-screen. Unless I'm wrong and you're experiencing something completely different. Sounds like spawn lag though.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

i honestly dont think it constitutes having a different category. we're talking differences in frames per menu if theres any difference at all.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

so ive watched a couple vc runs and there is without a doubt spawn lag and menu lag the same you would get on console or emu.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

its definitely something that should be better tested and compared. i think it what it ultimately leads to is even more questions about emulation. if vc becomes a separate category, are we then forced to separate console and emulator runs? we've got to keep it consistent across the board if we're going dig deep into the differences between platforms.

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

5 or 6 est would work great for me. Should we shoot for this Sunday to kinda kick things off?

benang: EarthBound
Massachusetts, USAlltemple8 years ago

I second this idea wholeheartedly. I really miss our Sunday races and the community has more people now than its ever had.

Also I noticed the RPGLB channel is looking for content so if we could give them a sizable weekly Earthbound race I think it could really benefit everyone involved.

As for my Sundays, I usually work until about 3pm eastern, so I couldn't start until 4 at the earliest.

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