benang: Running Wild
Chilelessnessv2 years ago

Okay, I'll submit my times, for 3Laps and 5Laps, but I have something else to ask. Is the time for 1Lap on the leaderboards the "Fastest Lap" time?

benang: Running Wild
Chilelessnessv3 years ago

How do we time ILs? Do we use IGT? Real time? And if it's real time. When does it start and stop? I have some ILs recorded and I'm asking this because I want to have the right timing on them. And the rules for ILs seem to be empty.

Chilelessnessv5 years ago

Well, with onmission changer and some specific replays you could practice every single bit, but I think it's better to practice general parts or general segments of the game, if you haven't done anything after Death Row, you can get a save after Copland to practice the last bit, including Cherry Poppers insta pass which saves a lot of time. And you can find other spots where you can segment your practice, like before Sir Yes Sir, because you will need the Cherry Poppers replay for warping after Shakedown and then doing 5 star Copland. After you practice those segments, I guess you can do a full run.

LukaRay menyukai ini
Chilelessnessv5 years ago

Do it, I think one should be created, if I get a PAL version, I might try that category as well.

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

Cups don't categorize by CC, but individual levels do.

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

It's not needed, but it's always preferable if you do put a timer.

Xein64 menyukai ini
Chilelessnessv6 years ago

I want to give some updates, there was an earlier version of the Refracted Boulevard shortcut that was just less precise, and another trick in that track is slowing down when doing the shortcut in the first lap, so you can get an 8th place item (hopefully Bullet Bill) before the game puts you first.

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

I agree with ET, timer should not start on first input, and no one actually does it, time should start when the you press "Yes" to exit the main menu and start playing the game.

And Zone Stacking should be allowed, and OoB too, because I'm sure one can do OoB and Zone Stacking to reach a pretty high population, while OoB and ZoneStacking would be useless for small population categories.

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

So, can someone explain the categories of this game?

Why is regular NG only on hard and there's no normal like in P3P? And why is there no "The Answer" category? (Since "The Answer" it's exclusive to this version)

Or is this like what happened with NG+ in the past that it wasn't added because there was no run of it? If that's the case, how can someone submit a run on a non-existent category?

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

I made a discord server, because I know there's potential discussion about the game and its strats.

Join: https://discord.gg/UDd4wdN

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

So, before this were submitted to speedrun.com I did an All Level run for fun. If this is the open alpha, it should have 20 levels, and if it's not, it should have 25. The one I used was the 20 levels one, so It's different from the one done by PDG (I think).

I want to submit my old run, but, where should I submit it to? Because All Levels seems to be with the version with the new faction and 25 levels. Or is my old run just outdated?

Or should both runs be valid but for different categories?

Chilelessnessv6 years ago

So, the Individual Level Runs are using Time Trial or using VS race?

Because I think any of those could count as an individual level.

(Note: It seems time trial doesn't let you choose the CC level)

Chilelessnessv7 years ago

There's a different category for freeland

Chilelessnessv7 years ago

I dig the 100k Glitchless category, Acmlm did a couple of runs of that, even though is not a category in here. Maybe it should be.

Chilelessnessv7 years ago

Do we know that those are the actual max population possible for those categories? specially with Zone Stacking, which involves complex positioning. Wouln't be easier for those categories to check by a multiple of 100k? like 1100k.

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