South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

I'm taking care of it. Hold on a few minutes.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

I just noticed that a new run was posted to the NG+ Any% leaderboard as 1st place which is a much longer run than the previous record. This is because a Real Time was included and the board is set to prioritize Real Time over In Game Time. I would love to fix this issue myself, but I can't. Here's two possible solutions for the moderators:

  1. Change the sorting method to prioritize IGT over RTA.

  2. Update the previous runs to include their RTA as well. Here's a chart of those times.

1...15:13...29:28...Nicse 2...24:07...40:10...FatherOJ 3...27:40...58:46...KatsuraKy

I would honestly prefer both of these changes, as I believe IGT to be a better timing method for PC runs where the loading times can be removed, which pushes RTA into the position of breaking ties. I also would take these actions if I were a moderator of the board.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Since I mentioned it earlier, I looked over the any% runs and calculated an RTA time for each of them starting when the Speedrun mode timer starts (gaining control on the beach) and ending when the Godsbane is thrust into your chest (IGT continues for about 20 seconds). I think it would be good to have these times listed along with the IGT times for reference.

1...15:13...29:28...Nicse 2...24:07...40:10...FatherOJ 3...27:40...58:46...KatsuraKy

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Good points. I forgot that there weren't rules for each category. Never understood the portcrystal limit, either.

Both BBI and Dragon don't have a great way to get the in-game time. I guess you could get it from the status menu, but it seems a bit odd. I haven't looked into creating a LiveSplit script yet. And I agree NG+ should have real time listed as well; shouldn't be hard to re-time those runs.

I assume Kill the Dragon is a thing just because people were running it.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

It would be nice to have another way of contacting the mod. What do you think is missing that makes the board barebones? Its default theme and no guides?

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Do we know if there are still pending runs for this game? Mine seem to have been approved pretty quickly.

benang: Star Wars
South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Sorry for the late response. Here's a link to the server: https://discord.gg/w3J98j5

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

If you're reading Indy's full guide, he has a beginner's guide that uses a simpler route: http://www.speedrun.com/kotor1/guide/d8i6l . This route skips some of the more difficult skips while you learn the basic route. You can follow the guide while learning or even take some notes of your own while watching a run.

Since there is a lot to learn, I did it by learning each planet one at a time and then doing a full run through what I had learned. As you go, you can learn any new glitches or skips as they come.

Oh yeah, you can also ask questions on the Star Wars discord server: https://discord.gg/w3J98j5 . There's a KotOR channel there.

benang: The Site
South Carolina, USAglasnonck8 years ago

Could I get the two Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games added to the Star Wars series as well? Thanks.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck8 years ago

Didn't notice this post until now. Thanks for pointing it out, but it was already fixed. I guess I was still finishing up the metrics on this game when you posted.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck8 years ago

Sorry for the VERY late reply. I really wish there was a notification for the forums...

The save/load trick has not been patched out of the game. If you have trouble doing a quick load in the small time you have before the CS starts, you can try opening the options menu and loading your quick save manually.

benang: Armored Core
South Carolina, USAglasnonck9 years ago

Hey folks. I'm Glasnonck. I'm interested in running Armored Core, starting with 4. I'm very new to the series, so any tips tips would be great. I'll try to read up on various strategies on my own as well.

Luckily, AC4 any% seems to be pretty short (at least compared to the game I usually run). My first timed run took about 41 minutes, timed from hitting start after new game options and ending on the last hit on Aretha. Hopefully, I'll get time to do a couple practice runs later this week.

benang: The Site
South Carolina, USAglasnonck9 years ago

Bug: When I try to add the rules description to a new category I get an error saying "A category with this name already exists." I also get the same error when trying to modify an existing rules description.

Tentang glasnonck
9 years ago
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